Want to hear something funny that happened on my bus today ?

by troubled mind 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I drive school bus morning , afternoon ,and work at a GIFTSHOP/COFFEE Shop in between .

    Well this afternoon while on the bus route I look back and there is a High School student wearing a full face gas mask ! I ask him , " Does my bus stink that BAD ! " He starts telling us all about how he wants to always be prepared in case tear gas is ever used at the school .......He said his luck would be a tear gas attack would occur and he will have left his trusty gas mask @ home ! (mind you , he is talking the whole time with the mask on )

    He is quite the quirky kid .Sometimes he wears fatigues or all black clothes with a dog collar, other days he wears a suit and tie . Sometimes he carries a fullsize video camera ,but this is the first for the gas mask .

    He is the type of kid I want to be on my side since my back is to him most of the time .....

    And yes the gas mask was a Christmas gift .......I find this hilarious

  • rebel8

    Sounds a bit scary to me. Is he a skinhead (expecting a race war to break out), or maybe psychotic? Why would a loved one want to help magnify a child's paranoia disorder?

  • sass_my_frass

    Poor little nutcase.


    Sounds like a cool kid..LOL!!..Love your story!....................

    Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I'm pretty sure there is not much threat of race riots . We live in the rural midwest there maybe one or two black kids in the whole district .

    The girls that live next door to him say his dad talks about UFO's and conspiracy stuff , the apple most not fall to far from the tree . The boy seems to have his own group of nerdy Dungeons and Dragons playing friends .... he'll be fine ...I hope .

  • oompa

    just run for your life maybe?....and watch for bulges under his coats.........oompa

  • mouthy

    I think he should be kept an eye on...After reading about some of the things that are going on in some of the schools,

    people think his kind of behaviour is funny, But I would be a little nervous ,Some of the kids that look normal. are scary Look at the one in Montreal & many in the states,

    Just my two cents

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Be nice to him and watch your back. Sounds scary to me also

  • nelly136


    the stuff was actually riot gas cannister....knew there was something i left of my littluns crimbo pressie list.

  • GentlyFeral

    Hmm – my son received a gas mask as a Christmas gift about 15 years ago. But he's almost normal, so he wore it as part of a Halloween costume and then made a sculpture out of it.

    Well, I have a theory about conspiracy nuts:

    The actual terrors of real life are banal, which makes them hard to identify. A lot of people are afraid, or at least worried, about their lack of freedom and helplessness, and they don't really know why.

    Some people watch horror movies, and then thank God those things aren't real.

    Others watch the sky for black helicopters or mind control rays, so they can at least point at the things that are ruining their lives. They have an excuse for their anxiety that they can understand.

    I'm actually a little relieved for this boy that he hangs with a Dungeons and Dragons crowd. My daughter does that, only it's World of Warcraft for her. There was a time in her life when she was actually afraid to leave the house (but then she had actually been threatened by real people). It was her nerdy gaming crowd who talked her down and proved to her that real life was not as scary as she feared.

    Then we moved to Tie Dye Town and she's much better now.

    g ently f eral

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