Your beloved political party

by IP_SEC 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC

    Why don't you see that political parties are pure ideology? That they are intended to separate us? Republicans vs Democrats. Is there really a difference? Republican party is supposedly conservative. Lets leave moral conservatism by the side for a while. What about fiscal conservatism?

    The Republicans have out spent any Democrat ever. I bring this up to Republican so called conservatives and they say: “Well it would have been worse if a Democrat was President”. Bull shit! You are a slave to an ideology. You are a slave to what they say they represent. You are blinded by what they say they represent because what they say they represent represents your view.

    This just goes to show that both parties are exactly the same. One party only claims to represent the views of one part of the population. The other party claims to represent the views of the other part.

    Fools! They all know they are all the same. They only patronize you. You vote for them because of 'your' cause. Their only cause is their cause. Their cause always wins because it doesn't matter who you vote for because they are all the same.

    They realize that if we are all dazed and divided by who they CLAIM to be that we will never unite against our common enemy. THEM.

    It is time for revolution regardless of your ideology. It is ants against the grasshoppers.

  • purplesofa

    Their cause is whatever big corporation wants.

    There is a revolution, very quiet, but it's happening.

    People are becoming aware.


  • SixofNine

    This just goes to show that both parties are exactly the same.

    You must not have google.

  • IP_SEC

    got my own brain sixy thanks tho.

    Right on purps.

  • thebiggestlie

    damn i wish you folks attended my congregation

    purps all i can say is...word!


  • SacrificialLoon

    Political parties are a form of tribalism, but there are differences to the tribes. Unfortunately we only have two tribes in the US and that helps to make for an us vs. them attitude.

  • SixofNine

    Right, got your own brain. I don't know what that response means. Don't all of us have "our own brain"?

    The two political parties exist outside your brain. They do stuff. You don't know what they do, samely or differently, unless you get outside your brain and research using a tool like google.

    And when you do that, you see two political parties that are very, very different.

    Perhaps you mean that in some narrow, specific way they are the same? Power can and does corrupt on either side? Money talks louder than voters?

  • thebiggestlie

    there are more than 2 tribes in the US however the other tribes are just not as vocal

    I dont like to be told how i should believe or where my political compass should point thats why i can't stand for a single political party. however my own personal covictions are more liberal than conservative on some but not all issues. Damn politics!


  • SixofNine
    Unfortunately we only have two tribes in the US and that helps to make for an us vs. them attitude.

    While I'm frustrated by this us vs them attitude too; would simply having three or four tribes really change the dynamic? And don't forget that the major elections in the US are determined by another tribe, the Independants.

  • IP_SEC

    No six. I mentioned a point of example and rather than a counter point you say that I must not have google. As if to say that I was ill informed instead of providing real content (which I propose doesnt exist anyway) so no wonder you just attack.

    Another example of the division they create out of supposed different ideology.

    Im going out. Perhaps a real life point tomorrow?

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