Notice this Contradiction on How Jehovah's Witnesses View Marriage

by flipper 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    SAMMIE's WIFE- I'm glad that you make known to others how disgusting the witnesses are in shunning families and are abusive in their ripping families apart . My wife and I do the same in informing others of the witness cult's mind controlled ways ! I know of you and your husband's situation - my heart goes out to you. Please say Hi ! to Mr. Sam for me and tell him I'll call in a day or two ! Hope you guys are doing O.K. As well as can be expected. My wife says - Hi !

    TIJMKO- Hope you have fun with continuing your support of your witness " buddies "

  • tijkmo
    TIJMKO- Hope you have fun with continuing your support of your witness " buddies ". Peace out, Mr. Flipper

    i don't have any witness buddies ..cos they shun me on account of me criticising their beliefs...

    i do however have the ability to not see a contradiction where none exists

  • flipper

    TIJKMO- Well then, you are pretty alone in your observation. I respect your viewpoint- but most agree there is a contradiction in what the witnesses say to the public as opposed to what they practice in reality. Perhaps you are duped as well by them- even though they shun you

  • GoddessRachel

    Just came across this thread, and I do see a contradiction too. I have personally known women who had the crap beaten out of them on a weekly if not daily basis whose elders told them to be good loyal wives, and try not to piss their husbands off so much.

    To me, this contradiction is yet another great example of how full of sh*t the WT organization is.

    Thanks, Flipper!


  • flipper

    GODDESS RACHEL- Very true what you say ! My older witness sister ( now 57) stayed with an abusive witness husband for 20 years because the elders told her she " must be doing something to upset her husband " ! Can you believe it ? He beat the crap out of her and ended up causing her to have traumatic stress syndrome the rest of her life ! She sees a psychiatrist regularly. She finally left him in 1989- but the damage was done. She has never been able to be with another man since. You are very correct- this organization is full of heaping cow manure ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Gordy

    It says on pg. 221 , " Absolute endangerment of spiritual life. A spouse may constantly try to make it impossible for the mate to pursue true worship or may even try to force that mate to break God's commands in some way. In such a case, the threatened mate would have to decide whether the only way to " obey God as ruler rather than men " is to obtain a legal separation.

    This happened to me in December 1996.

    I had a breakdown and attempted suicide in May 1996. Spent six weeks in psychiatric hospital diagnosed as having "acute clinical depression" still basically suicidal.

    By December 1996 because the JW cure-all of "attend meetings and go on field service" had not worked, The Elders got my wife to kick me out the family home, on the grounds I was a "spiritual danger" to the family. But I had not done any of the thing as stated in the paragraph from the book. In fact I was trying to carry on as a JW.

    It was their doing this that set me on the road to leaving, because of the total lack of love that this showed. No attempt had been made to help me and my family. I could not understand after being a JW for 25 years, how "Jehovahs loving organisation" could do this. It set me on the path of research into the Watchtower. I stopped attending meetings in August 1999, disassociated in Septenber 2001. Incidentally during that period not one single Elder came to see me.

    Since 2001 my JW wife and two JW daughters have not had any contact with me.

    One of those daughters is getting married this Saturday (June 6th) through a third party I have learnt that, I and two of my other children who are also disassociated can attend the wedding , as long as we sit at the back and are "discreet" , we are not invited to the reception.

  • Pistoff

    I am getting 2 major points from this thread:

    1. The WT has no business in anyone's marriage, EVER, for any reason. If a mate is abused physically, it is his or her business to do what they think is best; why elders want to step in the middle of that is insane. That is for professionals, they are rank amateurs. I don't even know what spiritual endangerment is; what does that mean? In a marriage, if someone tries to physically prevent you from going to meeting, or forces you to go, that is physical abuse, right? If it is a matter of arguments about beliefs, can a witness or non witness not stand up for themselves? This concept is invented by the WT to protect a donating member from being taken from the membership rolls.

    2. Local elder bodies vary wildly in how they see what the WT hands down, and so purplesofa sees what appears to be a more reasonable reaction from the elders, whereas in our state we had a circuit overseer who said that if a husband slaps his wife around the wife should not go running to the elders. The WT is run by lawyers, to a great degree; they seem to push for statements, in print anyway, that can be taken 2 or more ways, to cover their corporate behind. NO ONE should listen to what they say.


  • flipper

    Just saw this had been bumped up a month ago - and the last responses were so good I had to bump it up again ! Sorry I didn't notice it earlier.

    GORDY- I am so sorry you went through that living hell with the elders backing your wife up by claiming you were a " spiritual danger " when you were suffering from clinical depression. The elders really are unjust many times ! I've lived it, experienced it, and seen it myself. I'm glad you got to go to your daughters wedding - but it still sucks big time being treated badly like you were. I was not allowed to walk either of my witness daughters down the aisle. Went to one of their receptions- but not the younger daughters.

    I'm glad you researched the WT and found out the real scams about the organization. I hope you are doing O.K. friend. Hang in there.

    PISTOFF- Exactly. The WT society and governing body, and elders ARE NOT licensed marriage counselors or therapists so they don't have proper training to deal with all the intricacies that come up in marital disputes. Their only focus is which mate is serving the organization the best. And it's SO TRUE the point you mentioned about " elder bodies varying wildly " - no truer words have been spoken ! I totally agree and have seen it often. That C.O. was just trying to cover the WT societies legal anus and keep any lawsuits from occuring. I agree- no one should listen to what they say. It will make for marital misery

  • vanyell

    My situation.

    1. ME - Non-JW, agnostic.

    2. Wife - JW

    3. I don't have any more feelings for wife. Tried to help her see the mess that JW is going to make. No go.

    4. I simply got tired already. I got pretty much snippy with her. Told her that her college education is a waste, when she doesn't even want to do some critical thinking about what she's getting into.

    5. Several previous family gatherings (with cousins) for birthdays and holidays, not there. Just hiding up in the room. Now. no more family gatherings ever. Can't give my cousins anymore excuses for her behavior.

    6. I guess I'm fed up. Will be planning to burn or trash all the WT lit in the house.

    7. Currently in love with another woman. Going to celebrate birthdays, holidays with her instead.

  • flipper

    Saw this thread had been bumped up. Will finally reply.

    VANYELL- My apologies for the delayed response to this older thread, didn't realize it was bumped up. I'm so sorry that you are going through a tough situation with your JW wife. It must be very painful. Years ago I had a JW wife and she was more committed to the WT organization than to me, I know how it hurts. Many of us reach our breaking point as you have and I hope you are able to find happiness in whatever decision you need to make in moving forward. We will be here for you as a support, O.K. ? Hang in there, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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