by Hikaru 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • lrkr

    We can only hope. Maybe instead of all religions causing a disturbance, they'll outlaw all religions. Then society can grow without the severe influence of fairy tales and the invisible government of the religious heirarchy.

    (PS- I hardly think that some swami stating his opinion will bring the end of the world- any more that me spouting off will.)

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    WELL...I did hear that the swami stayed at a holiday inn the other day.

  • jamiebowers

    You've made more than a few posts similar to this one. Please get to a qualified therapist to help you deal with your fears that have been cultivated by a cult.

  • Highlander

    Had religion(and cults) been banned 18 years ago, I suspect you would be a much healthier person. It's entirely possible you wouldn't have these unfounded fears that seem to haunt you.

    Or maybe you have mental health issues that can be resolved once you make the choice to do so.

  • BabaYaga

    Okay, so you didn't like my "analogy". If you would contemplate it, you might learn something that would change your life for the better.

    Living in CONSTANT FEAR is no way to go through life, ESPECIALLY IF IT IS ENTIRELY UNFOUNDED. Live your life without guilt, live your life without fear. Neither is easy to accomplish, but it is SO WORTH THE ATTEMPT.

    Ready? GO!!!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Most of her topics start with "Is? blah blah blah blah". etc etc etc

  • fern

    Ok people! Have any of you checked out this girls age? She's only 18 years old!! I read her past posts and it sounds like she's being fed just enough info from dear old Granny to be dangerous.


    Please know that I say this with sincerity. Your fears are unfounded and false. Please stop listening to your JW grandmother and know that you are the exact kind of person this religion preys upon. They prey upon fear. Do you hear me?? They bank on members of their cult to be afraid just like you are, so that they will continue to do the Societies bidding. DON'T WORRY. Armegeddon is not coming. The economy has been worse than this before and the weather too. The best thing for you to do is extricate yourself from this religion in every way. You will be a nervous wreck if you don't. I think you already have tendencies toward this anyway. I have a son your age, so I'm willing to give you a bit of a break here.

  • jamiebowers

    Ok people! Have any of you checked out this girls age? She's only 18 years old!! I read her past posts and it sounds like she's being fed just enough info from dear old Granny to be dangerous.

    Exactly, and that's why I recommended therapy. She is being controlled by fear.

  • LovesDubs

    We have probably all felt that treipidation when we were JWs though...i recall I think in 1985 it being declared the "Year of Peace and Security" and omygod the reaction just hearing those WORDS used created in us as JWs!! And all the religious leaders of the world were going to meet in a summit and something BIG was gonna happen and and and....that was 23 years ago and still nothing. And there will continue to be nothing.

    How exactly does anyone BAN a religion or religions anyway? If I said to the Pope, "sorry dude religion has been outlawed." Would he stop believing? Would ANY body of faith stop believing what they believe? You can BAN people from DOING things but you cant remove their faith or their church from within them. People ARE the church honey.

    I agree that you do need to see someone who is a cult specialist to help you through your fears. Every time someone says boo you are going to freak out and thats no way to live.

    hugs, Loves

  • StoneWall

    If you heard on the news that someone for a fact was going to die this year from a auto accident would that prevent you from ever leaving the house?
    Doesn't seem rational does it? Considering how many die every day in this country as well as around the world on any given day, we still go about our lives and don't refuse to get on the road.
    Use this same reasoning on every yokel that says peace and security or ban all religions etc.

    When people try and tell me how close we are to the end I look them squarely in the eyes and say I sure hope so because I been waiting on it for 40 something years in my life and always hearing its right around the corner.

    Remember there is nothing to fear but fear itself. Fear can subdue you and shackle you down so as you can't even enjoy life.
    In contrast love of life can open up all the possibilites that fear closed off.
    You will look forward to each new day instead of dreading what may or may not happen.


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