You're from Texas if... (One of the better ones!)

by Jim_TX 23 Replies latest social humour

  • Jim_TX

    I dunno whut the 'Howdy Roo' wuz... since I was in radio - I had to make the rounds of the hill country - trying to make sales. I went over to Granite Shoals - and the Kingsland area a few times.

    I remember the Gibson's that used to be in Marble Falls...

    Oh - since I wuz a JW - I went to the KH in Marble Falls... though the folks were friendly and all... I kinda got the feeling that I wuz an 'outsider'.

    Let's see... John O'Conner Tire company... on the Mormon Mills Road - I did his commercials...
    His sister owned the shop called 'Buttons & Bows' - they had kids clothes...

    Come to think of it... my Aunt lived in Granite Shoals around that time - although I didn't visit her... her name was Ruth Taylor - she wasn't no JW though... a mormon.

    Oh well... memories... from a different century.


    Jim TX

  • yknot

    Small world ain't it!

    The Howdy Roo was a cook-off and fair.......

    Gibson's closed decades ago and the building now houses Bealls.

    We visited that KH too back then....cuz good JWs never miss a meeting night, even whilst visiting non-jw relatives! (wasn't 'child-friendly'). You are not the first (doubt will be the last either) that has made that comment about being an outsider. Come to think of it, the whole town is kinda like that still. Do you remember anybody? ......

    I knew the O'Connor kids.....I remember the shops too....(of course they are long gone now)

    My grandparents sold the lakehouse but stayed in the area out in Sunrise Beach (which oddly enough is in the MF KH territory).

  • Jim_TX

    (My apologies to anyone offended that a 'joke' thread turned into a 'remember when' thread...)

    Let's see... I wasn't in Burnet very long... I started there around Labor Day 1977 - and was there through about mid-January of 1978-ish. (I remember January 1st of 1978 - when they had an ice storm - there were icicles hanging from the building that were about 13-inches long.)

    Anyway... names of local folks... don't remember. I remember one family - there was the mom, dad, son & daughter. The kiddos were mid to late teenagers. That family tried to be-friend me, I suppose... theirs was the only JW home I visited while I was there. They had a pool table.

    Ironically... when I first moved there to Burnet - I looked up the JWs in the local phonebook. The number in the book was to a man and woman that lived outside of Burnet on Hwy 29. I went and visited with them one afternoon... they were 'pioneers'... and gave me the lowdown (scoop) on all of the JWs in the MF congregation. They didn't have anything nice to say about them... and let me know that they went to the Lampasas KH as a result of some bruhaha that had transpired in MF.

    I knew of a JW family that was considered on the 'fringe'... cuz the teenaged gals were just trying to live normally - which was against JW rules - dontchaknow...

    I tried to get to know a local JW gal that seemed to be nice... until her 'fangs' came out. But that was the typical response I got from many JW gals when I was at that age (about 22)... I think that I was too nerdy for most of 'em. She worked at the local 7-11 there in Marble Falls. (I remember that I got up the courage to go in and ask her out one time. The only place to eat there was Gatti's - and so I thought that pizza was appropriate. Well... she countered with 'I can't eat pizza' - cuz' she was hypoglycemic, or some such. So, I countered with 'Well, they also have salads.' She stammered and stuttered, and came up with the 'I have to wash my hair.' excuse. It's when I got that excuse that I knew there wasn't a 'devil's chance in paradise' that I'd get anywhere, so I made a comment and left.)

    I mostly hung around with the fella that worked with me at the radio station in Burnet. Rex. (I won't mention his last name - as he still works in radio news - in Texas.) We would drive to Marble Falls - and watch BattleStar Galactica on Sunday evenings - at the Mr. Gatti's on their big screen TV, while getting wild and crazy... eating pizza and drinking Root Beer.

    Oh. And on Thursday evenings... prior to the meetings at the KH? I would go to Mr. Gatti's and watch Mork & Mindy from 7pm to about 7:25pm. Then hi-tail it on over to the KH which was only about 3 minutes away - just in time to get in the door and begin singing the song. Of course, I never got to see Mork's closing 'Mork calling Orson' commentary... *shrug*

    I guess I wasn't really into the whole JW-thing even back then.


    Jim TX

  • yknot

    My appologies too......

    Back to the jokes.......


    You notice your radiator is overheating, before you start your car.

    You no longer associate bridges over rivers with water.

    The thermometer in the lid of your Bar-B-Que Grill shows 150 degrees F, before you light it.

    You know a swamp cooler is not a happy hour drink.

    You hear the weather forecast for 105 degrees without flinching.

    You discover, in July it only takes two fingers to drive your car, because your steering wheel is so hot.

    You can make instant sun tea or sun tea instantly.

    You run the house a/c in the middle of winter, so you can use your fireplace.

    Hotter water comes from the cold water tap than the hot one.

    You actually burn your hand opening the car door.

    Sunscreen is sold year round, it is always kept right at the checkout counter.

    Sunscreen with less than 50 SPF is called 'hand cream.'

    You put on fresh sunscreen just to go check the mail box.

    Some fools market mini-misters for joggers and some other fools will actually buy them. Worse... a lot of fools actually try to jog!!

    When hot air balloons can't rise because the outside air is hotter than the air inside the balloon.

    When fabric is considered the deluxe interior, rather than stick-to-your-seat leather.

    You see two trees fighting over a dog.

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