You know your marriage is over when...

by mtsgrad 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • momzcrazy


  • LouBelle

    My dear cat friend I think it's time to decide if it's worth it or not to stay in such a relationship.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Stop posting and get packing!

  • momzcrazy


    Leave, get divorced and start over!

  • mtsgrad

    He guys and gals

    I am in the middle of a divorce. I will be poor, happy and bust catching up on things i have not done in a LONG time.


  • momzcrazy


    You seem to be looking for justifications for your actions and feelings. You don't need anyone else to tell you whether you are doing right or wrong. As JW's we are convinced we can't trust ourselves, and need someone else to tell us what to do. But you don't. You are 36? and have many years of life experience. You know what you don't want. Maybe what you DO want, just not how to get. Make up your mind, and live with the decisions. We didn't have to do that as JWs. We followed like sheep to the slaughter. If you find it was a wrong choice, don't do it again.

    So go, experience life. Screw up. Find success. Learn and HAVE FUN while doing it.

  • Newborn

    Newborn. I reckon we should swap partners. I am serious!

    He he, GREAT IDEA mtsgrad! They just seem perfect for each other - "soul mates".

    They deserve each other - but I can't help feeling a bit sorry for your ex, where she to get involved with mine.

    One good thing of it all is that now at least we know what kind of partner we don't want!! But let's enjoy our freedom for a while - it's so wonderful!


  • mtsgrad

    You are already free, I am just working on it. Life sucks.


  • SPAZnik

    ... when you're happier for it to be over than for it to continue.

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