You know you are officially a parent when....

by mama1119 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • mama1119

    You have to brush your teeth with a Dora the Explorer toothbrush and SpongeBob toothpaste.

    I used to be so cool............

  • snowbird

    You're on the back burner for now.

    Baby takes center stage.

    Isn't it amazing how a little person can turn your world upside down?


  • mama1119

    Oh, they take center stage alright!

    And..they take my toothbrushes!!!

  • crazyblondeb

    Wait till you find your deodorant used for decorating the walls.....

    and your hairbrush in the toilet.......your makeup used on 20 babies and barbies.....

    your blankets and sheets become tents......

    but i wouldn't trade it for anything........well, maybe a new brush!!

  • mama1119

    My 5 year old took all my panyliners out of the hall closet and spelled out her whole name with them on the wall! How smart is that!!!

  • AudeSapere

    I hope you took a picture of that!


  • mama1119

    I did, it was too funny. She was all proud of it too! Can't be mad at that...

  • purplesofa

    When your reading level is not any higher than your oldest child.


  • delilah

    ....when that huge head finally emerges after hours of labour, sweat and pain....(unless of course you have an epidural and you breeze through the entire experience) and your life as you once knew it, is on hold for the next 18 years.

  • restrangled

    When you thought potty training was all over and your little guy takes a dump on the front sideswalk cause he is too busy to come in and go to the the bathroom.

    When one of your little boys finds it fascinating to slam very expensive makeup down the toilet and try to flush it!

    When one of your toddlers grabs a kitchen chair in the middle of the night and hauls out the olive oil an open bottle of red wine and a large spoon and dumps both into white carpet in front of the fire place.

    When one of your toddler boys gets into a guest's purse and eats all their birth control pills.....after a rush to the pediatrician, you find out, womens hormone pills have no effect on little boys.

    When little boys have a fascination with hot air balloons and try to start one in your living room with matches a regular balloon and a coffee filter tied to the balloon with sewing thread.

    Good god, how did I survive these boys? These memories make me laugh. They are now 21 and 24. Both have good jobs, are attending college and the biggest crises now are traffic tickets and girlfiriends! Mr. Hotair balloon, pays for his own flight lessons, and Mr. Mix it, likes to cook on the side.


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