Does anyone have the 2014 stats from the 2015 Yearbook yet?

by berrygerry 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TTATTelder

    Honestly those numbers are pathetic. All that 1914 - 2014 hype with international conventions all over the place and baptisms are DOWN???!!!!! Every stinky little JW kid older than 7 was guilt tripped into taking the plunge last year. Our convention baptism section looked like a middle school field trip!

    Plus they pulled out all the stops for peak pubs in Aug. Any kid over 4 and anything close to a bible study was guilt tripped into becoming an unbaptised publisher in Aug (which is the peak month as we know anyway) for the late-announced grand ole campaign. So they had to play games to inflate the number to a measly 2.2%!!!!!!

    Wow....just wow. Expect flat growth at best in pubs and bigger declines next year in baptisms. They will never have the 100 years of kingdom rule trick to play again and practically all the kids are dunked now. 


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Let's hear it for Canada!

    A big goose egg for growth in 2014!

    Although, I consider anything 1% and below to be negative growth (not even keeping up with the population)

  • crazyguy1
    Ttattelder is right their working extra hard to make the numbers look good. And lets not forget they publish the numbers and we have no way of knowing if their lying or not.
  • JakeM2012

    For the WTBTS to have claimed they have had the "undeniable truth" since July 1, 1879,

    1) and never being honest about their obvious lack of "inside" knowledge to God,

    2) or any solid evidence of the WTBTS's self-proclaimed designation that they are the "only channel to mankind" from the Almighty God,

    3) AND the Fact that Nothing they ever have predicted/prophesied has come true in a most menial or remote way, ......

    WHY believe anything they print or say on a projection screen, podium, printed material, or at an annual meeting?  

    I began my journey by doubting their many printed historical blunders, but now, I do NOT buy into anything they print, so why make an exception and "believe" there is a x.xx percent increase anywhere? 

    I am NOT, too proud, arrogant, or litigious,.....Just Asking...What gives?.. they have been full of BS since 1879.

    With WTBTS's track record, if they were my stock broker, they would have been dumped in 1880.  

    With WTBTS's track record, If they were my navigator for circumnavigating the earth, they would have been fired before we departed.

    With WTBTS's track record, if they were map makers, they would be bankrupt. 

  • wifibandit
  • wifibandit

    Hours Preached: 

  • wifibandit

    Memorial Partakers:

  • smiddy


    You do make some valid points here , can anybody really trust the figures the organization puts out ?


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    2.2% increase in publishers

    6.9% increase in anointed

    Here's what they need before the next Memorial:

  • berrygerry

    So, after a bit of analysis here's the synopsis:

    The only growth is in impoverished countries - period.

    There are some interesting anomalies - Britain, France, Australia, United States, India, and Indonesia.

    The growth is in Africa and Latino countries. Brazil made an impressive rebound from last year. Mexico, Brazil and US are the big 3, with Nigeria and Demo. Congo a very impressive 4th and 5th for growth.

    Surprises are Britain, France, Australia, and US for growth, and Japan, Portugal, and Puerto Rico for loss (I remember as a kid - when the KM had Kingdom News, and Japan has hit their 66th, or whatever, consecutive peak - well, with 2435 baptized and still a net loss of 672 - WTH Japan?).

    Except for the surprises of Britain and France, Western Europe is absolutely stagnant.

    Eastern Europe is in decline, which is surprising to me. Ukraine and Poland (with 2089 dunked, but still a decrease of 897) are the leaders. Given the decline in Eastern Europe, and the legal challenges, I'm surprised that Russia is doing as well as it is.

    Canada is absolutely flat (c'mon, no jokes here), so the growth in Oz, US, and UK is puzzling.

    Most Canadian immigrants are from strong religio cultures, i.e. mainly Chinese, Muslim, and some from Eastern Europe - all negative JW.

    So, what accounts for the growth in Oz, UK and US? Different immigrants?

    Same question for France.

    Summation: The growth in western lands is absolutely over.

    The only growth is in impoverished countries.

    Therefore, send us money!

    For clarification, the Winners chart is number baptized.

    The Losers chart 2nd Column shows decrease in pubs., while Column 3 shows # baptized.

    Same for chart 3, 2nd Column shows growth (or decline) in pubs., while Column 3 shows # baptized.

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