christmas music?

by John Doe 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I know I must not be the only one. I have a job in retail working nights and weekends. I was sick of Christmas music from black Friday on--the first day it was played. Don't get me wrong, traditional Christmas music is ok in moderation, but remixes and every Tom Dick and Harry doing it is enough to drive one insane! Not to mention a repetition of the same crap too loudly over crappy speaker systems. What's with the idiots deciding this music?! I'd wager that better than 90% of retail employees hate Christmas music at this point.

    Remixes, gosh. Some of them sound like women trying to bass a bowell obstruction. Why is it they take the most annoying, obnoxious tunes and use those for remixes? I think they're purposely trying to see how idiotic they can make the music before people go insane. It can't positively affect sales.

  • sacolton

    I only listen to the oldies Christmas songs (Bing Crosby) and instrumental versions.

  • blondie

    Could be worse; I had a job where the supervisor played only Elvis singing Xmas songs................

  • crazyblondeb

    LOL I know, I'm listening to the exact same crap you are listening to!!

    It's already making me wanna puke!!

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Could be worse; I had a job where the supervisor played only Elvis singing Xmas songs................

    Ironically, Elivis's "blue blue christmas" is one of the few they play that doesn't grate on my nerves. At least he can sing. ;-) Willie Nelson and Michael Jackson and some other unknowns butchering songs drives me nuts. Jackson singing that "I saw mama kissing santa claus" gives me the willies.

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    I thought it was just me and my JW past, can't really get into Christmas music.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    I thought it was just me and my JW past, can't really get into Christmas music.

    I can safely eliminate this aspect, because every coworker I've mentioned my dislikes to adamantly agrees with me. Crappy music is crappy music. And then the little kids that run around hitting every button on those damned cutesly littel nosiemakers, arghgghghhghg!!!

  • cameo-d

    Does anyone still have carolers that come to their doors?

    And JD, I HATE xmas music. Some places started it right after Halloween was over. And some places were putting out decorations in August.

    I don't do xmas.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I hate this time of year for the music. My favorite digital music station on cable turns to christmas songs for the month of december. baaaaaaarf

  • Quandry

    Really? Well, I love Christmas music. For over thirty years I had to try not to listen. I LOVE THE NUTCRACKER SUITE, AND THE OLD STANDARDS. Silver bells, I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, ALL OF THEM.

    Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful....

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