My wife was in major JW mode last night, a few questions/comments I had

by insearchoftruth 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • insearchoftruth

    Well last evening, after a pretty normal afternoon, my wife went out and when she came back she was pretty hyped up about the truth....she started to ask me some questions.....she started with the Trinity (they gave her another copy of the Trinity brochure yesterday) and all I did there was ask her to look at the first four verses of John, the verses in Colossians where the WTS added (other) and then the first bit of Genesis....then simply asked the question...who created the heavens and the earth?

    Well of course she could not end with she started on the existence of hell.....well question for you all here, she read some of the recent public edition wt and it talks about Satan being subject to WTS teaching is there a 'hell' for Satan.

    Well not sure how we got on the topic of blood, but we did so I asked her if I needed to assign someone other than her for my medical power of attorney to ensure that if I am injured that the medical professionals would do ALL they could to preserve my life....she looked quite perplexed and said she will need to get back to me on that. I then asked her if she realized that the WTS now has blood fractions as a matter of conscience...well she said that the Bible is black and white on issues, there is no in between....well I asked her what are fractions then. I also asked her if the WTS and the Bible say that blood should not be stored, but poured out on the ground....she said she didn't know....well I asked her how fractions are derived.....

    Well now she was in a tail spin and I pretty much left her to go.....she is thinking, but I will guaranty you when she heads off to work, she will call the study sister or someone else in the congregation for information.

    We got on the topic of 'if it is the truth, it should stand up to inspection...', she agreed but refuses to look at any website other than the official JW website.

    Oh, one more thing, she claims she is going to be trying to look up the references in the Trinity book...that could be very interesting.....

  • Number1Anarchist

    I don't get why Trinitarians argue the TRINITY?

    I don't even believe the Trinity.

    Let God sort out what or who he is and stop the Madness with everyone having to believe the Trinity when you have no idea what God is or what he looks like!

    You've never been to heaven and your going off an interpreation which is no different than what the society does to prove there doctrine!

    God will explain what or who he is and not some human who has never seen him!

  • insearchoftruth

    I did not enter the discussion on the Trinity, she went there and I went away from it......she has been armed with all the basic tools....denial of Trinity, Paradise Earth and no hellfire......and the proof texts used for each of those topics....

    I may not agree with these doctrines, but they are not the dangerous ones, blood doctrine, disfellowshipping, and the present stance on education are the dangerous things that I see, as well as the separation of folks from their friends who are not JWs.

  • garybuss

    That's not my idea of a marriage. I'd rather live alone.

  • Number1Anarchist

    Oh ya, I agree!

    Your not the only one who struggles with this.

    My wife is still in as well, Born and raised and not open to anything other than what she reads from the FDS.

    Garybuss is right, i think eventualy it will be the end of my marriage because i want nothing to do with the Watchtower.

  • insearchoftruth

    Would not be surprised to have the same conclusion here.......I know too much to even tolerate the organization, and I would prefer to be out before she is too far in......

  • Finally-Free
    Well not sure how we got on the topic of blood, but we did so I asked her if I needed to assign someone other than her for my medical power of attorney to ensure that if I am injured that the medical professionals would do ALL they could to preserve my life....she looked quite perplexed and said she will need to get back to me on that.

    In other words, she has to ask a JW, probably an elder.

    If I were you I'd get a P/A assigned to someone else asap. In an emergency you want someone who will act quickly and decisively in your favour. You don't want to leave your health in the hands of someone who will run to JWs for advice before acting.


  • yknot

    Well I guess I am the only one whose husband married her because he loved her regardless of religious opinions...........

    Back to your question: Hell is the grave for JWs. The lake of fire is the final and eternal death.

    *** re chap. 40 pp. 293-294 pars. 29-30 Crushing the Serpent’s Head ***

    it is not logical to say that symbols, such as the wild beast and the false prophet, as well as death and Hades, could suffer torture in a literal way. Hence, we have no reason to believe that Satan will be suffering for all eternity. He is to be annihilated.


    The Greek word used here for "torment," ba·sa·ni´zo, means primarily "to test (metals) by the touchstone." "To question by applying torture" is a second meaning. (TheNewThayer’sGreek-EnglishLexiconoftheNewTestament) In the context, the use of this Greek word indicates that what happens to Satan will serve, for all eternity, as a touchstone on the issue of the rightness and righteousness of Jehovah’s rule. That issue of sovereign rulership will have been settled once and for all time. Never again will a challenge to Jehovah’s sovereignty need to be tested over an extended period of time in order to be proved wrong.—Compare Psalm 92:1, 15.

    You could still use WT publications to prove they can be wacky and cultish.

  • Number1Anarchist

    I feel your pain.

    You would think it would be easier to convince someone who is a study, but it seems they already got her brainwashed into thinking that the FDS has all the answers.

    My God this is an Evil Organization!

  • insearchoftruth

    You are so correct y-not, most likely a knee jerk reaction.....I will do anything I can to keep my wife, just seems so distant right now as she is 'studying...'


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