Sausage Lucy's Husband Asks JWD For Help:

by Englishman 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    Tell Ray to say that he would just love to join the Borg if only he didn't have to believe that chimpanzees have no canine teeth. When she says, "Uh?" he can turn to page 94 of the Creation/Evolution book (the blue one) and point to the so-called picture of the chimp and point out that it is spurious, deliberately designed to look like the picture of the australopithecine to the left. (He should get a photocopy of a real chimp skull from the library or use the one I am emailing to you. It is from page 73 of "Origins" by Richard Leakey & Roger Lewin. If she questions their eminent authority point out that the Borg quote "Origins" to support their case in paragraph 8 of the newer book.) Drive home the point about telling lies/use of fraud & DECEPTION etc, and if she bites go down to the KH library and look up the previous Creation book and turn to page 85. There the WT drones used the exact same picture, only then they didn't call it a chimp skull, but an extinct ape. Ask her how what is an EXTINCT APE in 1967 becomes an EXTANT CHIMPANZEE in 1985? Ask her what Jehovah would want her to do if she found herself in a religion that used LIES & FRAUD to gain members?

    Let him know that this will result in her either leaving the Borg or HIM. He had better do something soon, she sounds dangerous.

    Religion n.
    An organisation designed to promote atheism.

  • Englishman

    Thank you everyone for your replies.

    The sad thing is that Lucy was a DF'd dub when Ray met her, then they were like 2 peas in a pod.

    Since they got married she has beome all "Holier than thou" and tut tuts at everyone and everything. Ray is actually quite sad about it all, despite the way she behaves he still seems to love her.

    Poor fella!


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • messenger

    I recall a letter written by Russell in response to a person who was paranoid if they got baptized they could contract pneumonia and die. Russell's response was basically to go ahead and get baptized and rely on Jehovah to protect her, but in the unlikely event she did get sick and die she could be assured if she died for rightousness sake she would be assured of a resurrection. So he was basically covered both ways. Either way the individual had a lack of faith and by having proper faith they then would not fear following wt directives.

    It seems their might be similiarity of wt think that could be applied to this situation. The paranoid Lucy has a lack of faith in Jehovah. The elders should advise her to trust in Jehovah for protection but in the unlikely event she gets killed, so be it, as she will have a lock on making it to the paradise. Now how can you lose on a deal like that? Of course this logic would work for just about any situation in which you wanted to exercise mind control over someone to act at your will. Example a soldier. Go to war and trust in the lord to make it back home, if you get killed you go to heaven. On and on it goes.

  • think41self


    I feel sorry for Ray...and I even feel sorry for sausage Lucy. She obviously has some mental condition that a dr/therapist could probably help her with. But, since she is now a good dub, she believes that she should "wait on Jehovah" to fix all her problems.

    As for Ray, he simply has 2 choices.
    1. Leave her now and possibly save himself police involvement/being arrested for attempting to murder his wife. If she did it once, she will quite likely do it again.

    2. Stay with her on the condition that she seek professional help for her problem. She may get better..but she will still be a dub and not the same person he married. There is still the likelihood that he may have to leave her if she doesn't meet the condition, but he may feel he has to give her the opportunity. But he is taking an awful risk that his life may get very complicated...and he may be paying for the decision to stay for years to come.

    I hope he chooses wisely, and please convey to him our best wishes.


    Holy Flying Screaming Buddha, Batman!

  • jayhawk1

    I would like to echo Think41self's thoughts. Staying with somebody that is crazy is only going to lead to more problems. However getting Sausage Lucy on some medicine would be a good thing.

    Do the English have women's soccer? Perhaps Sausage Lucy just needs some fresh air. (Insert bad soccer joke here. )

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

    Jeremy's Hate Mail Hall Of Fame. and [email protected]

  • Englishman

    He he!

    No, Sausage Lucy can't play football! Though some women do. It's about as interesting as watching women play tennis, or watching paint dry.


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • Xena

    Has Ray considered switching to romance novels??? You know the ones with women with heaving breasts on the covers?? Then Lucy would steal them...get all hot and bothered...and quite possibly break some JW sex rules!!!!!

    Well it could happen!!!

  • princecharmant


    You've been having too much of Guinness of late.

    This Lucy gal is all in your imagination; her hubby too.

    Come on, give us a more gripping story, if need be take another couple of pints provided it makes you more creative.

    Now, on the odd chance that you're indeed saying it as it is, tell Ray to wait to be relieved at Armaggedon (assuming he makes it to the other side).

    Now you can have another beer.

  • Englishman

    Prince Charmant,

    So you doubt me? Well, that's your privelege, but you need to consider certain facts.

    I am a social animal who lives in a smallish town, population 78,000. I have my own small business which puts me in contact with a great many people. I belong to all sorts of societies and clubs and meet many many more. There are around 500 dubs in my town, I come across some of them quite frequently, mainly in pubs. You need to realise that the pub is the equivalent of cafe society over here, the fact that I finish up in there at around 9.30 on most evenings doesn't mean I have a drinking problem, its a social thing not to be confused with American bars.

    This weekend I am entertaining an established poster from this site, who will see and hear things with his own eyes and ears. Perhaps you will believe him?


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • Englishman

    Just remembered, here's a post that should authenticate the existence of Mr Dub-in-the-pub:

    Just in case you thought that he was a figment of my imagination.

    Maybe its only small people with small lives who think that everyone elses life is small too?


    Bring on the dancing girls!

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