If your idea of a good breakfast is ...

by compound complex 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    Omelet, with black olives, fresh mushrooms, cheddar cheese, ham

    with a huge glass of OJ

  • stillajwexelder

    egg, bacon , sausage, beans, tomatoes, toast

  • Anti-Christ

    Oatmeal with wild berries and honey. Vanilla almond milkshake with chia seeds, bananas, strawberries and kiwis. A cup of tea and a boiled egg. That's what I have for breakfast most of the time

  • SacrificialLoon

    Lately it's been Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal. Mmmmm... soy grits and fiber twigs. It actually tastes better than it sounds, but it's certianly not bacon.

  • JimmyPage

    I can prepare my usual breakfast in under two minutes. Blueberry pancakes, hash browns, sausage, and bacon- all microwaved! Top it off with orange juice.

    I can actually cook a pretty mean egg omelet when I have the time.

    My all-time favorite breakfast is the IHOP sampler with two of everything.

  • VM44

    What is "breakfast"?

    Perhaps I should try it?

  • Gregor

    The Chinese say the New Years day menu should include Black eyed peas for Good Luck in the coming year. I usually have them but this year I had to settle for Lima Bean soup. Couldn't be any worse than '08.

  • Simon

    I love scrambled eggs. Rickys does a lovely BBQ breaky bowl with steak, eggs and yummy sauces.

    Then there is always Tim Hortons ...

  • BizzyBee

    Oatmeal with a handful of dried fruit and skim milk, cup of black coffee. Very filling and healthy. For a treat, scrambled eggs and whole grain toast, fruit. Extra special: scrambled eggs (or omelet) with peppers, cheese, tomatoes, onions, avocado, and toast and fruit.

  • StAnn

    The feasting is over but man, was it good. For dinner we had pork chops cooked in a little olive oil with salt, pepper, sauerkraut, and onions. On the side we had fresh corn muffins with real butter, green beans with blackeyed peas, pasta salad, and chocolate cake. Yum, yum.

    Now the harsh reality of dieting sets in. Before going to bed, I'm putting my steel cut oats in the crock pot and in the morning I'll add a little sweetener, a handful of blueberries, a hard-boiled egg, and hot coffee. Instead of lots and lots of real cream, which is my preference, I'll be whitening my coffee with powdered milk. This will be the standard around my house for quite a while.


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