The Sigh Thread

by Farkel 156 Replies latest jw friends

  • SPAZnik

    Mmm, nice choice of toppings A&W. And everything else you said too. :)

  • LouBelle

    This year had worn me down more than others - I'm feeling it! It hasn't been the easiest year and sometimes I just want to "drop" and shatter into a thousand pieces and have someone else pick me up for a change.

    Other than that give me hot bar one chocolate sauce, or brandy cream, or fresh cherries, or strawberries - I'm actually very easy to please in this department.

  • caliber

    One final thought about respect ,recogniton and influence

    Those self-assured of their inward power of love and influence over people have no need

    to be exalted, but at many times feel a strong desire to KNEEL !!

    Please notice Engelbert kneel before a little girl and her delighted reaction !

    Or like a small child that is cranking their neck to speak up to you as an adult in a standing position !

    note the difference it makes to simply knee down to his level.. the glow in their eyes !


  • minimus

    in reality, this must've been an embarrassing thread.

  • SixofNine

    Oh Farkel! You've been Engelberted with a side of Jesus. That's gotta hurt.

  • Nathan Natas
  • caliber
    To move beyond whispering sweet nothings in each others ears until our words mean sweet nothing, may well be the first act required to get the stage where Pat Benatar's.." Love is a battlefield" proves profounding true !


  • jaguarbass

    I want to make a difference in the lives of JWs and ex-JWs: people like me. Anyone who looks at my output knows that

    The teacher appears when the student is ready.

    If you're the teacher the student will find your post in the back at the proper time.

    But if you were the teacher you would know that.

  • Warlock

    I feel for you man.

    When I start a thread, or make a comment, I'm usually clowing someone, or trying to get people to think.

    It all gets lost in the mindlessness, but what can you do?

    See how long it took for me to get to your thread?


    Only because someone bumped it up.

    By the way, good thread, for someone who doesn't live in So. Cal.


  • TMS

    Englebutt Farkledink, lounge singer to a generation of ex-jw's

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