the price of your seat at the kingdom hall

by purplesofa 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass

    It sounds like a sales meeting rap to me.

    When I joined the Sheriffs department they told us we were now in the best gang in the county.

    Anything to fire up the troops.

  • Quandary

    Just the typical arrogant, haughty, elitist comments often heard by "company" men! Utter and absolute nonsense! During the delivery of this genre of talks is when I suddenly have to go the restroom and disappear until it's over.


  • byebyeborg

    jesus was a late-comer

    Mithra died for mankind long long before old jesus was found under a rock

    kh hall chairs all need to be fumigated so that lowers their value considerably

  • WTWizard

    I can tell why so many of those seats are empty. It's because the real cost of occupying one exceeds the real value. At a play or seminar, you get value that exceeds the money cost plus the time it takes to be there, otherwise no one would go (that's why they are so expensive--if it's worth $1,000 on the open market, that is what the price of a seat is going to be).

    However, being at the Kingdumb Hell is not worth the hours of time it takes to be there. No matter what the price they claim, if that is not the fair market price (and it will not be unless that's what the value is), too many will be empty. If you put a $1,000 price on a crap show, most of those seats will be empty, too.

  • JimmyPage

    The real price of your seat?

    Giving up higher education.

    Wasting your life out in service waiting for a day that never comes.

    Losing close relationships with "worldly" family and friends.

    Not celebrating holidays.

    Not having a say in the democratic process.

    No oral sex.

    Possible loss of life from not taking blood.

    Feeling like a complete oddball in school and on the job.

    Being at the mercy of child molesters because there weren't "two witnesses" to the occasion.

    Shall I go on?

  • BurnTheShips

    Those seats had a price for me, and it was very expensive indeed.

  • lancelink

    There was a little rascals show (1936) about the gang putting on a show and the ticket-taker forgot to collect the tickets
    before the show. When he realized his mistake, the announcement was made " if you like the show, please pay as you exit."

    When the show ended they ended up with a huge boxful of money!

    perhaps the WTS should apply this type of logic.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    the announcement was made " if you like the show, please pay as you exit."

    When the show ended they ended up with a huge boxful of money!

    perhaps the WTS should apply this type of logic.

    but...then the box would be empty wouldn't it...or even people asking the Presiding Overseer exuse me, Congregation Coordinator for a refund.

    purps...someone sent me that JW spam email....I wanted to spew...

    WTWizard.... in economics its called "opportunity cost." What is the cost of the next best opportunity that you gave up to make the choice you made. I think someone already started a list...

    Snakes (

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    Typical smoke blown up 1200 poopers at once.

    LOL @ Jimmy Page's response! Priceless!

  • cameo-d

    I can tell why so many of those seats are empty. It's because the real cost of occupying one exceeds the real value. At a play or seminar, you get value that exceeds the money cost plus the time it takes to be there, otherwise no one would go (that's why they are so expensive--if it's worth $1,000 on the open market, that is what the price of a seat is going to be).

    However, being at the Kingdumb Hell is not worth the hours of time it takes to be there. No matter what the price they claim, if that is not the fair market price (and it will not be unless that's what the value is), too many will be empty. If you put a $1,000 price on a crap show, most of those seats will be empty, too.

    WT Wizard stays on "wound up"!

    WT, I think you are the Andy Rooney of JWD!

    Your commentaries are always so colorful and succinct.

    I think you are one of my favorite posters.

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