Do the resurrected get to have babies?

by sass_my_frass 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • sass_my_frass

    Ok obviously a dumb question, for so many reasons, but I need to know what the current doctrine is re the resurrected; last time I looked they were 'as angels' in that they're not able to breed, which solves the population problem of bringing back to life almost everybody who has ever died. Anyway thing is this; my sisters' cancer has been resolved for now in that she's currently 'cancer free'. It has, however, been a melanoma, a germinoma and a few carcinoma so she's being scanned pretty regularly, and I don't have a lot of info to go on but I think that nobody's talking about what her odds really are. Anyway, she may or may not get lucky, but either way, the only thing she's ever wanted in life is babies, but she and her husband put them off until After Armageddon as you do. Now she's in her late thirties, has only one ovary and has been through a few months of chemo, so it's not looking likely.

    I got in contact with her a few months ago and was assured that no, they definitely don't want to hear from me still, so ok I've left them alone. What would be great would be if the stance on the resurrected has changed; if they've suddenly decided that they will be able to breed after all. I fear that while she's pretty much indifferent towards the result of the cancer; with the Resurrection Hope and all, she's Better Off Not Having To Live Through The Great Tribulation etc, but then, she'd know that she's never going to be able to have tadpoles. I think that this would be the worst thing. But if the doctrine has changed, it would be great to try to get that message through to her through the gossip channels somehow. That might improve her life marginally.

  • BabaYaga

    As I understand it, the resurrected cannot even be married or have sex. They would be like angels... sexless.

    Does this sound like paradise to anyone?

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

  • Finally-Free

    Most JWs will dance around the question, saying no one knows for sure, but the general opinion is no babies, marriage, or sex in the "new system". They'll try to make people feel better by saying they can adopt a resurrected baby.

  • BabaYaga

    What is most interesting about this, is...

    A husband whose wife dies in "this old system of things" will NOT be allowed to be married to her when she is resurrected. What is the point of that? Where is the love and the joy and something to look forward to?

    A miscarried baby is not going to be resurrected, so the distraught mother will not get to see her lost baby in paradise. Is that something to look forward to? Should she have reason to mourn? (Ironically, of course, the abortion issue brings a completely different set of rules... which is it? Are unborn children living souls, or not?)

    So... Witnesses are warned not to have babies in this system, but if they die before waltzing into the paradise, no babies are forthcoming anyway. I'm sortof wondering what the big excitement is about one's loved ones coming back to life.

    Then too... think about this one, folks. A husband misses his dead wife, and re-marries. The new wife is a controlling paranoid zealot. If they make it to the paradise together, he has to stay married to her for ETERNITY!!! How is he going to feel when he sees his beloved lost wife resurrected?

    Things that make you go... no, thanks.

  • LouBelle

    I never heard of the no sex rule

    Since ressurected ones will not be able to marry, they won't be able to have babies during the 1000 years. However there after new scrolls will be opened and the rules may change.

  • LovesDubs

    If someone is ressurected and in 1000 years everyone is brought to perfection, wouldnt perfection include all human function including reproduction? Either they are brought back as angels initially or brought back as human beings. They cant be both.

    I dont believe any of that anyway. They will make up whatever suits their best interests to feed to the hungry flocks.

  • jws

    Isn't sex so much a part of being human? Especially for one who's physically perfect? There's some factoid floating around that a man has a sexual thought every x-number of seconds or minutes or whatever. Imagine taking that away? You wouldn't be human anymore.

    Sex and attraction to the opposite (or same) sex drives so much of our lives. It's ingrained into us. It's why boys and girls behave the way they do. Why women wear makeup and why boys act stupid to impress girls. How can that be taken away? Male/Female hormones drive our whole behavior.

    Sex, but no kids, maybe. No concerns over pregnancies and no disease = no condoms!!!

    And who said the angels weren't sexual? Acording to the fables, isn't that what caused the flood? The angels were lusting after the women of the earth and came down to have sex with them? Producing gigantic offspring? I seem to remember a picture of bearded giants stealing fruits in one of the JW books I had as a kid (a larger orange book maybe). So God needed to destroy mankind with a flood?

    As for the JWs and their current stance, I never remember one officially being put forward. Now granted, I did not read every publication cover-to-cover. But most of what I heard came from gossip at the hall. Or people saying "maybe this or that". I remember when my father was getting remarried after my mother's death. I asked an elder about what happens to my mother who's going to come back only to find my father remarried. The elders didn't have any sort of answer. I think the only official position is that they don't know and advise you not to speculate.


    Do the resurrected get to have babies?.....Only if they buy them directly from the WBT$..

    Baby 3..............................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Elsewhere

    Interesting question... It also makes me wonder if the Dish that ran away with the Spoon was able to have children too.

    What do you think?

    BTW... which one was the male and which was the female?

    I'm inclined to think that the Dish was the male.

  • Jim_TX

    This topic brings up a lot of memories... my mother (now deceased), when living - lost her husband (my father).

    Since she was just beginning to study with the JWs - they love-bombed her (and the rest of us), and she got baptized. She lived the rest of her life (as did my siblings) believing that my dad would be resurrected - and she could live with him again... no - not as wife - but as friends.

    My siblings refrained from getting married - as they wanted their 'daddy' to 'walk them down the aisle'. Most have passed on - only three are still living - and two of them are up into their 50's and 60's now. Still single - living at home... with no prospects - nor any interest in finding anyone - which I think is very sad.

    Me? I couldn't buy into the fantasy. I left home when 21 - and never looked back. (I got married when I was about 24 or 25.)

    Anyway... I think my mom had a few nagging doubts... much of which has already been discussed here. (Would he even recognize her? Would he remember the family he once had? etc)

    My mental image was of someone who would always be on the 'outside' looking in... not being allowed to play in the 'reindeer games'.

    Their only resort when trapped is to respond... "Wait on Jehovah" - or somesuch nonsense.


    Jim TX

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