"They no longer attend meetings"

by truthseeker 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • crazyblondeb
    Hey, OBVES. Shut up.

    Good for you!!

    Please pass the popcorn!!


    This is my observation I am getting from what I am reading it could be the punishment from God Yahweh that many of those who left the Jehovahs Witness organization act like they are living in a fantasy land .

  • penny2

    To say someone "no longer attends meetings" is preferable to saying they are "no longer a Jehovah's Witness" (which would incur immediate shunning).

    Many JWs are on good terms with family members who are "no longer attending meetings."

  • WTWizard

    Whether or not they are happy outside, one thing is certain. When they are out, they no longer have additional stress of trying to do "enough" only to be continually told it is not enough. Plus having someone telling you everything to do, always being in a mad rush to get to the next boasting session or field circus, wasting all your money in field circus and the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund, not being allowed to celebrate anything--all of which prevent anyone from being happy.

    Even those who are still miserable while out are less miserable than when they are in, or will be should they decide to return. Better they be miserable outside than very miserable back in.

  • roadrunner027

    I honestly wouldn't worry since we haven't gone to meetings for almost 10 years and have made it clear we want nothing to do with the org. I did encounter issues at first thanks to my family. When we first stopped attending meetings my mother called the elders telling them to get over to our house to talk to us. My family has disowned me even though we officially have not been df'd or da'd, however I know how this all works..I know my husband and I have both been "marked."

    On another note to a previous poster..I'm so disgusted and have made this clear to my family that they including the org need to stop presuming those who have left the org are miserable and unhappy. My conscience is finally clear and I am happy I saved my family by leaving the org. I was much more miserable as a JW trying to live up to their expectations and dealing with their backstabbing and constant unscriptural judging. God forbid they ever come to realize being spiritual and religious are two separate things.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Nothing like a hijack from the ever counting OBVES.

    OBVES, I think it's time a thread gets started on all the nonsense about your numbers and prophecy.

  • ferret

    Obves is now a prophet even though a false one.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    well he should be on the GB then

  • Honesty
    I think for married brothers who are fading they have the additional stigma of being seen as a "failed spiritual head".

    I finally proved that true in their little minds.

    I DA'd back when DA'ng was announced as such.

    Now all the local JW's know that not only I am a "failed spiritual head" but that I also deliberately rejected Jehover and his organization.

    That took care of any more unannounced visits from a couple of winderwashing policemen.

  • chickpea

    i can remember my teenaged daughter blowing a gasket
    when she heard a voice mail from a "pioneer sistah"
    ratting on her because this sistah had seen my kid
    at the movies with some worldies

    they sure love to stir the scorpion nests, dont they?

    i am guessing if my answer to the above questions is "hell to the yes!"
    it will be a clear message that i am fodder for the DA process, eh?

    Y ou might tactfully ask them: "Are you hapĀ­pier since you stopped attending meetings? Is your family life better?

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