How I was appointed C.O.

by BonaFide 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • IronClaw
    They told me it looks bad to change your mind, but I really felt it was Holy Spirit.

    Thanks for your story. The society plays on the HOLY SPIRIT in many areas, like it really has anything to do with it. My brother for example would tell me how he used to put 100+ hours on his field service reports during the 70's even though he only had 30 or so hours, so he could become a servant. Sure enough within a year he was appointed a ministerial servant. Holy Spirit my ass. Good luck in your new future Bona.

    The Claw.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Thanks for sharing BF... it's true... the JW org in other countries is run very different...

  • Kosonen

    Thanks for your story. I happy that brothers like you share your experiences. I served in Latvia after the fall of communism. It was a good experience. Be sure Jehovah God will reward all who loves him and continues to do his will. If you understand the truth better than todays GB, do not worry. Let your light shine. Do not fear men. Just do God's will. Jehovah will replace people taking the lead among his people like he replaced in former times. Like in todays WT-study wich was about David and Saul.

  • jookbeard

    Kose,,? Whoosh

  • wannaexit

    And for those of you who don't believe me, go right ahead. I believe you

  • changeling

    Thank you for that expereince BF. I am American but grew up in another country (missionanry wannabe parents). I don't know where you served but I can attest to the fact that where I grew up, there was a lot less mercy shown in commitee issues. Same goes for the Spanish speaking congs. in the US.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Thanks for telling your story, Bonafide. Tell us more as you feel comfortable. You are right, a lot of us judge things according to where we live. Things can be a lot different in other countries.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    BF... I tend to believe your story. Based on stories I was told in MTS here in the US, your stories ring true... I know there are doubts by some here. It is just that your story in another country is so different than the expectation in the US. ..."service" in developing countries compared to "service" in Western countries is like comparing apples to oranges cows...both are food but two different things entirely...

    I have had opportunity to have correspondence and direct telephone conversation with a Third World Branch (India) and I will tell you that even they admitted that the way things are done in the local congos especially...and that the branch has to "work with" the local brothers to get them to act closer to what Brooklyn wants....a difficult task indeed.... as an example.....with such poverty in India..... bribery is a very very common happening with elders...even entire BOEs...esp if one family is the wealthy dominant family.....

    Since I know when/where you graduated MTS, I can at least confirm that part of your story (though of course per your request cannot reveal it here...)...though one of these days I would still like to talk with you and compare notes...

    Snakes ()

  • independent_tre

    Bonafide, thanks for sharing your story. Many of us r&f have no idea of how men are appointed to "take the lead". I always thought it took years of experience as an elder and at least some maturity beyond a twentysomething young man. Your story illustrates how much heirarchy, obedience and organization are really focused on, as opposed to how first century christians worshipped. I know how angry and disappointed I felt learning the truth about the truth, and I had only been in a few years. How did/do you handle it after all those years of service and leadership? How did you come to know this wasn't 'truth'?

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