by Vinny 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Vinny

    I still spend some time here and there exposing the WT Society for what it truly is (a man originating, man run, high control religious cult-like religious institution), rather than what they tell people they are (God's appointed Channel/Organization/People etc). The facts prove without a doubt that God was never behind any of this:http://www1.tip.nl/%7Et661020/wtcitaten/part1.htm We got false predictions all over the place, medical disaster policies --forced on JW's-- at risk of shunning. We have pages of flip flops, blinking lights, wacky science, historical failures, arrogance, judging and loads of WT Society embarrassments and humiliations. God had nothing to do with all that nonsense that was called, "Food from God". Folks It was wrong when it first came off the presses. Anyway, I am still on Danny Haszard's mailing list and he sends me online JW articles where occasionally I will offer comments on the articles, or to the editors themselves if online comments are not available. Last week Dannyboy sends me this one:http://newsblaze.com/story/20081130132710zzzz.nb/topstory.html Which if any of us read will see it is nothing more than a load of Oscar Mayar JW Bologna and Salami. So, I sent a reply to the editor (since comments are not available) and included my DA Letter. (I've done that before and realize you never know what might happen.) So I get an e-mail from the editor yesterday saying my letter was posted and to check it out as well as try to link to it for greater exposure. Here is the Link to that letter: http://newsblaze.com/story/20081209054218zzzz.nb/topstory.html

    And it shows up under Jehovah's Witnesses Google alerts, top of the page.

    He also used my name and website which I was not too thrilled with at first, but honestly, after thinking it over, just don't care about any longer. I have nothing to hide and it gives the ones reading a real name and person behind the letter. Here is my website if anybody cares or wants to just stop by and say hello. http://www.hawaiianphotos.net I have since received over a dozen replies today, and all very supportive. JW's, as we all know, DO READ ONLINE and I have been corresponding with one today. Here is part of that correspondence from a JW mother and wife. She says: "I had to respond to your letter to let you know that you are not alone. There are so many of us (I really believe this) that share some of your feelings, but are just trying to keep serving Jehovah as best we can.

    As you pointed out, the organization has always stressed that they are not a “prophet” and that they are not infallible. But yet contradictory, they expect to be treated as if they are. I have been a Witness for over 20 years, and I am grateful for the guidance and support we receive from them. But I have been deeply stumbled by their lack of humility, by their steadfast refusal to simply apologize for things. The Society has been turned into an idol by many of the Witnesses, a position which they have not only accepted, but in fact encouraged. Power corrupts. There is simply no way around it in this imperfect world we now live in. I can only keep my head down, keep my relationship with Jehovah strong, and do what I need to do to serve Him as best I can. It's a lonely place sometimes. The two sides seem to be 1. the Society is evil and and a cult, or 2. the Society is perfect and deserves blind obedience. Where is a place for those of us in the middle? The place where the Society is pretty darn good, but not perfect? As I'm sure you have discovered, it is indeed a lonely place.

    As a Witness with more than one disfellowshipped family member, I have also reached the same conclusions you have reached, after intensive study and prayer and tears. Disfellowshipping has a place, but not as a tool of fear and power. I was glad to hear that you supported your son when he needed you. (And no, I'm sure he did not get confused and think that you approved of his bad behavior!)

    Keep your relationship with Jehovah strong. And just know that there are more people out there than you would think, who don’t see you as an apostate, but only as a person trying to serve Jehovah and honor his conscience as best he can in this imperfect world.

    May Jehovah bless and keep you." And after I replied to the above she then said this: "I am still a member of the congregation, with a husband and daughter whose whole life is the Kingdom Hall. If you wonder how I can stay there, well, right now I take the good and leave the rest. My husband has a childlike faith in the organization. Maybe that will change one day, or maybe not. We are all at different points on our walk with God. I know he loves Jehovah, just as I do. For now, I am making the best choice I can for my family by sticking it out and keeping my mouth (mostly) closed. As I said, I take the good and leave the rest. I know that I don't HAVE to be there to serve Jehovah.

    I was moved by your letter and felt compelled to reply. I wanted you to know, there are more people out there, even within the organization, that understand your feelings." **** Obviously she is thinking and doubting, which is really a good thing if you are a JW. As are MANY OTHERS today. Accurate knowledge is the key to removing those WT Chains. But they have to be willing to open their minds a little as well. These online articles often allow us to get a foot in the door! So, If anybody wants to help educate the world about the REAL JW picture, I'd like to suggest that you request a Google Alert for Jehovah's Witnesses and leave a comment or copy and paste some letter to the editors whenever possible. It only takes a few seconds to do this. Or ask Danny Haszard to put you on his mailing list. He has a lot of helpful information about each article, whether they accept comments or not and if you need to register to leave a comment. He also adds the article itself in his e-mail contacts. His e-mail is [email protected] Also you can show up and post occasionally on these two websites where current JW's are always located: http://www.topix.com/forum/religion/jehovahs-witness http://community.beliefnet.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=270 Though from my own experiences, website news articles are the best place to find NEW JW's that will take the time to read and think about things just a bit. And which is exactly what happened to me. I learned the real truth about the WT Society after reading the comments at the end of this Pro-JW article three years ago. http://risingfromruin.msnbc.com/2005/10/jehovahs_roofin.html And from those comments the entire house of cards began to collapse. And then my wife followed. Then my Pioneer step daughter, One son...etc. Little by little and brick by brick the WT Society is being exposed today like never before. So then, my invitation is to Join in the fun and help whenever you can. It only takes just a little time here and there. All the best, Vinny

  • besty

    Great post Vinny!

    I read your DA letter and then Googled to find your website as well. Great artwork you produce. You have a real gift for capturing the beauty of nature.

    Feel free to link to my Google article on shunning here


    Since Randy put me on his homepage I've had almost 2000 people visit, and some active JW's have left comments.

    Together we can do this!!

  • Vinny

    "Feel free to link to my Google article on shunning here"

    **** Will be sure to pass it around. Looks like a good read!

  • LDH


    There's a popular phrase used in many hip hop songs -- "M. O. B." which means "Money over bitches"....basically meaning getting more money is more important than dealing with insignificant female groupies, and the rapper should have no loyalty to these groupies..."bitches."

    For some reason, this phrase sprang to mind as I read your story, only I think we should have a new phrase.

    Children over Cults.

    Your children deserve far more of your loyalty than some cracked out Brooklyn based cult.

  • NeonMadman

    Just for the record, the post, "Who Are Jehovah's Witnesses" was plagiarized from the WT tract of the same title. No attribution was offered; the poster simply attached his own name to it as if he had written it himself. I've found this practice very common among JW's, most of whom are incapable of generating an original thought of their own if their lives depended on it.

  • bob1999

    This is off topic.

    I find it sad that in the correspondence from the JW mother and wife there is not one mention of Jesus.

    Without a personal relationship with Jesus we can not have any relationship with or, for that matter, serve the Father.

    Jws seem to miss this point.


  • stillajwexelder

    great post Vinny - I wish I had your balls

  • orangefatcat

    you don't need balls to be like so and so all you need is a little chutzpah! Orangefatcat

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    As always, nice work, Vinny!

    BA- Cheers

  • leavingwt


    Thank you very much for your letter. It helped me during my exit.


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