The Whole World Has Gone After Him

by snowbird 57 Replies latest social current

  • Mary
    Remember "Ich bin einer Berliner" ?
    No. He said "Ich bin ein Berliner" He called himself a jelly doughnut.

    Actually, that's an urban legend.....JFK was announcing the USA's support for West Germany after the Commies erected the Berlin wall at East Germany. He allegedly made a grammatical error by saying "Ich bin ein Berliner," which, according to legend, refers to a jelly donut, not Berlin. This is a play on words because in fact, Kennedy's statement was grammatically correct.

    In German, the indefinite article ein is not necessary when speaking of a person's profession or residence but is used when speaking in a figurative sense as Kennedy did. Since he was not from Berlin but only declaring his support with its citizens, "Ich bin Berliner" is perfectly acceptable. And while those that live in Berlin do refer to themselves as Berliner; jelly doughnuts are called Pfannkuchen (pancakes) in and around Berlin----only in other areas of Germany do they call them "Berliners".

  • jaguarbass

    Because of this man.

    With his incompetence and stupidity He paved the way for Obama.

    You could call him Bush the baptist. Like John the baptist paved the way for Jesus.

  • snowbird

    Because of this man.

    With his incompetence and stupidity He paved the way for Obama.

    You could call him Bush the baptist. Like John the baptist paved the way for Jesus.

    The way you state that, it sounds like a bad thing.


  • jaguarbass

    The way you state that, it sounds like a bad thing.


    No, Sylvia, I dont think Obama is a bad thing.

    I voted for him and campaigned for him.

    I think its a very good thing that he was elected.

    But I do think Bush paved the way.

    If Bush wasn't such a terrible president, the time may not have come yet for a black man to be president.

    We probably would have had another stupid old white man.

    Everybody had to pull together and get Bush out of there. And that means McBush and McPalin and the republican party.

    Everyone had to put their differences aside.

    It is too bad that we had to be Bushwacked in order to make the progress we have made as a nation.

    But the progress we have made is a wonderfull thing for many people.

    America is the land of opportunity.

    Now, I am hoping we can recover from the Bushwacking.

    Bush was the great divider. Obama has the opportunity to be the great uniter.

    I'm just sorry Bush ever stole the election back in 2000 and wreaked all the havoc that he did and so is my bank account.

  • JWdaughter

    He is going to be POTUS, he the first black man to be leader of the free world, and he has cute kids? What's not to like?

    I didn't vote for him, but I am interested to see what will change for real-vs. many of the conspiracy theories OR the Messiah theories. I imagine he will be as much antichrist as Clinton was-and for all the drama of that administration, I don't think they destroyed the free world or anything like that, and they did do some good things.

    I hope good things happen.

  • jaguarbass

    On the presidential election , Bush called Barack Obama 's victory a "repudiation of Republicans."

    "I'm sure some people voted for Barack Obama because of me," said Bush, who leaves office with low approval ratings . "I think most people voted for Barack Obama because they decided they wanted him to be in their living room for the next four years explaining policy. In other words, they made a conscious choice to put him in as president."

  • jaguarbass
  • BizzyBee
    Hopefully, the rest of the world will end up hating him, which would mean he did good things for the people of the United States.

    Old, out-moded thinking. In a global community, we cannot afford to disregard the opinions or needs of the rest of the world.

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