The privilege of taking out the trash and cleaning toilets

by unbeliever 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • VM44

    So The Watchtower likes it if one cleans, directs traffic or other such activities, but...

    If one learns Biblical languages or conducts research into historical doctrinal matters, The Watchtower doesn't like that.

    The Watchtower only wants money, time and energy from its followers (or slaves) it does NOT desire or want any form of intellectual help from them at all!

    "Dont' think, just do and say as you are told to do and say!" is the instruction from the self-appointed Faithful and Discrete Slave in Brooklyn.

  • VM44

    Why can't the JWs realized that they are simply being USED by a publishing corporation that pretends to be a religion?

  • undercover

    I too once had the privilege of being in charge of sanitation at the Assembly Hall. The first couple of assemblies I had that same joy. Then by the third or fouth assembly, I started seeing it as a chore. I was so glad when they rotated assignments and I was placed in another department and not in charge. At the first assembly when I was supposed to report to some brother I didn't know, I just didn't show up and no one missed me. I never worked as a volunteer at an assembly or convention again.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    how did you keep from laughing

  • unbeliever
    how did you keep from laughing

    I did laugh. I got a swift kick in the leg from my mom under the table.

  • mrsjones5
    I got a swift kick in the leg from my mom under the table.

    Wow, I'm sure if my mother kicked me I would have kicked her back...reflex

  • stillajwexelder

    making believe it is a privilege - now that is clever

  • Kudra

    Unfortunately I have a vagina and for that reason alone I never had any privileges of overseeing anything.

    There are an amazing amount of tasks that the WTBTS knows half of the human race are entirely unable to do because their last chromosome is an "X" not a "Y".

    Truly, the creator of the entire universe must also espouse this thinking as well.


  • mrsjones5
    Unfortunately I have a vagina and for that reason alone I never had any privileges of overseeing anything.

    I consider us to be fortunate.

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