Another 1975 explanation - get your barf bag

by kurtbethel 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gregor

    I like the analogy of yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theatre. Post 1975, as they oversaw the trampled being drug out to the dumpster and discarded they 1. Took note of the power of their voice over these dupes, and 2. Took note of how few raised a voice to hold them accountable. High fives all around!

  • Farkel

    : Off in the distance they see see a huge dust cloud. Signs of the approaching army. They warn everyone in the city that danger may be approaching. They advise everyone to prepare themselves. They await further news from the watchmen. In time it becomes clear to the watchmen that the dust cloud was not the army but a herd of camels. The watchmen did their job.

    That was the same defense "Chicken Little" gave. Dubs have to resort to a "Chicken Little" fairy tale defense to justify the idiocy and arrogance of their own leaders, who say they speak for GOD, when in fact they belong in a fairy tale!



  • AllTimeJeff
    In the middle of the discussion, I told them, "The F&DS can be either a bunch of men making the best cases they can, or they can be directed by god's spirit, but they can't be both. They can't be just men when they screw up but directed by Holy Spirit when they think they've hit a home run."

    Seeker4, if I were one of the elders listening to this, that would have stopped me dead in my tracks. Well done!

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The Watchtower Society New And Used Cars

    We have very best cars in the city at the best prices !

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  • inkling

    Did it cause any harm to the city residents? No.

    Right, they just sold thier houses, went into bankruptcy, kept their kids out of college, or never even HAD kids even though they really wanted to.

    "No harm here, move along, nothing to see...."


  • LouBelle

    Both those analogys don't sit well with me. If you were a watchmen back in the day, you would send out scouts to inviestigate the dust cloud, to see if in fact it was an aproaching army or in fact a herd of camels. You would not just alert the city so nonchalantly, as false alarms would piss the residents off.

    Same with the security guard - his job is to investigate first, acess the situation and then make a call.

    These analogies don't measure up and any person with a half a brain would be able to logically reason that.

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    I realize these people are just trying to protect themselves from having to question their beliefs and face the reality of the WTS, but I find it particularly nauseating when they say that the 1975 situation was a good thing because it just got rid of people "serving for a date."

    That idea is not their own. It comes from the WT who never wants to take responsibility for what it does and how it effects people. To make a false prophecy and then, instead of owning up to it, accuse those who question them of having wrong motives is lower than low.

  • passwordprotected

    What's interesting is that many JWs will say, when challenged over 1975 (or 1925), "well, the brothers just ran ahead of Jehovah".

    The March 2009 Study WT states that the FDS has never run ahead of Jehovah. Thus they would never, surely, give 'false alarms' or state that they have knowledge of the 'times and seasons'.

    So, which is it? Did they 'just' run ahead or did they not run ahead?

  • LouBelle

    passwordprotected: don't you find that they "out" themselves so many times & then act they they never wrote or said anything of the sort. It blows my mind that I didn't get it until I was 29...that their reasoning was truly unsubstantial.

  • smiddy

    No harm done?What about the "loyal bros."who chucked in their good jobs to pioneer till the end?Sold their houses,spent their retirement savings,because it "wont be years away from 1975 ,only a matter of months"Where are these poor bastards now?


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