Mormon Might try to converte me! Help!

by FiveShadows 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • FormerMormon

    As a former mormon and former lds missionary, I can tell you some good stumpers.

    I HOPE they gave you a book of moron

    The BOM is supposed to be a 1000 year history of god's dealings with ancient american hebrews. Christ came to these people. They had more truths, more gospel than we do. Jeebus gave the Nephites higher knowledge that was written up and sealed within Josephs mystical magic gold plates. (mention the 2/3rds of the golden plates that were sealed and are to be translated and revealed when we as a people are more worthy.)

    Anyway, if the Nephites and Lamanites (competing hebrew factions) had so much gospel knowledge, please show me where the bom talks about the word of wisdom (coffee, tobacco, alcohol). Where does it mention our existence as spirits in the pre earth life? Where does it mention eternal marriage or baptisms for the dead or temple work.

    The bom doesn't mention any of that because these MAJOR LDS themes hadn't been created in Joseph's Myths head yet. At best, they can point out a "scripture" that references god's plan existing before the foundations of this world.

    So much for the bom having the "fullness of the gospel" if it doesn't even mention these MAJOR LDS themes. If they say that it DOES have the fullness of the gospel, then just say "then we really don't need the word of wisdom, or baptism for the dead, or temple marriage or pre earth life knowledge, or knowledge of the three degrees of heaven in order to be good with god, Right???

    Here's some other fun:

    Pretend you are just so very interested in geneology like the mormons. Have a great great grandparents name and birthdate in mind (and hopefully region or state of birth) Have them take you to the church geneology website to "look up my family". ( Ooh and aah at it if they find some of your geneology on line. Then key in another name:

    Joseph Smith

    Born 1805 in Vermont

    The first name should come up with a son of a bitch born dec 23

    Click on the son of a bitch and scroll through all the names of his wives.

    "Oh my, was he married to all these ladies?", you ask.

    Click on Helen Mar Kimball

    "Oh my, she was only 14???"

    Click on Zina Huntington

    "Oh my, she was already married to Henry. Can women concurrently marry two men in your church?"

    Click on

    Mary Rollins or

    Sylvia Sessions or

    Prescendia Huntington

    (they were ALL already and concurrently married).

    The vast majority of his wives died as faithful members of the church. Many spoke openly of the sexual nature of their concurrent marriage to their first husband and Joseph. Some wondered who the father of their child was. Others like Sylvia Sessions knew from the start that her daughter JOSEPHINA was joes kid and not from her husband Windsor.

    Zina's is a really freaky story. Henry marries her first, then Joe. Joe gets his ass shot. Brigham Marries zina when the Nauvoo temple was completed with HENRY watching the whole ceremony. Many speculate Henry thought the marriage would be as things were before. Joe was willing to share other mens wives. Brigham Young wasn't willing to share. Brigham preplanned, pre meditated and pre married Zina. He then sent Henry on a foreign mission and took Zina while he was gone. Henry didn't find out till he came back from England. He yearned for Zina all his days. And Zina, she got a rare rotation amongst Brighams 50+ wives.

    Zina and her Sister Prescendia were the only "already marrieds" who were required to leave their first husbands and marry "apostles" after joe died.

    I could go on...

  • Quirky1

    D*mn! I thought you meant more men were trying to convert you.

  • Quirky1

    You might try three men a nite instead.

  • JWdaughter

    I think you should just be honest and tell them you aren't really interested in their religion, but you would love to know more about them and their families, maybe even the story of how they or their families came into the church. Get them talking about themselves and they will probably consider it a 'testimony' and be able to figure they did their job. That is a lot of what the "Every Member a Missionary" program is about. Simply fellowshipping so that the gentile (non-member=JW 'worldly people') knows that the LDS(mormons) aren't freaks that sacrifice their children to Mormon or something or marrying off their pre-teens to old men. Much of what the LDS church does in its missionary work goes beyond 'converting' and is trying to be considered 'normal' in the community. Let them show you how normal they are, what their plans are for school or their sweethearts or whatever.

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