I was told off twice for what I wore to Bethel....so the Hell with them!

by Witness 007 44 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • truthsetsonefree

    OMG! When did they come out with this. I always knew these were their standards. But to see it so explicit...Wow.


  • InquiryMan

    I`ve been to a number of bethel homes, thus I realized the standards were somewhat more relaxed in "southern" countries... I toured the italian bethel in shorts (gasp)....

    At the Greek bethel I got the most hospitable welcome. I were treated so well. Got white wine for lunch, not a contribution box in sight and the people where very friendly. In fact, the bethel boys played volleyball in the yard just wearing t-shirts and shorts...

    The German bethel were very strict and orderly.... The French a little bit sloppy by comparison in fact.

  • Jim_TX

    I toured Bethel in New York, NY and also the Patterson Farms in upper state, around... oh... I'd say it was 1975 or '76... there was a group of us that left from San Antonio.

    I don't think we got that memo. The gals in the group - mostly teenagers - wore nice slacks. The guys... wore nice jeans. ... and sneakers.

    Of course, I wasn't among any that got to 'eat' on-site at the bethel in New York. We just toured the place.

    I guess things have changed a smidgen since then.


    Jim TX

  • WingCommander

    Wow.....just wow. I am absolutely STUNNED to see this in print. I thought at first this was some sort of satire, but now I realize it is not. I can't believe this religion has the BALLS to actually put something like this in print for people to see.

    I think even if I were still in, I'd think this is some crazy shit!! I mean, they act like this is some kind of holy pilgramige to the Holy Land, like you are supposed to enter the holy temple on your knees and groveling. I'm sorry, but our freakin donations are what built that place to begin with, and somehow we are all supposed to feel priviledged to go there, and have to follow these dipshit rules??

    I love how the excuse is given that you're supposed to dress all dignified so as to not "stumble someone." Hello????? FORCING everyone to dress and look like a Stepford clone 24/7 is what stumbles a whole hell of a lot of people to begin with!!!!!!!! Get a freakin clue you old geezers!! What's next, having to march and do the Nazi 2-step???? Sig Heil min Gubering Bode!!!

    I gotta say, this is some outlandish, freakish, cult-controlling shit right here. I think most people would know better than to wear a jogging suit to a spiritual headquarters....they don't have to be told. Then again, if they are poor, maybe that is all they have??

    Can you image, you are with a prospective convert, maybe you are at their door, and they are curious about your religion's history, headquarters, etc. They ask, "Can I take a tour, see how you guys run things?" "oh...okay....but here is brochure telling you exactly what is acceptable and what is not, please abide by it." The "worldly" person would take one look through this and think you are freakin nuts!!!! That is what I think now, and I was raised in this!! I mean, I always knew this was the way it was, it was unspoken and you were given a hard time if you didn't "fit in" and dress like everyone else.

    This is absurd, outlandish, highly controlling, manipulative, and degradding (to poor people especially). If I had any doubts about this being a cult, this brochure would put me over the edge and confirm it. UN-Freakin-believable!!!!!

    - Wing Commander

  • Jim_TX

    Actually... if you think about it... it's a quick way to ID 'outsiders' If they aren't dressed like JWs - there's a good chance that they just wandered in off of the street - and the attendants (security police?) can swoop in and take care of it.

    Which... if one uses reverse-psychology... if you wanted to get further than the front-desk troll - just dress up in a suit (or dress and hose/heels) - and you'd probably pass right through with very minimal interference.

    (I guess the question I would be asking myself is... WHY??? hahahahahaha)

  • karnage

    Amazing! I've read the first post for this thread and I just thought back on what my closet looked like before I stopped going to the meetings. You would have thought that you were looking at the closet of a 56 year old conservative! No offense to 56 year old conservatives. I was only 18-20 years old at the time. There must have been some unwritten rule that whenever your are out attending a "witness function", you should be in your meetings clothes.

  • LDH

    Actually I think the most BIZARRE part of it is the fact that they even tell you how you can be seen in PUBLIC in the neighborhood!

  • SPAZnik

    lol re cameo-d's "issue a uniform" comment. totally.

    gawd these ppl know how to drain the life right out of a human spirit.

    can you imagine jesus wearing a suit and tie and chastising someone because of running shoes? hahahahahahaah. too funny.

    all hail the almighty printing press. it's pooped out another doozy.

    i thought they were supposed to be known by their love, not by their outfits.

  • SPAZnik

    Add to it that they use that script to say Christian grooming should not reflect a love of the world or any worldly tendencies, but these coverdubs look like the epitome of corporate america out to advertise, advertise, advertise, dale carnegie style, the wts brand of political technology. Yeah, that'll set 'em apart. Nobody in the "world" has "tended" to do *that* before. :O)

  • hamsterbait

    Look Honeys -

    Why can't yawll realise that if a sistah wear slaks all de closet gays an' othahs will be chasin' them to make zoom zoom.

    Why can't yawll realise that Jehoobie hate dat blue cotton cloff de sistah make into dress.

    And as for de neckties, jehoobie can strangle de brotha habbin doubts on de spot.

    Qiute frankly from what i have heard of Beth hell I cannot believe the spirit of Christ is there.

    I know a Sister who went to work ther on summer.

    Mealtimes on Sundays were like wild dogs fighting over a carcass.

    Pushing shoving grabbing what each (aggressive male ) wanted. She ended up in tears,

    and for the rest of her visit made sandwiches and ate them in her room.

    One day she was doing (naturally ) cleaning. A door had a black scuff mark on it.

    So as she would have done at home, she cleaned and polished it away. She ended

    up in tears again, because she got a sever dressing down because the "doors are only supposed to be cleaned on

    Fridays (or whatever day decreed). When setting the tables at London Beth Hell, a brother goes round with a stick

    checking that the cutlery is the prescribed distance apart. God help you (not there he won't) if it isn't.

    No - I do NOT believe there is anything Christlike or Holy going on in Beth Hell.


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