Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 12-14-08 WT Study (WATCHES)

by blondie 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 12-14-08 WT Study (October 15, 2008, pages (7-11)(WATCHES)Review comments will be in red
    WT material from today's WT will be in black
    Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxes
    w = Watchtower
    g = Awake
    jv = Proclaimers book

    Bible translations
    WT publications
    WT child abuse
    Blood issue
    United Nations

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    Jehovah's eyes are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him. "-2 CHRON. 16:9


    It never cease to amaze me how Jesus is left out of the picture with only a cursory mention. Although the WTS applies Isaiah 9:6 to Jesus as being the Eternal Father of the human race, do they mention Jesus' fatherly concern in this article?

    How many ever saw this statement in the WTS saying that God is only the "grandfather" of the other sheep?


    *** w95 8/1 p. 13 par. 19 Jehovah—A God Who Teaches ***Even though the other sheep are not directly included among the “sons” spoken of at Isaiah 54:13, they are blessed with being taught by Jehovah. Therefore, they properly address God as “Father” because he will, in effect, be their Grandfather through the “Eternal Father,” Jesus Christ.—Matthew 6:9; Isaiah 9:6.


    Q 1. Why does Jehovah examine us?

    JEHOVAH is the perfect Father. He knows us so well that he is aware even of the inclination of [our thoughts." (1 Chron. 28:9) However, he does not examine us merely in order to find fault. (Ps. 11:4; 130:3) Rather, he lovingly wants to protect us from anything that might damage our relationship with him or harm our prospects for gaining everlasting life.-Ps. 25:8-10, 12, 13.

    Using an OT theme scripture sets the stage for leaving Jesus out of the picture. Using OT examples does the same after all what relationship did Abraham, Enoch, Noah, or Moses have with Christ?

    "not examine us merely in order to find fault"?--here's a thread on JWD that delineates the "minor" things that jws have been counseled on.

    How many times did the elders approach you to compliment you or praise you without it being a prelude to "counsel"?

    CARROT--Everlasting life

    Q 2. Jehovah shows his strength in behalf of whom?

    2. Jehovah is matchless in power and sees all. For that reason, he can come to the aid of his loyal ones whenever they call on him, and he can support them during their trials. Jehovah's eyes are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him," says 2 Chronicles 16:9. Note that Jehovah uses his strength in behalf of those who serve him with a complete heart, a heart that is pure and sincere in motive. He shows no such concern for those who are deceitful or hypocritical.-Josh. 7:1, 20, 21, 25; Prov. 1: 23-33.

    What kind of aid, miraculous practical kind as the WTS brings out later about Jeremiah? What kind of support? I know an older sister who was so depressed that she tried to kill herself, many years a jw, and only 2 elders visited her in the hospital. I suppose she should be grateful that a JC wasn't convened on the spot.

    Does God only come to the aid of those serving him with a complete heart (only jws), pure and sincere, not deceitful or hypocritical (all non-jws).


    (Matthew 5:43-45) 43 “YOU heard that it was said, ‘You must love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 However, I say to YOU: Continue to love YOUR enemies and to pray for those persecuting YOU; 45 that YOU may prove yourselves sons of YOUR Father who is in the heavens, since he makes his sun rise upon wicked people and good and makes it rain upon righteous people and unrighteous.


    (Acts 14:15-17) . . .. 16 In the past generations he permitted all the nations to go on in their ways, 17 although, indeed, he did not leave himself without witness in that he did good, giving YOU rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling YOUR hearts to the full with food and good cheer.. . .

    Walk With God

    Q 3, 4. What does it mean to 'walk with God,' and what Bible examples shed light on this matter?

    3. To many, it is inconceivable that the Creator of our vast universe allows humans to walk with him in a spiritual sense. Yet, that is exactly what Jehovah wants us to do. In Bible times, Enoch and Noah 'walked with God.' (Gen. 5:24; 6:9) Moses "continued steadfast as seeing the One who is invisible." (Heb. 11:27) King David found himself humbly walking alongside his heavenly Father. He said: "Because [Jehovah is at my right hand, I shall not be made to totter."-Ps. 16:8.

    So jws aren't to walk with Jesus? Where's Jesus (WJ)?


    (1 Peter 2:21) 21 In fact, to this [course] YOU were called, because even Christ suffered for YOU, leaving YOU a model for YOU to follow his steps closely.

    OT examples--Enoch, Noah, Moses, David (no female examples?)

    Enoch was rewarded with an early end to his life; Moses was rewarded with not being allowed to enter the Promised Land and David was allowed to escape the capital punishment for adultery and murder.

    4. Of course, we cannot literally take Jehovah by the hand and walk with him. But we can do so in a figurative sense. How? The psalmist Asaph writes: "I am constantly with you; you have taken hold of my right hand. With your counsel you will lead me." (Ps. 73: 23, 24) Simply put, we walk with Jehovah when we closely follow his counsel, which we receive primarily through his written Word and through "the faithful and discreet slave."-Matt. 24:45; 2 Tim. 3:16.


    "of course"--so why the need to "clarify" this was if jws believe this?

    "follow his counsel" or follow the WT organization?

    Can jws understand the bible without WT publications?


    Channel to understanding the Bible... All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the "greatly diversified wisdom of God" can become known only through Jehovah’s channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave. (The Watchtower; 10/1/1994; pp. 8 )

    The most quoted scripture in WTS publications--Matt. 24:45-47

    Q 5. How does Jehovah keep a fatherly eye upon his loyal ones, and how should we feel toward him?

    5. Because Jehovah cherishes those who walk with him, he keeps his fatherly eye upon them, caring for them, protecting them, and teaching them. "I shall make you have insight and instruct you in the way you should go," God says. "I will give advice with my eye upon you." (Ps. 32:8 ) Ask yourself: 'Do I see myself walking hand in hand with Jehovah, as it were, listening to his wisdom and knowing that his loving eye is upon me? Does my awareness of his presence influence my thoughts, words, and deeds? And when I err, do I see Jehovah, not as a God who is aloof and stern, but as a warm, merciful Father who wants to help repentant ones back into his warm embrace?' -Ps. 51:17.

    The WTS teaches that now God only protects jws and that in only a "spiritual" way.

    Does the mercy towards erring jws have to come from individual members or through the elders only?


    *** w92 6/1 p. 19 par. 16 Make Wise Use of Your Christian Freedom ***
    Some have been tempted to hide serious sins, perhaps reasoning: ‘I have confessed to Jehovah and repented. So why involve the elders?’ The wrongdoer may be embarrassed or fear what the elders might do. He should, however, remember that although Jehovah alone can cleanse us of sin, He has made the elders primarily responsible for the purity of the congregation. (Psalm 51:2) They are there for healing, for “the readjustment
    of the holy ones.” (Ephesians 4:12) Not to go to them when we need spiritual help is like not going to a doctor when we are sick.

    Where's Jesus?


    *** w07 1/1 p. 23 par. 13 “You Must Become Nothing but Joyful” ***
    As those acts foreshadowed, the great High Priest, Jesus, uses the merit of his own lifeblood to provide forgiveness of sins.

    Q 6. What advantage does Jehovah have over a human parent?

    6. At times, Jehovah may come to our aid even before we embark on a wrong course. For instance, he may observe that our potentially treacherous heart begins to desire things that are improper. (Jer. 17:9) In such a situation, he can act even sooner than human parents can because his "beaming eyes" have the ability to look deep inside us, to examine our inmost thoughts. (Ps. 11:4; 139:4; Jer.17:10) Consider God's response to a situation that developed in the life of Baruch, the prophet Jeremiah's personal secretary and close friend.

    And how does God come to the rank and file's aid? Does he reveal their wicked thoughts to the elders by holy spirit? Elders have not acted on the wicked acts of jw pedophiles in their midst.

    OT-Baruch, Jeremiah

    Where's Jesus?

    A True Father to Baruch

    Q 7, 8. (a) Who was Baruch, and what unwhole­some desires may have started to develop in his heart? (b) How did Jehovah demonstrate his fatherly concern for Baruch?

    7. Baruch was a professional scribe who faithfully served alongside Jeremiah in what became a difficult assignment--proclaiming Jehovah's judgments to Judah. (Jer. 1:18, 19) At some point, Baruch, who may have belonged to a prominent family, began to seek "great things" for himself. Perhaps he began to nurture personal ambitions or a desire for material prosperity. Whatever the case, Jehovah saw that this dangerous thinking was developing in Baruch's heart. Speaking through Jeremiah, Jehovah promptly addressed the matter, saying to Baruch: "You have said: "woe, now, to me, for Jehovah has added grief to my pain! I have grown weary because of my sighing, and no resting-place have I found.'" Then God said: "You keep seeking great things for yourself. Do not keep on seeking."-Jer. 45:1-5.

    "may have" "perhaps"

    So what happens to the WTS explanation if Baruch is not from a prominent family and there is no proof that he sought material things? At least the bible mentions Baruch which is not true of the WTS character in the drama last year, Scolios....I wonder how many jws think he was a real
    bible person?

    So how did Jeremiah prove that God was speaking through him....his prophecies had not come true yet?

    8. Although he was firm with Baruch, Jehovah reacted, not with anger, but with genuine fatherly concern. Evidently, God saw that the man's desires did not reflect a wicked or devious heart. Jehovah also knew that Jerusalem and Judah were in their last days, and he did not want Baruch to stumble at that critical time. Hence, to bring his servant back to reality, God reminded him that He was "bringing in a calamity upon all
    flesh," adding that if Baruch acted wisely, he would live. (Jer. 45:5) In effect, God said: 'Be realistic, Baruch. Keep in mind what will soon happen to sinful Judah and Jerusalem. Remain faithful and live! I will protect you.' Jehovah evidently reached Baruch's heart, for he responded positively and survived the destruction of Jerusalem, which occurred 17 years later.

    "last days" "critical time"

    Adding to the bible............"evidently (twice)" "in effect God said"

    So remember Baruch when the WTS shows concern about the rank and file being too concerned about "great things."


    *** w01 4/15 p. 24 How to Cope With Negative Feelings ***
    Baruch responded to counsel and avoided materialistic distractions.


    *** w78 1/1 p. 21 par. 16 Enduring in Faithfulness ***
    Jehovah warned Baruch not to return to the worldly, materialistic ways of the Judeans, seeking his own personal advancement. No, his place was to keep serving faithfully beside Jehovah’s prophet. Likewise, in these twentieth-century “final days,” it is no time for any of God’s people to return to this doomed materialistic world. Their proper place is to serve with endurance until at last ‘they receive their soul as a spoil in the realm of God’s kingdom by Christ Jesus, beyond the storm of Har–Magedon.

    destruction...17 years how long have the WTS held out the theme of destruction, since 1874 (to end in 1914), or 1920, or 1925, or the mid 1940's, 1975, (1984--70 years generation), 1994 (80 years generation). and here it is 14 years past that date.

    Q 9. How would you answer the questions raised in the paragraph?

    9. As you reflect on the account about Baruch, consider the following questions and scriptures: What does God's way of dealing with Baruch reveal about Jehovah and his feelings toward his servants? (Read Hebrews 12:9.) In view of the critical times in which we live, what can we learn from God's counsel to Baruch and from Baruch's response? (Read Luke 21:34-36.) In imitation of Jeremiah, how can Christian elders reflect Jehovah's concern for His servants?-Read Galatians 6:1.

    "critical times"

    Christian elders--only jws

    his servants--His servants?

    God's concern--I can remember several elders always calling me for the phone numbers of people in the book study and they could never remember the names of their children, even after 10 years, not much godly concern.

    The Father's Love Reflected in the Son

    Q 10. How is Jesus equipped to handle his position as Head of the Christian congregation?

    10. During the pre-Christian era, Jehovah's love for his people was revealed through his prophets and other faithful servants. Nowadays, it is seen, above all, in the Head of the Christian congregation, Jesus Christ. (Eph. 1:22,23) Thus, in the book of Revelation, Jesus is depicted as a lamb with "seven eyes, which eyes mean the seven spirits of God that have been sent forth into the whole earth." (Rev. 5:6) Yes, empowered with the fullness of God's holy spirit, Jesus has perfect discernment. He too sees what we are on the inside, and nothing escapes his notice.

    Christian congregation--really only anointed Christians


    *** w55 4/15 p. 230 The True Christian Congregation ***
    According to God’s Word the Christian congregation is limited to 144,000 called, chosen and faithful ones: “And I saw, and look! the Lamb standing upon the mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand having his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads. . . . These were purchased from among mankind as a firstfruits to God.” That this number is literal is seen from Revelation 7, where it is also given and contrasted with a great crowd from all nations that no man could number.

    Jesus may have perfect discernment but not the WTS organization.

    How many elders and MS I knew that lived their lives out of the sight of humans with no regard that God and Jesus saw all they did or did not do.


    (Psalm 94:6-7) 6 The widow and the alien resident they kill, And the fatherless boys they murder. 7 And they keep saying: “Jah does not see; And the God of Jacob does not understand [it].”

    Q 11. What role does Christ play, and how does his attitude toward us reflect that of his Father?

    11. Like Jehovah, though, Jesus is no celestial policeman. He examines us through the eyes of love. One of Jesus' titles, "Eternal Father," reminds us of the role he will play in the granting of everlasting life to all who exercise faith in him. (Isa. 9:6) Moreover, as Head of the Christian congregation, Christ can move willing, spiritually mature Christians, especially elders, to provide comfort or counsel to those in need.-1 Thess. 5:14; 2 Tim. 4: 1, 2.

    Jesus no celestial he leaves that to jw elders who stake out jw homes to catch them in a sin of immorality, adultery, or smoking.

    CARROT--everlasting life

    I would say that most jws are not listening to God's moving to help others but rather sit back and let someone else do it.

    Q 12. (a) What do the letters to the seven congregations in Asia Minor reveal about Jesus? (b) How do elders reflect Christ's attitude toward God's flock?

    12. Christ's deep interest in the flock is reflected in the letters to the elders of the seven congregations in Asia Minor. (Rev. 2:1-3:22) Therein, Jesus indicated both his awareness of what was happening in each congregation and the depth of his concern for his fol­lowers. The same applies today-only more so-since the Revelation vision is fulfilled during "the Lord's Day".* (Rev. 1:10) Christ's love is often expressed through
    the elders, who serve as spiritual shepherds of the congregation. He can move these "gifts in men" to give comfort, encouragement, or counsel when needed. (Eph. 4:8; Acts 20:28; read Isaiah 32: 1, 2.) Do you view their efforts as an expression of Christ's interest in you personally?

    * Although the letters apply primarily to Christ's anointed followers, in principle they apply to all of God's servants.

    Lord's Day = 1914 per WTS

    gifts in men = princes is what Isaiah 32:1,2 says and it is how must elders in jw congregations conduct and view themselves, where is the humility in that and imagine a world only with jws run by men with that attitude?

    Armageddon Survivor

    Q 13-15. How may God choose to answer our prayers? Give examples.

    13. Have you ever prayed intensely for help and received an answer in the form of an encouraging visit from a spiritually mature Christian? (Jas.5:14-16) Or perhaps the help came in the form of a talk at a Christian meeting or information in one of our publications. Jehovah often answers prayers in these ways. For example, after giving a talk, an elder was approached by a sister who in the weeks prior to the talk had been the victim of a gross injustice. Instead of complaining about her problem, she expressed deep appreciation for certain scriptural points made in the talk. They applied to her situation and gave her much comfort. How glad she was that she had attended that meeting!

    So how many of us had an "encouraging visit from a spiritually mature Christian" especially since they could not count their time?

    When I was inactive the first time, only 5 people called to "encourage" me, all people viewed as odd, immature, and weak by the congregation.

    So is the WTS saying that if you have been raped, molested, and defrauded by a "mature" jw, that you should not say anything about your problem?

    14. Regarding help received through prayer, consider the example of three prison inmates who came to a knowledge of Bible truth while incarcerated and became unbaptized publishers. Because of a violent incident, a number of privileges were taken away from all the prisoners in the facility. That sparked a protest. The prisoners decided that after breakfast the next morning, as an act of defiance, they would refuse to return
    their plates. The three unbaptized publishers were now in a dilemma. If they joined in the revolt, they would be violating Jehovah's counsel found at Romans 13:1. If they did not join in, they could expect reprisals from angry inmates.

    These were "unbaptized" jws who were stuck in a situation that prevented them from pursuing their previous criminal life...would they be successful without the built-in prevention?

    15. Unable to communicate with one another, the three men prayed for wisdom. The following morning, all three found that they had decided on exactly the same solution-they simply would decline breakfast. When the guards later came to collect the plates, the three men had none to return. How glad they were that the "Hearer of prayer" was near!--Ps. 65:2.

    So they prayed for direction........they didn't do as most jws do, call an elder or check a WT publication, or heavens, actual read the Bible!

    Facing the Future With Confidence

    Q 16. How does the preaching work show Jehovah's concern for sheeplike ones?

    16. The worldwide preaching work is yet another evidence ofJehovah's concern for honest hearted individuals, wherever they may live. (Gen. 18:25) Jehovah, often by using angelic direction, can guide his servants to sheep like ones-even if these live in areas not yet reached by the good news. (Rev. 14:6, 7) For example, by means of an angel, God directed Philip, an evangelizer of the first century, to intercept an Ethiopian official and open up the Scriptures to him. The result? The man accepted the good news and became a baptized follower of Jesus.*-John 10: 14; Acts 8:26-39.

    *Another example of heavenly direction can be found at Acts 16:6-10. There, we read that Paul and his companions "were forbidden by the holy spirit" to preach in Asia and Bithynia. Instead they were summoned to work in Macedonia, where many meek individuals responded to their evangelizing.

    "using angelic direction"..."areas not yet reached" Is that the WTS position of reaching everyone?


    *** w00 1/15 p. 13 par. 17 “Keep on the Watch” ***
    Fifth, we see a global preaching work being accomplished, which Jesus said would take place just before the end of this system. Jesus stated: “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14) Today, that prophecy is in the course of fulfillment on an unprecedented scale. True, untouched territories still exist, and it may be that in
    Jehovah’s due time, a large door leading to greater activity will open. (1 Corinthians 16:9) Nevertheless, the Bible does not state that Jehovah will wait until every individual on earth has received a personal witness. Rather, the good news must be preached to Jehovah’s satisfaction. Then the end will come.—Compare Matthew 10:23.

    Or does the footnote indicate that God will direct jws only to the areas with the most likelihood of "success"?

    Q 17. Why should we not become overly anxious about the future?

    17. As the present system of things moves toward its end, the foretold "pangs of distress" will continue. (Matt. 24:8 ) For example, food prices may rise considerably because of increasing demand, extreme weather, or economic instability. Employment may become harder to find, and employees may come under increased pressure to work longer hours. Whatever happens, all who keep spiritual interests in first place and maintain a 'simple eye' need not be overly anxious. They know that God loves them and will care for them. (Matt. 6:22-34) Consider, for example, how Jehovah provided for Jeremiah at the time of Jerusalem's turbulent end in 607 B.C.E.

    Food prices may assured that those in Bethel will not go without a square meal despite the conditions of the rank and file.

    Work longer hours....meaning that you should starve rather than miss a meeting to work extra hours.

    simple does the rank and file have their room and board provided to them?

    607 (what proof?)

    Q 18. How did Jehovah prove his love for Jeremiah during the siege of Jerusalem?

    18. During the latter part of the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem, Jeremiah was imprisoned in the Courtyard of the Guard. How would he obtain food? Had he been free, he could have searched for it. Instead, he was totally dependent on those around him, most of whom hated him! Still, Jeremiah trusted not in men but in God, who promised to care for him. Did Jehovah live up to his word? Absolutely! He saw to it that Jeremiah daily received "a round loaf of bread ... until all the bread was exhausted from the city." (Jer. 37:21) Jeremiah, as well as Baruch, Ebed-melech, and others, survived that time of famine, disease, and death.-Jer. 38:2; 39:15-18.

    OT--Jeremiah, Baruch, Ebed-melech

    So does this mean that jws can be sure they will not starve and jws have not starved in the past?

    Does the WTS promise individual survival?


    *** w02 12/15 p. 15 par. 10 “He Will Draw Close to You” ***
    How, though, does Jehovah guard his people? His promise of protection does not guarantee us a problem-free life in this system; nor does it mean that he is obligated to work miracles in our behalf. Nevertheless, Jehovah does provide physical protection for his people as a group.

    Q 19. As we face the future, what should be our resolve?

    19. Yes, "the eyes of Jehovah are upon the righteous ones, and his ears are toward their supplication." (1 Pet. 3:12) Do you rejoice in your heavenly Father's watchfulness? Do you feel safe and secure in knowing that his eyes are upon you for your good? Be determined, then, to continue walking with God--no matter what the future may hold. We can be sure that Jehovah will always keep a close, fatherly eye upon all his loyal ones.-Ps. 32:8; read Isaiah 41:13.

    So Jesus eyes are not upon us, that we should not be walking with Christ and that as our Eternal Father he doesn't keep a close, fatherly eye on us?

    his loyal ones--only jws

    Can You Explain?

    How can we show that we are 'walking with God'?

    How did Jehovah demonstrate his love for Baruch?

    As Head of the Christian congregation, how does Jesus reflect his Father's qualities?

    In what ways can we show that we trust in God during these critical times?


    A very vague, unspecific article that lets jws fill in the blanks mentally. An article filled with OT examples. An article that does not building a loving relationship with Jesus. Is Jesus the Head or are jws told they must go through the WT organization to have a relationship with him?

    What role does the "faithful and discreet slave" really play in the development of WT publications, talks, and meetings?


    *** w95 5/15 p. 16 par. 2 Part 1—Flashes of Light—Great and Small ***
    The facts indicate that this faithful and discreet slave class comprises all anointed Christians as a group on earth at any given time.

    Does this include women? Does it include anyone not on the "governing body"?

    The holidays are fast approaching. Hope you are on target with your activities. We have quite a bit of snow and it has been quite chilly.

    Love, Blondie

  • musky

    his servants--His servants? ? why capitalized?

    Eagle eye Blondie. Thanks for your comments.


    Blondie..Another entertaining thread..There is no way I could read that crap,without your wit..LOL!!.......................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Amha·’aret

    Thanks Blondie.

    Once again I've probably done a better WT study than most of my in relatives!

  • cameo-d
    How does Jehovah keep a fatherly eye upon his loyal ones, and how should we feel toward him?

    We feel he oughta put his eyes back in his head and keep them to himself.

    Nobody likes being stared at and watched. I think Jehovah is creepy.


    So we got Jehovah HORUS? Is the symbol for Jehovah the "all seeing eye"?

    Why does Jehovah examine us?

    Mr. x-ray eyes.

    God says. "I will give advice with my eye upon you."

    This is why the New System will be right in line with tracking and monitoring.

    Jehovah's eyes are roving about through all the earth

    "the eyes of Jehovah are upon the righteous ones
    because his "beaming eyes" have the ability to look deep inside us

    ...sounds like Jehovah is Big Brother...or maybe a fallen Watcher?

    Blondie...I like the way you nailed the subliminal technique of the way WT is using OT scripture to set the stage to leave Jesus out of the picture. Very good observation.

    All this "jah is watching you" seems to lead right into acceptance of the New Surveillence Society which is at hand. If you're not doing anything wrong, you shouldn't object to being tracked and watched and your every transaction recorded and tagged.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    14. Regarding help received through prayer, consider the example of three prison inmates who came to a knowledge of Bible truth while incarcerated and became unbaptized publishers. Because of a violent incident, a number of privileges were taken away from all the prisoners in the facility. That sparked a protest. The prisoners decided that after breakfast the next morning, as an act of defiance, they would refuse to return
    their plates. The three unbaptized publishers were now in a dilemma. If they joined in the revolt, they would be violating Jehovah's counsel found at Romans 13:1. If they did not join in, they could expect reprisals from angry inmates.

    These were "unbaptized" jws who were stuck in a situation that prevented them from pursuing their previous criminal life...would they be successful without the built-in prevention?

    15. Unable to communicate with one another, the three men prayed for wisdom. The following morning, all three found that they had decided on exactly the same solution-they simply would decline breakfast. When the guards later came to collect the plates, the three men had none to return. How glad they were that the "Hearer of prayer" was near!--Ps. 65:2.

    So they prayed for direction........they didn't do as most jws do, call an elder or check a WT publication, or heavens, actual read the Bible!

    This is similar to a scenario called The Prisoners' Dilemna that was quoted in my economics textbook. What they did in that [made up] experience had nothing to do with prayer. It had everything to do with self-preservation and logical thinking. Both "prisoners" apparently thought logically and came to the same conclusion separately. It was good thinking...NOT "that the [so-called] 'Hearer of prayer' was near..." ..hey if WT can use brackets [ ] can

    Snakes ()

  • stillajwexelder

    as usual thanks

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I think the purpose of the lesson is to try to make Hojovah appear more watchful than Santa Claus. After all, during this season we often hear that musical reminder, "He knows when you are sleeping. He knows when you're awake. He knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake!..." Clearly, that song is not refering to Hojovah. According to WT, it doesn't really matter whether you're good or bad, it's whether you turn in your time every month to insure salvation. Billions of "good people" are "soon" to die for not worshipping the self-appointed FDS.

    Indeed Santa is much more powerful, loving, and genuinely watches us for our good! Hojovah... not so impressive by comparison.

    B the X

  • UnConfused

    Blondie over the years that I've enjoyed your "Comments you will not hear" posts - it just dawned on me that the entertainment value was like "Religious Theater 3000" (check out Mystery Science Theater 3000)

    I actually tune in to your posts for the entertainment value.


  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Granddaddy Jehovah... good catch, I missed that one, lol

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