Cancelled bookstudy- but do you remember 4 day Assemblies!!!

by Witness 007 47 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • momzcrazy

    I remember 4 days. And to top it off we went to two back to back weekends because my dad ran the sound. We would go to our 4 day, then the next week go on Sat and Sunday minimum.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    The 1978 convention was 4 days with a half day of field circus on one day. It was blistering hot in the old Busch Stadium. I remember taking a large thermos of ice to suck on to try and stand the heat. It was 120 on the stage and they bragged about how the speakers could stand there and deliver their talks without passing out. Then I got to take a bus without air-conditioning home with a small child. Of course, we stayed after and cleaned up first.

    My small child got extremely sick from the heat. I had to take him to the doctor and she looked at me like I was crazy when I told her what caused the fever. I'm surprised she didn't turn me in to family services now.

    Field circus was a joke. They sent us into a really rich area in St. Louis. It was Saturday and people were having BBQ's and swimming in their pools. I wonder what they thought of us in our dress clothes with sweat running down our faces? I wanted so much to just jump in one of their pools to cool off.

    Snakes, yes there was a globe on the stage. I don't remember the theme of the convention and have no idea why the globe was there.

    Never would I even consider one day of this mind numbing nonsense again.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Choosing life, u nailed it right on the head. I always thought we looked like a bunch of 'tards walking around in 120 degree heat while sweating like a horse at our neighbors doors.

    I thought the 4 day assemblies were the international ones

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    The 1978 convention at Busch stadium was an international convention.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    I remember International Conventions as being 8 days. I remember 1966 in Atlanta. I think it may have been in Atlanta again in 1969. Horrible, horrible heat at the old Braves Stadium. I fainted. It had probably been hours since I had had anything to eat or drink. No one would open a concession stand because it wasn't "time" yet. It was in the middle of a session.

    It's just one horrible long torturous, stressful memory. I don't remember anything positive ever happening at these assemblies and conventions. There was no family bonding that took place. It was child abuse. It tore my family apart. Long, boring, tiring., Children having to sit still and quiet for hours with no snacks. No wonder we're all screwed up!

    These are horrible memories that you've reawakened in me. But I thank all of you for my first chance ever to express my emotions about these horrors. I know that all of you understand. I don't know anyone else that does.

    I didn't attend a convention or assembly after 1973. I could't take it anymore and I refused to go. I'm sorry for all of you that continued to suffer.

  • Bendrr

    I remember the 4-day DC's, but the first day was only a half-day meeting and a half-day of field service.

    The only time we did the half-day of field service here, our territory was Alphabet City in Macon. It lasted less than an hour and that was the last time my family ever went in Field Service in Macon. You don't even go near Alphabet City these days unless you're heavily armed.

    The 4-day'ers were back in the good old days of full food service, I remember that. Hot breakfast. 'Round here they served halfway decent grits, but the eggs I believe came from roosters and were part of the reason I refuse to eat eggs to this day. Then breakfast was eliminated and we'd stop at the McDonald's at I-16 and North Avenue and I'd be forced to choke down one of those awful Egg McMuffins. That's why I don't eat at McDonald's any more.

    Well, that and the fact they stopped frying french fries in beef tallow. Whoever made that decision deserves to burn in hell forever.

  • truthsetsonefree

    As a kid I remember the eight day ones. At Yankee Stadium, getting there before sunup so we could get front seats under a tent we would throw up. Wow, those were the days eh?


  • truthsetsonefree

    There also three day circuit assemblies. They would begin on Friday evening, then the usual Saturday and Sunday.


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