HAve you written to GB/bethel?

by badboy 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • jws

    I sent them a letter with questions about 1914 chronology. I already knew what a crock their chronology was and wasn't looking to them for guidance. This was long after I stopped being a JW and was debating the issue with a current JW who didn't know I was once one. He thought my evidence sounded solid, but couldn't let go and suggested I write to them. So, I did, expecting either no answer or something so full of it that I could show to this guy.

    I did get back a response, but it didn't address anything. Just the usual runaround. Enough that the JW wasn't really enlightened. It just confused him.

    In the end, last time I talked to him, he wasn't convinced 1914 was right or wrong, but didn't really care whether or not they were wrong in the big picture. I hope he eventually got smart and left.

    The guy said I'd be a great JW because they needed people like me that did this sort of research. Doing the research is what either convinces you to leave or gets you kicked out.

  • orangefatcat

    I sure did and it was one very nasty letter indeed. It is posted here on one of my pages somewhere. I wrote it several years ago. I will try and find and give that post to read if you lilke.

    It was about them having the nerve to disfellowship me for adultry when they have committed adultry with the Harlot Bablyon the Great for 10 yrs and they didn't get disfellowshipped but I did for one time. Now who is the greater sinner? And why couldn't they have forgiven me like God does. I hate men who sit in judgement that is why I never attended my JC hearings and I guess that mad them pretty upset. They even thought I did this deed with another JW and at first I had no intentions of saying I was going to leave them hanging but it wasnt' awitness . I just should have left them questioning who may have done it with Terry. I know I did wrong. But I had no choice if only you knew what it was like for me you'd divorce him too.

    But if anyone finds that post of mine it is indeed sharp at the GB members. I wasn't kind at all.


  • JAVA

    Yes, about 25-years ago--I'm still waiting for a reply.

  • Snoozy

    OFC..you naughty girl !


  • Snoozy
  • Farkel

    I never wrote to them, but my Mom did. About me. She asked them if I was DFd. They said I wasn't. She told me. I said, "I don't give a f*** one way or the other."

    They keep full records on you long after you are dead, you know. They can't get one prophecy right, or one doctrine right, but they do have a good accounting system!


  • badboy


  • wobble

    I wrote a couple of times,once about the Generation doctrine,got an evasive reply referring to WT literatrash, and in the early seventies I wanted to grow a beard and my wife got me to write so that she could see their views on this,when we eventually got the reply (1 year?) she did not object so I grew one,remained a Ministerial servant,gave public talks,even in other congo's,but eventually ,after thirteen years,shaved it off.

    What I wonder is how long they leave a guy on the desk answering stuff,because surely anybody with half a braincell would realise they were having to lie and wriggle with the replies. So do they let someone do it for a while and then move them to other work? or do they have a liars competition and whoevere wins gets the Questions Desk?



  • mouthy

    Yes a few times. One was about Vanessa Williams running around holding the flag, Cant remember all the other things ( old age)

    They did write back & tell me "Each Congregations Make their own rules, best to get intouch with Vanessa Congregation "

  • InquiryMan

    Me and three other elders (I have DA, the others rermain JWs) did write a concerned letter on the article in the Watchtower on suppressed memories and child abuse, an article which many in the congregation found upsetting. We did not get any reply, althoug it was written in a very humble, yet forceful way... We all signed with our full names of course...

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