Just read the God Delusion- JWs get a mention!!

by Kudra 42 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mkr32208

    Scotsman is drunk... However I would suggest that based on the evolution of his forefathers he is predisposed to that condition...

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    The Scotsman - not a happy JWN member...
    What happened to freedom of expression???????????????

    Does anyone else find irony in the fact that nearly every time someone complains about not having freedom of speech, they're responding to someone using their freedom of speech?

  • job

    there are loads of academic and popular science books that deal with this if you want to learn more about natural selection.

    Again it seems we have examples of the strawman defence. Natural selection is not evidence of evolution. If you had a tribe the weak would die and the strong would live or survive. Where is the evolution in that, just plain logic to me. Sorry I don't need to read any science books for what would be obvious to a caveman.

    feel obligated to argue for the theory of gravity, or to argue the evidence against

    Again, I find it amusing that the testable, observable theory of gravity is compared and spoke about in the same context as the theory of evolution. That is not meant to sound condescending or negative, I'm just saying.

    With respect, Bill

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