"We Are No Longer Minutes Aways From The New System ---We Are Seconds"

by minimus 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    I wouldn't be surprised if the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger starts using tenths of seconds when the people start slowing down again. Then, milliseconds. After a few years, they will start using microseconds. If they think people have enough sense to use the words, they may even start telling people that we are "nanoseconds" away starting around 2034. After that, they will use the term picoseconds. Then femtoseconds, attoseconds, zeptoseconds, yoctoseconds... after which point, they are going to run out of terms.

    And Armageddon will still be nowhere near at hand.

  • LouBelle

    we truly have to pity these blinded ones - they are still accepting this drivel day in and day out. It was milliseconds away when I was 17....hello I'm turning 33 next year (slight knee wobble)

    I do feel sorry for them - it breaks my heart and yet I can't force them to see that they are deceived - they've got to want that freedom for themselves!!!

  • Newborn

    My sister says it doesn't matter when it comes, even if it doesn't come in her life time, she still believes in this BS more and more every day and will serve god loyally as long as she lives.

    What can I say...


  • iceguy

    Is'nt making statements like that in a way predicting the end? I remember they would say "We are in the last days" then it was "We are in the last hours" and now its "We are in the last seconds". They are giving the r&f the impression that they know something about when the end will be here and giving them a countdown. I wonder how many r&f talk amongst themselves about how the GB must know when the actual time when the end will begin...and thats why they tell us were in the last seconds?

  • rmt1

    LOL WTW "I wouldn't be surprised if the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger starts using tenths of seconds when the people start slowing down again. Then, milliseconds." That's like the Fed cutting the prime funds rate to NOT zero percent, because that would be showing their hand, but a range between 0% and .25%. JWs will never ever be able to say "It is happening now."

    But this seconds business: I've been out now 10 years and the last I was in, they wanted the UN to somehow mandate a stoppage to all religious organization and somehow take over religious property? I mean, that's what they mean when they say the beast will turn on the harlot and devour her, right? They aren't just throwing around exploitative bible porn but actually have some estimation, expectation on how such a grandiose interpretation might physically happen? Right? That would take 1) a bunch of time to convince the public that the temporal secular powers have a right to take away their god(s) 2) discussion, committee, etc. 3) implementation. That process alone would take tons of God-seconds.

    And then isn't there something about the King of the North, King of the South, and hooks in the jaws of Gog and Magog? What's their new light on that now? That's got to be a couple more God-seconds.

  • Sunspot

    In the fall of 1969, I was 28 years old and accepted a WTS indoctrination study from JWs at my door. The thrust was always that there was a huge hurry to get on the Ark of salvation before the END COMES..... and it was URGENT that we take our stand NOW before Armageddon "hit". There was NO TIME to mess around with indecision! So I completed my "two books", qualified by doing all the WTS required, passed the 80 questions before baptism, and was baptized in July 1972.

    Here we are nearing 2009, with many changes in doctrine and the admittedly faulty opinions of the men I mistakenly put my trust in.....and the GB is still demonstrating that they are making this up as they go along, they are NOT "the truth" and they never WERE the truth.

    Seeing as how the WTS has never gotten one thing right that they predicted.....how can ANYONE still believe in anything the WTS says, prints or teaches about anything?

  • orangefatcat

    aren't we being slightly speculative? we could get in big trouble if the elders hear us talking like this.

    could it be in a nano second?????????just wondering.

    orangefatcat isn't it past your bedtime? No it is not it is only 3:30 in the morning. Oh right well hell I have to go to sleep so if you want want to post more you go to the computer at the desk and post all you want. I need my beauty sleep.

    goodnight/goodmorning it all depends where you live

    Orangefatcat party animal........


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I've waited 59 seconds and..............nothing! Bloody liars I will add that to the long list of failed prophecies.

  • wannaexit

    round my parts folks the end in on the HORIZON. --It's no longer around the corner----You can see it on the HORIZON---------- So say the Canadian bethel heavies.

  • jgnat

    When hubby suggests the futility of planning for the future, I pat his arm and say, "That's all right dear. I'll keep paying in to our pension." Then I ask how the older brothers and sisters at the hall are doing, the ones with bad teeth? They believed it was only minutes away, too.

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