Sausage Lucy's Husband Asks JWD For Help:

by Englishman 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    Poor old Ray!

    You may recall me posting about Ray's troubles with Lucy, his JW wife.

    Lucy recently accused Ray of feeding her poisoned sausages, with the result that Ray was visited by the police. Only when a frightened Lucy admitted that she had been lying did Ray find himself off the hook. I printed that post out and handed it to Ray, who asked for it to be kept behind the bar of The Waverley pub so that anyone could read it, together with your many responses.

    It has been well read by many customers!

    This lunchtime, Her Ladyship and myself were enjoying a couple of bevvies when I was approached by Ray who asked me to ask you for some advice re another of Lucy's saga's.

    JW Lucy is still claiming that Ray is trying to kill her, and matters are coming to a head again. Ray is an avid reader of detective novels and recently noticed that his collection of paper backs seemed to be gradually disappearing. He couldn't understand why, but thought little more about it. Ray and Lucy live out of town, so Ray decided to join up with a once-a-week mobile library. Last week, the mobile library was in Rays neck of the woods, so he borrowed 4 detective novels on a 3 week loan.

    Yesterday, Ray decided to enjoy a relaxing Saturday, so he got himself comfy with his beloved glass of Guinness, all ready to settle down for a cosy read. Or so he thought...

    The books were missing! Not a detective novel in the place!

    By now little bells were going off in Rays head..not bloody Lucy again, surely? Well, yes, it was Lucy again. She has become so convinced that Ray is going to kill her that she has worked out that Ray is only reading detective novels so as to put a plot together to bump her off. So as soon as she saw that Ray had been to the library, she returned the books asap and cancelled his membership.

    Ray is now at his wits end as to what to do about his paranoid dub wife. What should he do?

    Report her to the elders for lack of submissiveness?

    Or, I have pics of her whooping it up at Halloween, maybe I should post 'em?

    Or maybe send this link to a local elder?

    Ray says any suggestions would be much appreciated, and, like the previous post, a print-out will be left at the bar for all to see.


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • nelly136

    perhaps he should visit the doctors and mention his concerns
    for his wifes mental health and log the accusations shes made along
    with the weird behaviour, perhaps he could ask the doctor if theres any councelling they could recommend for his wife,

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Shall we offer ways in which Ray might liberate himself of his burden?

    Dihydrogen monoxide is a very common chemical which can cause death when it fills the lungs.

  • SEAKEN2001

    Of course, the obvious solution is to just bump her off and remove all doubt. But if that is NOT why he is reading those detective novels <g> then I recommend he try to get her to a doctor of psychiatry. She sounds like she needs professional help.


  • Farkel

    : Ray is now at his wits end as to what to do about his paranoid dub wife. What should he do?

    Tell her if she doesn't see a mental health professional and get her problems dealt with, she's history. And mean it. Either that, or make her attend more meetings and put more time in field service. In Siberia.


    "I didn't mean what I meant."

  • Billygoat

    It sounds like Sausage Lucy has too much time on her hands and not enough faith in her Jehover. Perhaps if she were a good little dub she would be pioneering, spending every waking moment out in the magazine selling work. And if she truly had faith in her loving borg leaders, she would realize that if Ray was trying to kill her it would be in the name of Jehover that she would die. What better way to enter to be written into the Big Book of Paradise? Getting bumped off by an unbelieving mate would surely guarantee that right? Maybe she just needs to be given a different perspective. Perhaps if Ray pointed this out to her, she'd let Ray find a creative way to bump her. (((())))

    Sorry...a little sick Sunday humor from Texas...where wife bumping usually consists of a husband sneaking an armadillo into the wife's sheets. Keels 'em right over in fear.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    OK, maybe filling her lungs with water isn't such a good idea.

    How about having her committed against her will to a mental institution? Ray will be free of this pest and she will have attained JayDub-martyrdom! Bonus points for both sides!

    ...then there's always fugu sushi...
    ...or wild wild wild mushroom stew (Amanita Muscara)...
    ...anyone mention hemlock, digitalis, nightshade, datura?

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    Tell Ray to buy & study Randy's study companion for the Knowledge book. When he is ready he should ask her for a study, but on condition that it is with her only. If she doesn't die immediately from shock he might save his wife from the Borganisation. Otherwise call the men in white coats.

    Good luck Rayman.

    Religion n.
    An organisation designed to promote atheism.


    Hey E-man,this is getting just too funny.Lucy sounds like a nut case.He should dump her.Shes just going to get him in more trouble.What if she decides the only way to save herself is to bump him off?Crazy people do crazy things.Tell him to watch his ass!...OUTLAW

  • Tina

    The continuing saga of poor old Sausage Lucy,lol.
    I did wonder what was happening,thanks for the update.

    Seems old Lucy's projecting her guilty conscoence and behavior back on to Ray...........
    Tell elders? nahhhhhhhhhhh they don't know much about anything anyway :> Seems counseling is in order here.Why did she want to bump of Mr anway? I goos shrink is needed. Meds and counseling may help w/ that raging paranoia!
    Ray? Aren't you a bit nervous here? I mean,do you think she's pull another stunt like this?
    Raisin' a glass to all at the Waverly,one of these days,the pint will be on me! Thanks for the lovely xmas card!1 luv to you and Her Ladyship(and the gang at the pub!)
    Chicago style hugs,Tina

    Vive Bene
    Spesso L'amore
    Di Risata Molto!!!

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