Who was the biggest Jehovah's Witness rebel?

by slimboyfat 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • slimboyfat

    Who was raised a JW and went on to lead life in stark contrast to their upbringing?

    I have often thought the award should go to Dwight Eisenhower. From a religion that railed against politics and warfare he first invaded Western Europe and then went on to become president of the United States. You don't get a rebellion much bolder than that.

    Michael Jackson turning into a Muslim and wearing a woman's veil seems pretty tame by comparison.

    And who says a Witness upbringing necessarily holds you back from being who you want?

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    Dwight Eisenhower was raised as a JW? I've never heard that one and I've been around JWs for a long time.

  • slimboyfat

    He kept it a secret.


    Also info about it in Marley Cole's book Jehovah's Witnesses - The New World Society.

  • poppers

    Ike smoked like a chimney too.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Ike smoked like a chimney too.

    No big deal, so did Rutherford. It was only a problem in the late(?) 70's to smoke.
    Not before that.

    I imagine there are tons of great examples, but they are unheard of unless they
    gained fame. Lots of JW's kids rebeled and went into rebellion.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    Fascinating, there's hope for us all.

  • orangefatcat

    one big name in JW's that was a rebel and started teaching things his way was a brother inQuebec who had been imprisoned over a hundred times during the years of persecution in Canada and the ban in Quebec. Many may recall him... he is Laurier Summuar. I think that is how his last name is spelled. It was gossipped that he also had a serious drinking problem however I don't know if that is true of not. Some one else told me he was eventually reinstated. Is there anyone who knows any thing more of this person.


  • yknot

    I agree it is hard to top IKE......

    As far as smoking..... it wasn't a DFing offense during his upbringing & presidency .

    I think it became a DFing offense about the time I was born (1973).

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    I never heard of the years of persecution or the ban in Quebec either. When was this?

    I don't remember smoking being a disfellowshipping offense. It was looked down on and discouraged but not disfellowshipping. I even knew somebody that smoked in private. She was a "friend" of our family. She faded before my parents did.

  • FairMind

    1973 is correct. I smoked right up till May of 1973.

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