The most stupid thing a sister said to me

by Newborn 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • sacolton

    If that's just a compliment then I'm out of touch with this generation. Nah, she's testing the waters to see how you would respond.

  • happy1975

    I'd totally take that as a compliment.


  • lawrence

    Her heart was racing; pounding; and beating furiously as she tested the waters. She spent years at meetings and out in F.S. daydreaming... "if only she ..."

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Keep going Lawrence. This sounds like a great start for a romance novel

  • Finally-Free
    If that's just a compliment then I'm out of touch with this generation.

    Maybe I'm odd, but if someone says they're attracted to me I take it as a compliment, even if the interest isn't mutual.


  • Elsewhere
    One of my "so called" closest sister friend in the congregation, said to me when we once had lunch that "if I was a man, I would want to have an affair with you"!!! I just went numb...what a crazy thing to say. I think she revealed her sick deep thoughts. Huh

    Why do you think that is so sick?

    I think it's hot when two chicks make out! *** Grabs the popcorn ***

  • halcyon

    I've been told that same thing by my best friend, who's a lifetime Lutheran. ("Why aren't you a man? I'd date you!) She's not lesbian; I've pushed it just to see, and we're so open with each other about sexual things that if she had any tendencies that way at all, she'd feel comfortable telling me.

    She's basically telling me that she loves my personality and my company so much that she wishes I had "the rest of the goods" so that she could marry "me" ... meaning, a man who she feels just as comfortable with and who makes her feel as happy as I make her.

    My brother also used to say that if I wasn't his sister he would marry me. I've always taken it as a compliment that I have a good personality and am easy to be around.

    It always does feel a little bit icky weird to hear it, though.

  • Newborn


    You're naughty

    It just felt strange and uncomfortable the way she said it. Of course I can take it as a compliment but my guess is, she is indeed hiding in the closet. But who am I to say...

    Thanks for your thoughts though - as always...

  • AudeSapere

    On the first two readings of the opening post, I agree with the posters who said: "Take it as a compliment."

    However, on third reading, the phrase "want to have an affair with you" really sets a different tone.

    The sister is talking about a 'fling'. Not a sustainable relationship.

    Of course, though, it really depends on the context of the whole conversation. And I wasn't there so what do I know???


  • sacolton

    Exactly! If she had said, "You are so beautiful! Any man would want you." That's a compliment. The tone is completely different when she uses "an affair" to set the scenerio. She could have said, "If I were a guy, I would think you are attractive." That sounds totally innocent. Why would she use a setting that is considered sinful by her own standards to make a point?

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