Jehovah's Witnessees and the Truth vs the Lie

by AllTimeJeff 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AllTimeJeff

    There are several places on the internet where the hypocrisy of Jehovah's Witnesses is on full display. What I am about to write is not new, but it is on my mind, so I thought I would write about it. (disclaimer, I am an agnostic writing this, using the bible against JW lies. This doesn't mean I believe the bible to be the word of god, but at the same time, it doesn't take too much to see how JW's misuse the bible as total hypocrites.)

    For example, can a baptized Jehovah's Witness investigate their JW faith in the spirit of of 2 Corinthians 13:5 (NWT)

    Keep testing whether YOU are in the faith, keep proving what YOU yourselves are

    How does the WT interpret this?




    The foremost way of testing whether we are in the faith, then, is to read and meditate on God’s Word and examine how our conduct measures up to what we learn. We can be glad that we have much help to understand God’s Word.

    Sounds good except for the last sentence. We note the bible does not give this responsibility to any man or any leader, it is a personal responsibility. Instantly then, their first comment on a verse that promotes personal responsibility for ones faith is to instead build up the authority of the mysterious "Faithful and Discreet Slave". Notice the next paragraph.




    Jehovah has provided teachings and instruction through the publications of "the faithful and discreet slave," which explain the Scriptures. (Matthew 24:45) For example, consider the box entitled "Questions for Meditation" at the end of most chapters in the book DrawClosetoJehovah. What fine opportunities for personal reflection this feature of the book provides! Numerous subjects discussed in our journals, TheWatchtower and Awake!, also help us to test whether we are in the faith. Regarding the articles on the book of Proverbs in recent issues of TheWatchtower, one Christian woman said: "I find these articles very practical. They help me examine whether my speech, conduct, and attitude really measure up to Jehovah’s righteous standards."

    As usual, and as I commented on, the governing body, the writers and leaders of Jehovah's Witnesses are all about using the bible to consolidate their own authority. Its not about using the bible to help you test and see whether you are in the faith or not. The Governing Body (aka The Faithful Slave class) takes it upon themselves to tell you how you are doing. Notice the only scripture in the above paragraph is the Governing Body's favorite. Then they basically tell you, "Look at our books and magazines. Bible? Well, you can read it, but we'll explain it. You aren't allowed to do this."

    Naturally, all should have a problem with that. If the bible tells you that you have the responsibility to figure things out for yourself, shouldn't you? That same article sums it up this way:


    Our publications, Christian meetings, appointed men—these are wonderful provisions from Jehovah. Testing whether we are in the faith, though, requires self-examination. So when we are reading our publications or listening to Scriptural admonition, we need to ask ourselves: ‘Does this describe me? Do I do this? Am I adhering to the body of Christian beliefs?’ Our attitude toward the information we receive by means of these provisions also has a bearing on our spiritual condition. "A physical man does not receive the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him," says the Bible. "However, the spiritual man examines indeed all things." (1 Corinthians 2:14, 15) Should we not strive to maintain a positive, spiritual view of what we read in our books, magazines, and other publications and of what we hear at our meetings and from the elders?

    Notice the sources of authority: Everything BUT the bible. They took a verse and ran all the way to the affirmation of their own authority structure.

    Why do this? Control. Simple control.

    Using their own logic, "maintaining a positive view of what we read in our books, magazines, etc" means that we accept all that is said without question. So when a WT publication says 'Pay no attention to the news media of the world, controlled by Satan, it is harmful to our faith', or "The internet is harmful to our faith", what they mean is "It is harmful to our authority and what we say. It is harmful to our ability to control you and how you think. It has nothing to do with your faith."

    The bottom line question is: Should the truth be concerned about the facts? The answer is no. If Ray Franz was lying (and we know he wasn't) then the WT would confidentaly and affably allow the flock to examine. But they instead demonize anyone who disagrees with them. The paranoia is rank and ripe.

    As an example, the 'god dishonering lie about the trinity' (from the JW point of view) is not only NOT avoided, it is frequently turned into a straw man punching bag designed to zeal up the flock to go preach. Why aren't they afraid of the trinity? I mean, they teach and review the very doctrine in brochures and WT and Awake articles frequently? Aren't they afraid someone will leave Jehovah for the Trinity? In addition, the book "Mankinds Search for God" reviews basic tenents of most major world religions. (albeit very selectively and sometimes dishonestly) But they aren't afraid to tell you some basics of other religions that supposedly YHWH doesn't approve of? Why not do the same things with "apostates"? The difference of course is dogma. The inventors of the trinity and other religions have theological disagreements with JW's. "Apostates", as JW's like to call them have actual facts and truth about the history of the movement that threatens their grip because it exposes the lies.

    So lets get this straight: Jehovah Witnesses maintain that anyone can get the 100% truth about any religion, not from the religion itself, but from them. At the same time, JW's maintain that the only place to get the 100% truth about Jehovah's Witnesses and their history is through Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Um, does anyone see a problem with this?

    I realize this isn't new, but it points to a danger that I see. The bible is all about the governing body and their authority. You can be disfellowshipped for all kinds of sexual perversions and acts, including pedophilia, and as long as you say your sorry, they will let you back. But if you have done what me and many thousands have done and actually write a letter saying that you disagree with a teaching, or all the teachings, and let them know that you know about their history and that you resign, it is highly likely that you will never get back in, even if you wanted to. Fornication, murder and the like are not as dangerous as the simple act of disagreeing with the Governing Body and their teachings.

    Contrary to what they say, the Governing Body is not interested in exposing the lies of false religion, they are totally interested in insulating their flocks from the lies they themselves have spewed, the hypocrisies that they have lived. By twisting the scripture "Keep testing as to whether you are in the faith" into a personal refferendum on your obedience to the publications, the elders and the Governing Body, they keep everyones head buried in the sand.

    The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses are nothing but liers. They are cynical manipulators of the bible and their flock.

  • passwordprotected

    Great post.


    It`s my experience,the WBT$ has Never been Interested in Truth..Only blind obedience..Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • steve2

    The quest for truth and an arrogant belief in absolutes don't go together. The truth-seeker is always mindful that if it is really truth that they are looking for, they need to remain humbly open to evidence. It is interesting that, despite their claim to be advocates of truth, the JWs by and large are arrogant defenders of their own established belief system, a system that is impervious to contrary evidence.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses are nothing but liers. They are cynical manipulators of the bible and their flock.

    Has to be the comment of the year

  • cawshun

    I know this and you know this, the trick is to get everyone to know this

  • AllTimeJeff

    The Governing Body is fighting a losing battle. There stand against the internet is untenable, esp since they have a website. The trick for them is to look for members who don't have the internet or access to the truth.

    Fortunately, while JW's got their start in the industrial age, they are going to slowly die in the information age. More information is never a bad thing.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Multi-million dollar $$$ Corporations are a breeding ground for corruption.

    The corruption is instituted for the sole means of maintaining the strength of the organization.

    Also to complacently maintain the power and privilege of the hierarchy ruling class.

    For emphasis of this corruption, think of the thousands of innocent lives that were needlessly taken by virtue of not taking a blood transfusions, organ transplants

    vaccinations and some were just innocent children that had the unfortunate circumstance of having JW parents, what a total waste of human life just so a few men

    could sit on the throne of power for their own glorification.

  • oompa

    ATJ...what is this? is not a 1957 wt...decode for me please anybody?.....good post btw.........oompa

  • AllTimeJeff

    July 15 05 WT

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