Another 1975 explanation - get your barf bag

by kurtbethel 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DaCheech

    just a test, heh!

    34 years later, and that emergency broadcast system did not try again?

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Praise Jehovah for his false alarms! We need MORE of them I say!

  • ex-nj-jw

    Every time I see FDS I think of feminine dedoderant spray


  • Confucious

    That is just a wonderful analogy.

    There is just one LITTLE BIT OF PROBLEM with it.

    The Watchman doesn't watch for the ENEMY.

    The Watchman is watching for the RELIEF CARAVAN.

    So the Watchman comes and says. "We did it! It's here! Stop what you're doing! No need to leave out those buckets to collect rainwater to drink! It's here! It's here! The relief caravan!"

    So the whole city inside the gates stops what they are doing. And the Watchman even yells at the people trying to collect rain water - "What are you doing? I told you, see!!! See that dustcloud? That's the Relief Caravan!"

    The Watchman even gets others to mock the people who are prudent and just go on with their business of collecting rain water to drink.

    Some even take their available supply and pour it over their heads in a public show. And they say, "See! The Watchman said that the Relief Caravan is coming. So I believe him. So I'm going to bath in all the drinking water I collected so I can be clean to greet the caravan.

    In general, the the city stops what they are doing.

    Finally, the dust cloud gets closer - and wow... it's NOT the Relief Caravan.

    The Watchman turns to the people just sitting around.

    "WHAT IN THE WORLD were you thinking? Now we have no water!! I told you the relief caravan was coming - but it's your own fault now if you dumped out your water supply!"

    THAT, my friends... is the analogy.


  • blondie

    Nothing new under the sun with the WTS:

    *** w97 8/15 pp. 15-16 Living for Today or for an Eternal Future? ***A Faithful Watchman

    In the meantime, we do well to heed the direction given by the ‘faithful slave.’ (Matthew 24:45) For over a hundred years, the modern-day "slave" has faithfully served as a "watchman." (Ezekiel 3:17-21) TheWatchtower of January 1, 1984, explained: "This watchman observes how events are developing on earth in fulfillment of Bible prophecy, sounds the warning of an impending ‘great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning’ and publishes ‘good news of something better.’"—Matthew 24:21; Isaiah 52:7.

    Remember: It is a watchman’s job to call out "just what he sees." (Isaiah 21:6-8) In Bible times a watchman would sound a warning even when the potential threat was too far in the distance to be clearly identified. (2 Kings 9:17, 18) False alarms surely occurred back then. But a good watchman would not hold back out of fear of embarrassment. If your house was on fire, how would you feel if the firemen failed to appear because they figured it might be a false alarm? No, we expect such men to respond quickly to any sign of danger! In a similar manner, the watchman class has spoken out as circumstances seemed to warrant doing so.

    As events develop, though, our understanding of prophecy has become clearer. History shows that rarely, if ever, are divine prophecies fully understood before their fulfillment. God told Abram exactly how long his seed would be "an alien resident in a land not theirs," namely, 400 years. (Genesis 15:13) Moses, however, offered himself as deliverer prematurely.—Acts 7:23-30.

    Consider also the Messianic prophecies. In retrospect it seems crystal clear that the Messiah’s death and resurrection were foretold. (Isaiah 53:8-10) Yet, Jesus’ own disciples failed to grasp this fact. (Matthew 16:21-23) They did not see that Daniel 7:13, 14 would be fulfilled during Christ’s future pa·rou·si´a, or "presence." (Matthew 24:3) So they were almost 2,000 years off in their reckoning when they asked Jesus: "Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?" (Acts 1:6) Even after the Christian congregation became well established, erroneous ideas and false expectations continued to crop up. (2 Thessalonians 2:1, 2) Though some occasionally had mistaken views, Jehovah undeniably blessed the work of those first-century believers!

    Today’s watchman class has likewise had to clarify its views from time to time. Can anyone doubt, though, that Jehovah has blessed the ‘faithful slave’? Besides, viewed in context, are not most of the adjustments that have occurred relatively small? Our basic understanding of the Bible has not changed. Our conviction that we are living in the last days is stronger than ever!

  • DaCheech

    confucious you are 100% on.

    gotta write that one down

  • poppers

    I like the way you put that, confucious.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The things that this Watchman says unfortunately in some way or the other always seems to draw attention to himself and his literature that he 's selling.

    It sort of leaves the impression that this Watchman just might be dishonest and disingenuous to what he is saying.

  • minimus

    If I hired a watchman and he alerted me that possible emminent danger was just about going to happen, yet no danger ever occurred, I would've fired his ass a long time ago. Especially, would I be pissed if I rounded up the troops, got them ready for battle, disrupted everybody's life, and recognized there was no danger after all-----I would feel like the biggest fool!!!

    The next "Watchman" would know better not to wake me up in the middle of the night for a false alarm or else I'd Donald Trump him and tell him too, "YOU'RE FIRED!!!".

  • sir82

    History shows that rarely, if ever, are divine prophecies fully understood before their fulfillment.

    This line has always killed me.

    What's the bloody $#%^@&*! point of a prophecy if nobody understands it until after it's been fulfilled?

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