Giving Credit Where It's Due To Witnesses

by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    I've always tried to remember that most dubs are people who are trying to do the right thing. They're trapped in a cult and don't know it. Their behavior is conditioned into them.

    Despite some of the rotten things that we've experienced, there are some good things about them as people.

    There are many good people in the JW's. Most can break out of their mind-control
    for periods of time and be even better people.

    The thing is when they have a choice between driving around for hours and knocking
    on a few doors to sell 6 magazines to people who will throw them out, OR helping
    some elderly woman they have known for decades. If they need the time, they will
    choose the magazine selling every time. They are sure the elderly lady will understand.

  • Cheetos

    Blondie, your so right. If your a good bloke or Shela it's mostly cause your mum raised you that way not because your a Witness.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    She did not learn this at the Kingdom Hall. I agree with Blondie, she would do this for your mom even if she was an athiest. I am so glad your mom can count on her. She is a blessing.

  • jamiebowers

    There are many nice people among the jws, but that is true among all people. However, most nice people don't turn a blind eye to child molestation and shun their family and friends.

  • asilentone

    I would not give credit to most of the witnesses!

  • Junction-Guy

    I guess the fact that they can overcome racial and cultural differences and work together for a common goal, despite the goal being flawed.

  • Vinny

    There are good people doing good things in WT world.

    BUT..... what ruins so much of the kudos and goodness for me is that you can throw all those good and giving acts of brotherly kindness right out the window just as soon as the person on the receiving end disagrees with even one WT doctrinal issue.

    And THAT is just plain sorrry and pathetic. Totally conditional, IMO.

    There is no getting around this. You must be fully supportive of all JW teachings and policies. Even if proven wrong later on you had to accept it while it was a current JW teaching and belief. One of the most important aspects to this religion is uniformity. A forced uniformity with the risk of expulsion and loss of everything and everybody you know if you get out of line.

    Walk in close step with all beliefs and teachings and you have many benefits along the way including some of the examples listed on this thread.

    Disagree with any JW teachings, express opinions critical of the JW faith and not one of those fine examples would have ever happened.

  • Junction-Guy

    Vinny, the same thing can apply for the XJW world too. Everything can be all hugs and kisses until someone disagrees with what the majority believes.

  • Vinny

    Junctionguy says:.."Vinny, the same thing can apply for the XJW world too. Everything can be all hugs and kisses until someone disagrees with what the majority believes."

    My neighbor can be a Catholic, an atheist, a Palin supporter and more. None of which I am or even agree with. Still each one of us would offer to feed the other person's dogs if taking vacation. Each one of us would offer to give a ride to the airport to the other. Each one would come over to the other person's house to help move a heavy piece of furniture if asked. Each one of us would offer encouragement if a loved one was sick, lost their job or any of a number of things like this.

    None of these things would happen between a JW and an EX-JW.

    Two EX-JW's would have no problems doing these things even if disagreeing on everything else.

    For JW's it's a WRITTEN POLICY that they must shun the one that walked away or who was kicked out, regardless of the reasons why.

    For those JW's that do not follow this written policy in how to treat EX-JW's, they too will soon become like the EX-JW; shunned, labeled and judged themselves.

    All in Jehovah's Name...

  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    The trouble is, though, the JWs seem to think that they have the monopoly on this sort of thing
    (just as they seem to think that all other religions have the monopoly on failing to practice what they preach!)

    As Blondie pointed out, individuals such as those mentioned would have probably done the same even if they were'nt JWs.


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