Prove That JWs Do Not Act As "True Christians"

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover
    I believe any JW would consider themselves a Christian/.

    Yes they would... But therein lies the issue...according to some* of the publications/articles, the Christian Congregation is made up only of the annointed. The Christian Congregation is only 144,001 (including Christ) strong. All others (others being JWs) are companions to the true Christians. They worship Jehovah and they live a Christian life, but they are not part of the Christian congregation. I used to have a WT article that went into this subject and if you dissected it, you could see this teaching quite clearly. But, alas, I can't find it right now. If I find it, I'll post it. *footnote: This teaching is so obscure that they do not reference it often. It will only be mentioned sporadically and in an obtuse manner. They purposely do so (I think) because if most JWs realized that they aren't considered Christian it could cause a backlash. But yet at the same time, they'll contradict themselves in other publications calling all JWs Christian. I think they sometimes forget their own teaching or they're so confident in having the masses fooled they can cross reference the meaning of Christian and no one will challenge them.

  • minimus

    um, "The Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses" is a legal entity, a corporation.

  • undercover
    "The Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses" is a legal entity, a corporation.

    It is one of several corporations that operate under the parent company of the Watchtower Society. Just because they've created a corporation called "Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses" doesn't mean that all members of the Jehovah's Witness religion are members of this one entity.

    It's splitting hairs, I know, but if the Society says only the anointed are part of the True Christian congregation, then I can only conclude that all non-anointed are excluded as being counted as true Christians.

    It may be reading between the lines, but this is one aspect of their doctrine that they never come right out and explain. It remains a cloudy concept. Purposely, I think. They've got the entire Great Crowd thinking that they're in an elite group, but actually only a few thousand are included in such elite group, with even fewer still in a position of knowing what the real teaching is. They've placed themselves on a pedestal above all the non-anointed that wish to serve with Christ, replacing him with themselves.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    Acting and being are two different things.

    I have heard Witnesses proudly say that are the ONLY true religion following the Bible.

    Just making that statement proves they don't know what a Christian really is. Every real Christian knows he can't keep the law.

  • minimus

    OK, I'll make it easier.....Which "congregation" were you in? It was where JWs went for assembly.The congregation didn't even have to have "anointed" ones to be correctly called a cong.

    The Watchtower does not identify only anointed ones as Christians. I think that's pretty obvious.

  • undercover

    I'll try my best, me little red dot friend, to find the article that states that only the anointed make up the True Christian congregation, but it might not be today.

    The congregation you went to and I went to are not the Christian Congregation that has been made into a corporation. That entity is seperate from all the congregations operating around the globe. It may direct or lead the congregations, but all the rank and file are not members of the larger corporation.

  • blondie
    *** pe chap. 14 pp. 125-126 par. 18 Who Go to Heaven, and Why? ***However, when the Bible speaks of "the congregation of the living God," it is referring to a particular group of Christ’s followers. (1 Timothy 3:15) They are also called "the congregation of the firstborn who have been enrolled in the heavens." (Hebrews 12:23) So this "congregation of God" is made up of all Christians on earth who have the hope of heavenly life. In all, only 144,000 persons finally make up the "congregation of God." Today only a few of these, a remnant, are still on earth. Christians who hope to live forever on earth look for spiritual guidance from members of this "congregation of the living God." The Bible also refers to this congregation of 144,000 members by such terms as "the bride, the Lamb’s wife," "the body of the Christ," "the temple of God," "the Israel of God," and the "New Jerusalem."—Revelation 21:9; Ephesians 4:12; 1 Corinthians 3:17; Galatians 6:16; Revelation 21:2.
  • minimus

    Yes, UC, I was the one that brought up the corp. biz in the firstplace.

    Blondie, that is the cong. of God. Surely you must agree that members of the Gr. Crowd are considered "Christians". Although not the cong. of God.

  • undercover

    Interesting question proposed in the link above...

  • minimus

    Don't listen to him.

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