U.S. Auto Industry deserves the grave they dug for themselves

by drew sagan 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I don't know how the folks here feel about U.S. automakers (aka the 'big three'). Nevertheless, right now there is a 'bailout' on the table for these folks who seem to have run what were potentially viable companies right into the toilet.

    There is an article over at Boing Boing that I just had to share. It compares the "Dodge Ram Challenge" ads that have been appearing on TV to the U.S. automakers industries woes. A wonderful comparison (IMO) of how these companies have put all their eggs in one basket and are now reaping the rewards of their idiotic gamble.

    That Damn Ram Challenge

  • still_in74

    yes they do.

    hey, my neighbour makes bad financial decisions too. Can he get a bail out? How about clothing companies that pick the wrong trend? Can they get bail outs too?

    This is rediculous. They got 25 billlion and now they want 50??? INSANE!!!!!!!!!

  • leavingwt

    Uncle Sam will bail them out. It may be a loan or a structured bailout after bankruptcy, but they will not go out of business. Too many VOTES at stake, by way of retired auto workers that are drawing pensions.

  • stillajwexelder

    but immediate switch away from gas guzzlers will be part of congress and Obamas' condition

  • sammielee24

    I think they should be helped out - why not? There are millions of people that would be affected by the demise of the auto industry going bust - I'd rather see them keep their jobs and be able to keep their homes, food on the table and send their kids to school. You should be ticked at Paulson and Bush since they've just orchestrated the biggest fraud on the American people in history.

    Paulson won't say who he gave the money too and Bush threatened Congress with martial law and confiscation of pension funds from 401k's. Now Paulson has said he will not help out the taxpayer mortgages which is what was agreed upon in order to get his billions - its a freaking joke. Thieves.

    Give the auto companies what they need to keep going - 9,000 houses a day are being forclosed on - it has to stop. sammieswife.

  • beksbks

    Right on Sammie. So out of this 700 billion, they want to save 2.5 million American jobs by sending 25 billion to the auto makers?? Hell yes!! What is the influx of 2.5 million unemployed going to do to this country????

    Did they make mistakes yes. Was it partially the fault of the Bush admin and Big Oil, heck yes. When Clinton was in office he instigated a plan for the auto makers, with strict energy efficiency standards. Bush scrapped that as soon as he got in. Hmmmm Bush Cheney Big Oil..........................But the bottom line today, is that if they fail the number of unemployed for that month will be mind boggling. What will that do to the rest of the economy that depends on those folks consuming??!!

  • fern

    I don't neccessarily think the DESERVE a bail out but the millions of people who will be gravely affected by them going under certainly do. Think of the big picture and you might change your mind. It is so important for them to not fail that Canada has even mentioned helping the US with the bail out. There will be DIRE consequences to the economy if the big three go down.

    The main thing they need to do is figure out what they are doing wrong and fix it. They should ask themselves why Toyota and Honda have such better vehicles.

  • BurnTheShips
    U.S. Auto Industry deserves the grave they dug for themselves

    The unions too. We know what this bailout is about, and it is not just about the corporations themselves.


  • BurnTheShips
    They should ask themselves why Toyota and Honda have such better vehicles.

    Quality-wise? I am not so sure the Japanese have a such big edge any more. American automobiles have been right "up there" in quality for years now. I think we are largely dealing with perceptions that have carried over from when there was a big difference.


  • WTWizard

    What--they are going to reward the automakers for making gas guzzlers, lobbying the lawmakers for laws preventing people from starting another auto company, and then keeping us dependent on cars that get 18 gallons to the mile on gas. Then, they "concede" by taking our food away from us to make ethanol, at the expense of using 80% as much oil as they "save", and passing that off as saving the planet.

    If anything, they deserve a $2550 billion fine to make them go belly up faster. The workers' pensions would then be paid for out of that fine money. Those currently working at the automakers could either find work elsewhere, start another auto company that would be allowed to start up without stupid regulations (safety will sell in the free market), or work for one of those startups. But I totally hate the idea of having the auto makers getting bailed out.

    Of course, I bet the big drug companies that are keeping us sick and preventing cures for diseases from being marketed will get their big bailout when they start having problems--that is, assuming they don't succeed in getting laws passed to force us to purchase their crap.

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