Jehovah's Witnessees and the Truth vs the Lie

by AllTimeJeff 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wings

    Jeff....I am in the process of rereading COC and found your post interesting.

    The Bible as it is is claimed to be the foundation for the WTS doctrine. So, yes, it is appropriate to consider the contents of "truth" that they somehow glean from it. Especially considering how many they hold accountable to these "truths".

    It was amazing to me how much of R. Franz's issues with WT doctrine was based in simply reading the scriptures, the freedom (and obligation) to examine the scriptures as they are.

    He wrote:

    It was an education and it was also very humbling, for we came to appreciate that our understanding of Scripture was far less than we had thought, that we were not the advanced Bible scholars we thought we were. I personally had been on such a "treadmill" of activity over the previous twenty-five years that, although reading through the Bible several times, I had never been able to do such serious, detailed research into the Scriptures, in fact never felt great need to do so since it was assumed that others were doing it for me. The two courses at Gilead School I at attended were so tightly programmed that they gave little time for meditation, for unhurried investigation and analysis.

    Having now both time and access to the extra Bible helps, the lexicons, commentaries, Hebrew and Greek concordances, and so forth, was an aid. But above all it was seeing the need always to let the context guide, always to let the Scriptures themselves control, that made the major difference. There was no overnight change of viewpoint but rather, over a period of years, a gradual deepening of appreciation of the crucial need to let God's Word spread for itself to the fullest extent possible. I could see why those one-hundred and two-hundred-year-old commentaries in our Bethel library were comparatively timeless in their value. The very fact of their verse-by-verse approach more of less obliged them to stay within the contextual meaning and thereby considerably restricted them from taking excursions into sectarian views or interpretative flights of fancy.

    In context....what a thought....thoughtful research....what a*t

    He also wrote:

    Many other of Jehovah's Witnesses, not having the information I here supply, arrived at the same crossroads and made their own decision, doing so simply on the basis of what they had read in the Scriptures. Others, however, face a serious crisis of conscience and do so with uncertainty, with a sense of confused anguish, even of guilt.

    So....discovering the "lie" within the "truth".....makes you evil....we know about that.

    he also wrote:

    The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.

    wings (I could go know that though)

  • AllTimeJeff

    Hey wings. CoC didn't open my eyes, it just confirmed what I saw. EVERYTHING Franz said I saw at a different time. The GB's view of the bible is to make it suit their ends.

    GB members frequently would say that one of the least quoted scriptures is Mt 24:45-47 on who the faithful and discreet slave is. That always got me excited. Of course, looking back, it is also one of the most mysterious things Jesus said in some really weird chapters, (Mt 24 and 25) Without that scripture and their interpretation, you have no JW's. That is why Cameron's "Captives of a Concept" (which is another phrase from CoC) hits JW's squarely on the head. They have a concept and fit all teachings around it, whether it fits or not.

    Franz made a great point about the myth, the tradition of JW's. It will take a while longer to totally discard 1914. And even then, they won't do away with it because it is assumed that Jesus started ruling invisibly. No one can argue against that if you are bound and determined to believe that. And the fancifulflights of fancy. Wow! That is what Gilead is all about.

    You put in one of my favorite (and true) quotes from CoC

    The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.
  • skeptic1914

    TRUTH is of secondary importance to most in the org, I think. When I learned that much of "the truth" was not, in fact, TRUTH I naively thought that others (my wife, my kids, even some elders) would hold TRUTH to be of greater import than "the truth" when I brought these things to their attention. Boy was I way off.


  • wings
    The GB's view of the bible is to make it suit their ends

    Now there is a truth. The questions are how did they get there, and how do they manage to sleep at night? Do they keep themselves so busy that they have no time to pursue truth, that they are keeping themselves busy just keeping the myth in the box???

    They have a concept and fit all teachings around it, whether it fits or not.

    Scriptural acrobatics.

    My personal issue was the imposition of the organization taking the place of Jesus as the mediator. In Franz's writings, he quotes a talk given to the Bethel family by uncle Fred....

    "they would merge everyone together and make Jesus Christ the mediator for every Tom, Dick, and Harry."

    I remember when I was told that the Greek scriptures were speaking to the anointed, and they didn't apply to me. Still shaking my head over that one. Like, they are the son's of god and we are the dog's of the son's of god. Grateful for the scraps from the table.

    omg....I was stupid.

  • theMartian

    Idiot Post.

    The scriptures are our guide- not the Tradition of Churchianity.

    Following YOUR view, there are now many thousands of denominations teaching anything imaginable.

  • BurnTheShips

    I know this and you know this, the trick is to get everyone to know this

    I've personally deprogrammed more than a dozen Witnesses using the famous "stained glass gambit"


  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C
    Idiot Post.
    The scriptures are our guide- not the Tradition of Churchianity.
    Following YOUR view, there are now many thousands of denominations teaching anything imaginable.

    I see that theMartian is back with his usual bluster completely devoid of substance. But, this is to be expected. This has been the M.O. of theMartian for quite a while. He thinks that throwing verbal grenades and then ducking for cover constitutes a Watchtower defense. I think that he is a lonely disfellowshipped soul who still blames himself for not being able to measure up to the organization's Adventist code.

    However, It always amazes me that one who is convinced that the Watchtower is the sole dispenser of truth would feel any desire to come here. Is it to give a defense for Jehovah? I would think that Jehovah is probably tired of your lame comments on this forum. You would do better sticking tracts under door mats like the rest of your fellow Kingdom Proclaimers. Your Witnessing on this forum only proves how intellectually vacant your ideology really is.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Hi Martian and welcome.

    You are always welcome to your opinions, however limited in explanation they are.

  • seek2find

    Good post Jeff. This reminds me of an illustration I seen in the one of the publications a while back and the caption below the picture was about studying the Bible. But in the photo both persons were holding the Bible teach book in their hands and their bibles were laying on the table. The photo seemed (In my apostate mind at least) to be putting the society's publications ahead of the Bible itself. It got me to thinking how many different study books they have had just in my lifetime. "The Truth" book, The "Live forever" book, the "Knowledge" book and now the "Bible Teach" book. And yet the Bible has not changed during that time. Only their interpretation of it. seek2find

  • WTWizard

    Prime example of taking a single scripture out of context, twisting the meaning of it to fit your doctrine, and then putting a whole washtowel article about that. And it is going to be to the effect of relying on their Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger as your authority source. Not the Bible. Not personal authority. Not common sense. Just the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger and whatever crap they put out.

    I have noticed how much of their time they waste ranting on this point. If they took out everything about not consulting outside sources, not independently thinking, or not missing the boasting sessions from their material, I bet half of it would be missing.

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