Another 1975 explanation - get your barf bag

by kurtbethel 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • minimus

    Sir, it'll be like Bush's presidency.

  • TooBad TooSad
    TooBad TooSad

    If my watchman got me out of bed in the middle of the night to tell me that there

    is a potential big problem in my store and I better get dressed and come down to

    the store and I found a cat that set off the alarm, first I would fire the watchman and

    then he would be the laughing stock of all of the emplyees.

    JWS's just grasp for straws in order to defend their false hopes and failed dreams.

    TooBad TooSad

  • ferret

    They have become like "the boy who cried wolf" nobody listens anymore.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    The analogy was, in a way, correct, and it does not lead one to the conclusion the author promoted.

    The security guard was relying upon human reasoning, and therefore erred. The FDS relied upon human reasoning, and therefore they erred.


  • choosing life
    choosing life

    How long would the people put up with a watchman who falsely alerted them repeatedly? They say it is wrong to serve for a date after telling people to do just that.

    I think that a lot of those who remain as jws today, especially those born in, are able to filter the advice given them by the GB. They take what they want, the social aspect, and go on living their lives as they choose. I don't see too many who aren't pursuing a good life for themselves.

    It is a changing/dying religion.

  • Confucious

    Thanks Da. Thanks Poppers.

    That is just a wonderful analogy.

    There is just one LITTLE BIT OF PROBLEM with it.

    The Watchman doesn't watch for the ENEMY.

    The Watchman is watching for the RELIEF CARAVAN.

    So the Watchman comes and says. "We did it! It's here! Stop what you're doing! No need to leave out those buckets to collect rainwater to drink! It's here! It's here! The relief caravan!"

    So the whole city inside the gates stops what they are doing. And the Watchman even yells at the people trying to collect rain water - "What are you doing? I told you, see!!! See that dustcloud? That's the Relief Caravan!"

    The Watchman even gets others to mock the people who are prudent and just go on with their business of collecting rain water to drink.

    Some even take their available supply and pour it over their heads in a public show. And they say, "See! The Watchman said that the Relief Caravan is coming. So I believe him. So I'm going to bath in all the drinking water I collected so I can be clean to greet the caravan.

    In general, the the city stops what they are doing.

    Finally, the dust cloud gets closer - and wow... it's NOT the Relief Caravan.

    The Watchman turns to the people just sitting around.

    "WHAT IN THE WORLD were you thinking? Now we have no water!! I told you the relief caravan was coming - but it's your own fault now if you dumped out your water supply!"

    THAT, my friends... is the analogy.


  • mkr32208

    Yeah and would the watchmen throw you out of the city if you said "I think thats just some camels..."

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Yeah, I was young but fondly recall 1975. Both "illustrations" are purely Bu!!$hit. In 1975, not only was there no "army" or no "intruder", but there was no "herd of camels", "stray cat", or even a tiny "cloud of dust". Not a thing even slightly worthy of a false alarm.

    The "watchmen" loudly reported an "approaching army", an "intruder"! But there was absolutely nothing. Nothing at all. No camels. No cats. Just a bunch of braying jackasses!

    B the X

  • LDH

    "If your house was on fire, how would you feel if the firemen failed to appear because they figured it might be a false alarm? In a similar manner, the watchman class has spoken out as circumstances seemed to warrant doing so. "

    Hmmm......Let's repeat that sentence and see how much wiggle room there is.


    "seemed to"


    Hmmmm.....What circumstances? *laughs out loud* Oh, yes, the trumped up circumstances that THEY THEMSELVES made a big deal of. "seemed to" -- has the appearance of importance. "warrant" -- deserves a public talk, a district convention talk, a special needs talk and a whole issue dedicated the subject.

    I will re-translate. "The big pile of steaming crap that we conjured out of thin air and dedicated entire issues of the Watchtower and Awake to, well, any person of logical thought would have done the same thing and warned their followers."

    How odd. I can't recall any other religion in 1974 getting their followers worked into a blather over this! Yet, they, the "discreet" slave whom Jehovah has supposedly appointed to watch over his flock, did.

    Confucious, well stated.

  • mkr32208

    History shows that rarely, if ever, are divine prophecies fully understood before their fulfillment.

    Jehogie never does anything without first revealing it to the prophets it such a way that it can't be interpreted until later... So why the frig did he bother again? Stupid stupid stupid belief...

    Just a bunch of braying jackasses!

    That billy is a TERRIFIC point, if there had been something, ANYTHING that warranted some sort of alarm but there wasn't! It wasn't like it was even really dust it wasn't the end of 6000 years it was just some half mad jackass who didn't have a clue (crazy ol freddy) running his ignorant mouth.

    As to a watchman how long would you keep a jibbering mental patient who screamed warnings at the moon, the sun, a cloud, themselves on a daily basis as your watchmen? You wouldn't you would fire them and toss them out of the city!

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