U.S. Auto Industry deserves the grave they dug for themselves

by drew sagan 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • still-fading

    Back from vaca! Big 3 bailout, are you kidding me?? They let the unions put the the noose around their neck, lettem' hang. When GM is paying out MORE to former employees then current ones, something is very wrong!

  • beksbks

    Oh goody, look who's back

  • hillbilly

    beks... your idealism is great. I am glad you see a need for fairness in employment.

    Labor and industry are no longer part of an Upton Sinclair novel. It's a very simple premise...if I provide a safe workplace and pay you what you are WORTH based on WHAT I want you to do..and dont change the expectations daily we should be good with each other.

    If you are a hotel maid in Muncie making $10 bucks and paying 1% of wages for dues are you in better shape than the non union maid across town who gets paid $9bucks and free lunch?

    Move the maid jobs to NYC where the rooms are $500 a night and maybe those margins will carry a $15 maid... maybe that job is worth organizing... and it may not be a living wage in that area anyway.

    What do you gain? Maybe you get the ground floor rooms to clean if you are the senior person. First crack at vacation? Shift preference? The point is the VALUE of the work is what drives the wage....cleaning a room is a low value skill set.

    We need to draw businesses back that require high value skill sets. For over 40 years now we have watched heavy machinery, electronics and steel go overseas... all jobs that require two things to make orgainised labor work... lots of bodies and lots of smart bodies. We gave up all the work in this country that is WORTH big dollars. Even the IBEW sees than... most jurisdictions will pay a lower wage scale to folks working on houses or cable and phone work that what is paid for industrial or high voltage work... that value added thing again.

    A huge crane operator is worth more than a fork lift driver... his margin to the employer is bigger... it required the operartors time to learn the skill...he should make more.

    The kid who puts the books on the shelf is probably not worth the wage of the person who programs the presses that made the book.

    Hell ...even out business that automate now days bring in foreign folks to build and service the machines they use.

  • still-fading


  • FlyingHighNow

    Chain reaction. Everything is interconnected.

  • hillbilly
    Chain reaction. Everything is interconnected.

    yep... if the Big 3 get forced into bankruptcy that will force a big chunk of the supply chain into bankruptcy.

    Under protection hours still get worked, wages still get paid... a few vendors will stop shipping for fear of non-payment... while their risk taking competiton picks up the slack.

    Auto forces a ripple lay-off twice a year as it is now... 2 weeks at Christmas shutdown and 2 weeks at model change in the summer.

    The impact of bankruptcy without the bailout probably would not be much harder on local econmomies that those shutdowns already are

    Bankruptcy will force a lot of changes at the top of the pyramid... investors will see to that. A cash infusion at this point is nothing more than handing a bag of coke to a aging disco whore... right up her nose and the hand will be out for more.

    It's called a "correction" and we are long over due.


  • beksbks
    The kid who puts the books on the shelf is probably not worth the wage of the person who programs the presses that made the book.

    I agree. But that person (it's not just kids who take these jobs, many mothers as second household income) should be making a decent hourly wage. Very few full time, so no benefits. It's not just idealism on my part either, it's what keeps things turning. Once that person pays rent (heaven forbid they should actually end up buying a house), and basic necessities, it would be best for all would it not, if they could take some cash and purchase some stuff? Stuff that we make? Services that we provide? Now mulitply that by the millions of workers in this country, and we're getting somewhere.

    Trickle up worked steadily until Reagan came along and turned us upside down. We've been rolling down hill ever since.

    It's been fun kids. Well not fun exactly. But I've realized lately, that our discussions generally depress me and right now my head and neck are throbbing, so I'm going to go listen to some good music and putter in my yard.

  • hillbilly

    We need to draw businesses back that require high value skill sets. For over 40 years now we have watched heavy machinery, electronics and steel go overseas... all jobs that require two things to make orgainised labor work... lots of bodies and lots of smart bodies. We gave up all the work in this country that is WORTH big dollars. Even the IBEW sees than... most jurisdictions will pay a lower wage scale to folks working on houses or cable and phone work that what is paid for industrial or high voltage work... that value added thing again.

    Beks... you skipped over this 'graph.

    We need to tear down some Borders and Bed Bath and Beyonds to build some steel mills... until that happens we will continue to be a nation of guys selling insurance to each other over coffee and big macs at Mickey D's. For the last 30 years or so our Government (D and R) have not rewarded us for making capital investment... and pat us on the head if we act like Walmart.


  • beksbks

    Damnit Hill, I just read your post and I can't step away. Why is it ok for the banks, savings and loans etc? But not for an industry that has so many jobs riding on it? And why oh why is it always the little guys who are to blame??? Get rid of those vampires at the top of every greedy gut company in this country! Keep the little guy working though. Gahhh my head.

  • hillbilly

    didnt say it was ok for the banks either... the only thing the Guberment should do is what they already do... protect my FDIC deposits and let the winners pick the bones of the dying.

    But... years of over regulation in the banks will cause a multi national collapse... hey, I didnt tell those greedy bastards to jump in either.

    "Ya pays your money and Ya takes yer chances"


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