My wife was in major JW mode last night, a few questions/comments I had

by insearchoftruth 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • insearchoftruth

    Any other thoughts here, I really need ideas to help keep her from dragging the 15 year old to the meetings.........he is her son from her first marriage, but he and I have a pretty good relationship and I know he is not wanting this, at all....

  • yknot
    Any other thoughts here, I really need ideas to help keep her from dragging the 15 year old to the meetings.........he is her son from her first marriage, but he and I have a pretty good relationship and I know he is not wanting this, at all....

    Inculcation can work both ways.

    If he doesn't believe then support and encourage his disbelief.

    Start a guy's night on Thursdays.

    Make plans for Saturday

    Attend another church on Sunday and invite both to compare.

  • jwfacts

    Doctrine is always a bad area to discuss as people end up believing what they want to believe. It is more effective to discuss the concept of whether a God only be interested in a small group of people. Would a loving God really kill the 3 billion people that have never heard of JWs at Armageddon, or is that indication of powerhungry leaders?

    For the trinity and quotes from the Trinity Brochure may help.

  • Honesty

    Sounds like your wife really likes the flavor of the koolaid she is drinking.

  • carla

    Keep that boy out of the org! What does the ex husband think of her trying to get his kid in this cult? If she already agrees that it should stand up to scrutiny then the boy should be able to look at both sides and decide for himself. Once he sees the scholarly dishonesty, the scandals, unbiblical, abuses, etc..etc... it is unlikely he would join even to make mom happy. Or you could use the head of the house routine and say the boy needs to experience ALL the religions and you will bring him to Temple, all the Churches, Hindu, etc.... that will keep her at bay for a short while. Keep stalling somehow and soon he will be 18.

    Usually it is the jw who brings up the Trinity and hell and of course God has name routine. Isn't that how they are trained? Personally I don't get it, if a jw can believe Jesus was Michael, then Jesus then Michael again (?) or however that works, why is the concept of a Trinity so difficult for them? If you really must do the Trinity conversation with her you may be interested in a book 'Yes, You Should Believe in the Trinity' a page by page response to the watchtower society's brochure by Christina R. Harvey.

    Isn't it maddening when they need to check with and elder or someone in the cong about everything first? Especially about YOUR medical care? Get your Medical Power of Attorney done (there are excellent ones you can get free off the internet, I just did mine and my attorney thought it was very good) it will give you peace of mind. Make sure whoever would be the first one called (besides her) knows your feelings and has a copy. Print out a copy for your wallet, fold it up and tape up the edges so she cannot snoop and label it in case you are in an accident. Has she signed her blood card? How do you feel about total strangers having authority over your spouses care? pisses me off and my jw never even told me. I don't even know these men or what they look like.

  • nelly136
    so I asked her if I needed to assign someone other than her for my medical power of attorney to ensure that if I am injured that the medical professionals would do ALL they could to preserve my life....she looked quite perplexed and said she will need to get back to me on that.

    as a couple of others have already said, this is a definite yes,it doesn't matter what answer she comes back with, you really need to make provisions and make sure you have it on your medical records with your doctor and a medical directive. if you have children you will need to make sure theyre protected too.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason
    I don't get why Trinitarians argue the TRINITY?

    Actually, I think it is the WTS that makes arguments and big deals on the subject.

    I think there are at least two reasons that the WTS makes such a deal of the 'Trinity". Firstly, they use it to form what I might call a "social marker". By making it a "them" against "us" thing, the WTS uses the topic to keep people within the group.

    Secondly, by attacking, the WTS uses the topic to deflect examination away from an examination of their own feeble position. To my knowledge, the WTS has never defined their differences between the divine nature of the Father and that of the Son. Or did the son have an angelic nature which then became a human nature and then became another nature? Remember, their semi-Arian position arose at the same time as the Trinitarian position. Indeed, even Arius would consider them heretical.

    I don't want to make this a discussion on the nature of deity, but I wanted to propose possible reasons for the WTS making such an issue of this subject.


  • StAnn
    Any other thoughts here, I really need ideas to help keep her from dragging the 15 year old to the meetings.........he is her son from her first marriage, but he and I have a pretty good relationship and I know he is not wanting this, at all....

    Now, this is a simple one. According to JWs, the husband is the head of the household. The wife has to be subject to you. You can tell her that, although you can't stop her from studying, you will NOT ALLOW her to take any of the children who live under your roof to the KH or involve them in any kind of WTS book study. Tell your stepson that, if his mother tries to convince him to go, that he is to say that Dad (or whatever he calls you) told him absolutely not and that he's not going to disobey you. That way, it takes the blame off of the son and lays it on you. And be firm. Don't allow her to take the boy. It doesn't matter that he's not biologically yours, as you are the head of the household.

    At times like these, you can use the WTS against her. Stand up and be a man, be the head of the house, the way the WTS has told her that you have a right to be. If she challenges you, remind her that she is to be submissive to her husband.

    Be a "real man" and don't let the kids get dragged into the Borg.


  • insearchoftruth

    Thanks, what really gets me is when she starts to discuss the Trinity as three Gods and I tell her that there is only one God, well she will then say that there is one Almighty God, Jehovah, Jesus is a Mighty God, so therefore two Gods, it is definitely circular reasoning.

    I think you are correct Doug, have a few topics that are defended beyond belief to deflect away from the strange and undefensible doctrines that a JW are just supposed to take as correct and believe.

  • StAnn

    ISO, I think you've mentioned this before, but you have read Captives of a Concept, right? Have you been able to get her to look at it?


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