JWN question

by bonnzo 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • IWillBeDubbedNoMore

    I have been there a few times and as of yet I haven't found any either oompa. I think we have to wait until Simon finishes constructing the site.

  • undercover
    When you are asked for your user id don't type in the name you are known as. Example " IwillBeDubbedNoMore" Instead you need to type in your e-mail address that you signed up on JWD with. I hope this helps

    I logged on using my screen name. It worked a couple of times but it also said "welcome..." and someone eles's email address showed up. It's been so long since I joined JWD, I don't remember what email address I used. I've gone through a few since then. If we have to use our email address to sign in, I'm sunk, lol.

  • IWillBeDubbedNoMore

    I just tried to get on with my screen name and could not. I used my e-mail and it worked. Very strange

  • Simon

    Registration isn't enabled yet but will be in the future once it's up and running as the main site.

    Likewise for posting topics and relying ... the code is there and working and I may enable it for short periods while doing testing but each site wouldn't know aout posts made from the other (because of caching) so it would get confusing.

    I will maybe give a heads up where people can try out the new posting / HTML editor on different browsers to see how they find it (just for an hour or so).

    The different email address shoing up was a caching issue which I've fixed (I haven't put it on the site yet but removed the username display for the time being).

  • Kenneson


  • Sunspot

    I was so thrilled to find that there was a new forum starting up.....that I posted over ON the new board! The last I looked there was no reply to my post :o(

    I tried to reply to another post....and could not FIND the way to do so....I gave up. I see that others have made replies...but apparently it was beyond me how to do this. Modern technology is NOT my strong suit....in case nobody had noticed!

    I guess I'll just have to be patient and wait until everything is up and running....



  • hillbilly

    hmmmnnn cant get in with email or user name...........


  • NewYork44M

    I have two JWN questions:

    Will we have the ability to paste from MSWord?

    Will JWN have spell check?

    Thank you.

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