What is the average age of those who no longer believe?

by crapola 56 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I am 53 [left at 48]. My best half is 51 [left at 46].

    Looks to me like lots of folks wake up late 40's or 50. Interesting.


  • QuestioningEverything

    I am 40 and my hubby is 41. He's been out for years now. I"ve been out for 7 months. Wish I had figured it out sooner.

  • crapola

    Hi QuestioningEverything

    I feel exactly the way you do!

  • Amha·’aret

    I'm 29 (just) and am out almost a year.

    I hope you're gonna come back with the answer for us!

  • ferret

    Left at 42

  • Robert7

    In at 19 (due to indoctrinization by my mom), out at 30.

  • Finally-Free

    I'm 50. Got out when I was 45.


  • WTWizard

    It takes the average person only about 10 years to break through the religious hoax. After that, it is about guilt and the hassle of disconnecting from the religion. And the witlesses are no different.

    Of course, with the witlesses having so many blatant discrepancies between the Bible and the organization, more of them are going to start finding out that they are a scam long before then. Some are even still children, but are forced by parents to get baptized early under threat of being cut off from all "friends". Which leads me to believe they are going to start pushing children to get baptized before they reach age 7, so they cannot find out that it is a scam before it's too late.

    Whatever numbers we arrive at here, it is trending down--I wonder how many are only 10 or 12, under force from parents to continue field circus and to get baptized, even though they no longer believe (or, for that matter, never believed in the first place).

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Do you have a result yet?

  • mostlydead

    I'm 49, raised in, out at 44.

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