Who here has lost their job?

by daniel-p 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillbilly

    back in the Carter years I was an apprentice electrician. construction was a crap shoot ... interest rates were in outer space and everything was slow.

    12 months ...17 W2 forms. totally out of work for 6 weeks or so. We had little jobs pop up... work a couple of weeks...a month then lay off. Worked a few days for a shop... finish up a job. Out of the 17 shops I worked for one of then 3 seperate times that year.

    then things got bad. the next year our county went all year without issuing a building permit to any one for any thing. The rest of the region was about as bad.

    In 30 years I have chased work with the cycle...even moved cross country a few times when the longer term trends looked strong.

    being able to hoe a garden and raise a steer have been pretty handy skill sets for me over the years... but my kids have rode good horses and we have done ok.


  • Mary
    Gumbers said: Well, Mary my sweetie, I guess you can see who your faithful one is. Only I responded to your phone sex idea. Minimus and Warloc are users and losers and didn't even give you the time of day.

    Well done my good and faithful Gum-slave! You have been faithful in little things so I will give you a giant discount on the first 5 minutes. After that, you will be appointed over all my belongings. Which---after March, might not be that much.

  • serendipity

    I did and it took 6 months to find another.

  • momzcrazy

    Amazingly, I start a new job Monday.

    But, my husband makes a great, 6 figure income. My paltry $11.60 and hour will give a nice cushion in this economy.

  • oompa

    I have owned my own business for 29 years and have been profitable for all but one....right after 9-11...but still pretty proud of my record....unfortunately five years ago I lost a 1.2 million dollar a year customer....then two years ago I lost a 1.4 million dollar customer...I only have one more like that left...and the heat is on...account out for bid....none of these are due to any problems with my business, just low-balling companies who are willing to perform at prices I was paid 20 years ago! If I lose this customer, i will have to let at least 12 employees go....and they have all been with me for many years....so it is kinda like i seem to SLOWLY be losing my job...

    I know I have been lucky in business but it still is tough facing this...but i am so sorry for all you who are really suffereing..........GOOD LUCK TO US ALL!.........oompa

  • sammielee24

    We have as well as 2 brothers and a sister. Both brothers were in building and prospects given ages etc are dim. Sister has signed up for retraining and should know soon...it could always be worse...sammieswife.

  • Mum

    Don't lose hope, d-p.

    I am retired and have a small pension which pays my mortgage and a couple of other bills. However, I have debt because of helping my family out, and am very stressed. I work temp jobs, but there has been little work lately. I am considering selling my home and moving in with my cousin who recently lost her husband.

    I hope all of you out there have savings and/or a good support system of friends and family to help you through this.



  • Bendrr

    If Mary would be so kind as to send me her phone number, I could die a happy man! Long as I get a discount, that is.

    Look y'all, quit with the doom and gloom shit! We've all been out of work before, lord knows I have. We've survived the shitty economies of the past before. The country survived and so did we, and we can again. I don't want to hear the "woe is me" crap here. Temporary setback, that's all this is, and that is how you have no choice but to look at it as!

    Lemme tell you something. You can find a way. That should be the title of this post. I was a young 20-something with no marketable skills trying to support myself and when I got a job my only transportation got repo'd. I was left with a crappy manual labor job and had to walk and hitchhike nearly 20 miles. I found a way. I hitchhiked, paid gas money for rides, and one night walked home. But I turned that job into something. I learned everything I could on that job even above and beyond what I had to do just to earn my meager paycheck. I learned enough to teach other people there. And when a better job came along, the manager literally begged me to stay. We shook hands and I moved on. Next job, same thing. I took it upon myself to learn everything and was rewarded with more responsibilities and when I did get fired (over really stupid shit) was back to work "temporarily" while waiting for the next job to start. The manager called me, I didn't call him. He even said to me "god damn! I wish I hadn't fired you!" but the new job offered money he didn't have to offer.

    The job I have now, I didn't even apply for. The owner of the shop got my number from someone else and called me. I was hired on the spot. With no paperwork, not even a W-4, I was handed the keys to the company truck and told to go get my toolboxes and start immediately upon my return. Why? Not because I'm some genius in my industry. Just because I've left behind me a solid work history where even those who have fired me will tell you that they'd hire me again. (screwed up as that may sound, but it is a question asked when checking references)

    Never ever let the gloom and doom portrayals of the economy get you down. There is work out there for you. It might be hard manual labor, but damn! Work is work!

  • Warlock
    Only I responded to your phone sex idea. Minimus and Warloc are users and losers and didn't even give you the time of day.

    YOU responded, and WE'RE the losers???????

    Speaking for myself ONLY, I don't do the phone thing, BUT I do know where a few CHEAP motels are located...........you old, green fart.


  • stillajwexelder

    not yet but things have slowed down immensely

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