This is why I don't want to be a JW

by TooBad TooSad 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TooBad TooSad
    TooBad TooSad

    Today at the meeting an elder said the following: "We don't want to focus on

    the life that we have now, we have to focus on the life that we will have in the

    New Order. What we will have in the future is so much better than what we

    have now."

    This is why JW's will sit thru boring meetings and hear the same things that

    we heard 20 years ago and say how good the meetings are, and why they

    will spend their time knocking on the doors of empty houses, and spend their

    free time to prepare for meetings which is a rehash of the same material from

    the past.

    JW's will sacrifice the one and only life that they have for a future life that may not

    even happen. The Bible says that there is going to be a resurrection of the

    righteous and the unrighteous. The millions of non-JW's who live happy lifes

    and help the needy and defend the country that we live in from those who want

    to do us harm, and enjoy their families during the "wordly" holidays, and who

    do not consider a vacation as sitting for 8 hours at a District Assemly so that

    they can go swimming at the hotel, are not unrighteous people. But say that

    they are unrighteous in the eyes of JW's, they will still be resurrected just like

    the faithful JW's, so why go thru all of the trouble that JW's go thru to "earn"

    the right to be resurrected in Paradise?

    TooBad TooSad

  • Elsewhere

    Be miserable now so you can be happy later.

    Ironically JWs are notoriously bad about saving and investing money for the future. With their "focus on the future" mentality you'd think they would be the perfect investor.

  • Dismembered

    Powder burned, snakebit, and butt-f****ed = the sum total of listening to watchtowers wide wide river of BS.


  • booby

    Toobad Sosad, you miss one important point. The resurrection of the unrighteous only applies if they croak before the big "A". If they are still alive at that time, sorry they will have a not so good eventuality. They will be slaughtered by an oh so loving "Jehovah". So gotta be focusin on that future life and doin all the good stuff to ensure bein there so as not to get whacked at the big "A".

  • flipper

    TOO BAD, TOO SAD- I agree with you. It makes me very angry that my witness family, especially my daughters in their early 20's are wasting their youthful energy on a freaking fantasy pipedream. Not a day goes by in that I wish they were out of the witnesses.

    Your statement, " JW's will sacrifice the one and only life for a future life that MAY NOT EVEN HAPPEN. " How about- It's NEVER going to happen ?? The elders statement of admonishing these people to live only for the alleged " paradise " is a perfect example of HOW mind control cults like the Jehovah's Witnesses keep these members TRAPPED in the cult. They keep them controlled through " fear " and " guilt " by dangling the proverbial carrot in front of them like they were Bugs Bunny with a purpose or something. It's truly psychological abuse and disgusting. Now I go have to take my blood pressure pills. Exhale Fliper, Exhale ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • shopaholic

    Toobad TooSad, Totally agree. Its so sad when I talk to JWs and they talk about how they are the happiest folks around and in the same breath say there's no need to enjoy themselves or seek personal pursuits when they will have all they need in the new world. I feel sorry for them.

  • Number1Anarchist

    Atleast you're thinking is on the right track. It's up to each individual to decide for themselves.We are judged as individuals and not because we are part of some group. The logic of the Watchtower is you must be part of the group or you will not survive armegeddon because they are Gods only channel and you must be there to get all the updates and proper Kool-Aid at the proper time. it's all nonsense. Everyone has there own consequences some huge some not so huge. If there is a creator what would that person do? What would Jesus do in that situation would he keep his mouth shut just to keep the peace. Hell NO, The guy spoke his mind and told the Pharisees off that's why they killed him because he was a threat to there power. If you leave expect this same treatment but Jesus knew in advance what they would do to him and he still did it. Hope one day you do make the jump and Get the Heck out of the Watchtower. I support no religion i have no agenda i hate them all. Thx

  • still_in74

    so true...


  • caliber

    To add even deeper to Fipper's thought of fear and guilt how about shame ?

    negative emotion: a negative emotion that combines feelings of dishonor, unworthiness, and embarrassment

    • - capacity to feel unworthy: the capacity or tendency to feel shame
    • - state of disgrace: a state of disgrace or dishonor
  • how about blame ? self blame if life is difficult ! consider somebody responsible: to consider somebody to be responsible for something wrong or unfortunate that has hap…
    • - criticize somebody: to find fault with somebody
    • - responsibility: responsibility for something wrong or unfortunate that has happened
    • Caliber
  • Honesty

    If the elder is right, why did Jesus say...

    I have come that they may have lifeand have it in abundance.

    John 10:10

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