A suggestion to slow down the JW's door-to-door activities

by Melody Blankenship 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Melody Blankenship
    Melody Blankenship

    I am seriously considering taking out an ad in the local newspaper reading:


    Dear Jehovah's Witnesses,

    Please place me on your "do not call" list indefinitely. I do not wish to be contacted by Jehovah's Witnesses for any reason. My address is _________________________________.

    Thank you for your cooperation.




    I was told to contact the local Sheriff's department if they do come to visit and possibly a restraining order could be issued. What would happen if the JW's had no one to contact? Just a thought I had and was wondering if anyone else had ever suggested anything like this and if so, what the results were. Thanks and Happy New Year!!

  • asilentone

    sounds like a very good idea

  • yknot

    When door to door is restricted, letter FS and tele-witnessesing happens....

    If those were taken away then they would do informal or would revert back to billboards, and town square sermons.

  • V

    Just produced a video about this.

    How To Stop Jehovah's Witnesses


  • Melody Blankenship
    Melody Blankenship

    Do you know if this has ever been done? Publishing it in a local newspaper where people could fill it out and send it to the local hall?

  • Quotes

    I'm going to be the contrarian on this issue.

    They almost never bother me -- and not because they know who I am, rather because their "work" in my area is so inept.

    I look forward to talking to them on those rare occasions when they manage to talk to me. I admit I might have a different opinion if they were here every 2 to 4 weeks.

    I am always friendly, courteous, and unrelenting in challenging their bulls**t. I stick to basic logic and demand evidence for any claims, rather than object to doctrinal issues, which could lead to them figuring out that I "know too much" to be just another householder.

    Last summer a young JW man approached me in a local parkette (which was deserted, why was he there? Very inefficient). I talked to him for almost an hour, and I'm confident that I planted some seeds of logic in his young mind. No, he won't de-convert immediately, but I got some gears turning upstairs.

    Why do I bother?

    Because I wish someone would have helped plant a few seeds of logic and reason in my young mind, before I was baptized. I can't turn back the clock, but I can "pay it forward".

    Also, on a more immediate, practical level, if they are talking to me, they are NOT talking to someone else. So I guess I'm also "taking one for the team".


  • mkr32208

    A) They would just take it as persecution thereby strengthening their 'faith'

    B) They have such a low rate of conversions via the 'witnessing work' that it's pointless

    C) Many can see that the work they are doing is totally pointless, this makes many think. As they THINK they wake up and leave. Sure its a small crack but a crack none the less!

    I say we need some way to INCREASE the time they spend in this useless pointless and moral destroying activity not lessen!

  • carla

    I've given this letter out more times than I can count. Send this to NY and it does make its way to the local kh. They kept bugging me but I think that was due to family situation and other things. I also have a sticker on my front door that says NO jw's please (looks like a no smoking sign except with two witness instead of a smoke), contact Witness Inc if you want some of those.

    frm a previous post---

    I have given this out many times but darn if I didn't save it somewhere so I have to keep retyping it, so here it is. I have sent the letter to the local kh & NY and told my jw to keep them away and still the persist. The wt considers the letter good for only one year. Many kh's do not have mailboxes so if you attempt to sent locally it will be returned to you.




    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society

    25 Columbia Heights

    Brooklyn, Ny 11201-2483


    Dear Sirs,

    Please notify all members of your congregation that consent, implied or otherwise, to visit my property at the address stated above for any purpose relating

    to the work of Jehovah's Witnesses or the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has been revoked.

    I will consider any future visits to be an act of willful trespass and may prosecute to the full extent of the law, civil or criminal.

    You must not visit on the pretense of 'updating records'. Check the electoral roll for up to date ownership information.

    Notice has also been served to my local congregation located in the area of ________________________________________________________.

    I shall hold you both severally and jointly liable for any infratction of this notice to 'cease and desist'.

    You have been warned!


  • blondie

    I would send a registered letter to the elder body of the nearest KH and request no contact by mail or phone. Consider putting up a no trespassing sign after investigating the legal parameters in your area. If there is no mail receptacle or mail received at the KH, it might be fruitful to call the number listed about 10 minutes before a scheduled meeting and as for the elder in charge.

    Be aware that the DNC slips in the territories are supposedly checked on by the elders once a year to see if they are up-to-date.

    A note that the rank and file jw tends not to notice or listen to these notes in the territory cards. After all, making a mistake and calling on you just gives you another chance for "life."

    *** km 5/03 p. 7 Question Box ***

    When witnessing by telephone, what should we do if a person requests that Jehovah’s Witnesses not call again?The wishes of the person should be respected. A dated note with the name of the person should be placed in the territory envelope so that publishers will avoid calling that number in the future. Once a year, the list of people who have requested that we not call should be reviewed. Under the direction of the service overseer, experienced, tactful publishers can be assigned to contact these people to determine their current feelings.—See the June 1994 OurKingdomMinistry Question Box.

    *** km 6/94 p. 2 Question Box ***

    How should matters be handled when a householder insists that Jehovah’s Witnesses make no further calls at that home?

    When we encounter a sign at the door that strictly prohibits calls of a religious nature and specifically mentions Jehovah’s Witnesses, it may be best to respect the householder’s wishes and avoid knocking.

    Sometimes we come upon a sign prohibiting salesmen or solicitors. Since we are doing charitable religious work, that does not really apply to us. It would be appropriate to go ahead and knock at such doors. If the householder objects, we can tactfully explain why we feel that such signs do not apply in our case. If the householder then makes it clear that the prohibition includes Jehovah’s Witnesses, we will respect his wishes.

    When we are working the territory, a householder may become visibly upset and emphatically insist that we do not call again. If he refuses to reason on the matter, we should comply with this request. A dated note should be placed in the territory envelope so that publishers working the territory in the future will avoid calling at that address.

    Such homes are not to be avoided indefinitely. The present occupants may move away. We may contact another family member who will respond favorably. There is also the possibility that the householder to whom we spoke will have a change of heart and become more agreeable to having us call. So after some time a tactful inquiry should be made of the occupants to determine their current feelings.

    The territory file should be reviewed once a year, making a list of the homes where we have been advised not to call. Under the direction of the service overseer, some tactful, experienced publishers can be assigned to visit these homes. It could be explained that we are calling to inquire if the same householder still lives there. The publisher should be familiar with the material in the Reasoning book, pages 15-24, entitled "How You Might Respond to Potential Conversation Stoppers." If there is a reasonable response, future calls can be made in the usual way. If the householder continues to be antagonistic, no further calls should be made until the following year. The local body of elders can decide if the circumstances in a particular case make it advisable to handle things differently.

  • Finally-Free

    At one address I told them I didn't want anything to do with a cult that protects pedophiles. They never came back. I did the same at another address. It worked again. Now, in my new home they came last May. I was resting on my porch with a beer and smoke at about 10 am after doing some work on a concrete walkway. I was nice to them, let them read a scripture, and even took their magazines. They never came back. I think the average JW doesn't want to knock on your door any more than you want to see them.

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