Who is Jehovah?

by cameo-d 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • possible-san


    3. Satan is also Jehovah

    Probably, my thought is close to this explanation.
    But the reaction of your beginning has disturbed the my explanation.

    The Scriptures are teaching that the "source" of an evil spirit is Jehovah.

    Since Jehovah's Witnesses and fundamentalists cannot understand the meaning of these Scriptures, they do a strained interpretation.


  • frankiespeakin


    Any being magnificent enough to create all the stars and planets and galaxies and living creatures wouldn't be hung up on an obsessed with his "name."

    Only a chickenshit, petty little God would have such a hang up. Guess who is a chickenshit, petty little God, then?

    Yeah jehovah the chickenshit creator, wunderin where puts him in the pantheon of gods.

    Jesus said his name was "Hallowed"? as in hallowed be thy name?

  • reniaa

    hi laialeo I found something lately is it true jesus's name is spelt two ways in the NT as both yeshua and ious the greek way by paul? both quite different sounding in the 2 languages?

  • oompa

    Thank you, oompa.

    he is never once mentioned in the Christian Greek Scriptures

    This would be the New Testament, right? If Jehovah is not in the NT, then would this mean that Jesus never acknowledged him by name as his father? It seems that this would be an important matter.

    Were those same scrolls (of NT) written in any other language that might contain the name Yhwh?

    ya...the CGS....the NT.....but the point really is, that even JW's....the very very few that know it....admit that there are no ancient manuscripts of the NT that contain the divine name (read the heading Jehovah in the Insight book...not ANY!!! also....ya....jesus NEVER acknowledged his fathers name as jehovah, or yahweh, or yehowah...or anything else, but i was ok with this as I never called my dad by his actual name....but geeze....SOMEBODY in the NT would have said it!!!

    as far as those scrolls....only one book was supposedly written in hebrew and the rest in greek....jerome supposedly made a copy of this book and duh...no YHWH found!!....he then wrote the latin vulgate...and no divine name found....it was not there.....even if it had been, why would the divine name drop from 6 times per page in the OT, to less than 1 times per page in the NT of the NWT?....while in reality....it is never even there at all?.....the truth is, WTBS so loved the name jehovah....that they changed the bible....and dragged the god of the jews kicking and screaming into the christian part of the bible....

    btw...in 1950 the catholics made a big fuss about all the changes dubs made in their bible...and wt responded in the wt and newspapers in letter to the catholic monsignor who made such a fuss about it.....just check your wt cd..............................................................................................oompa

  • wobble

    Someone in another thread made the great point (If my memory seves me well) that the habit of not uttering the divine name,out of respect, was established long before the birth of Christ,and so had he uttered it ,there would have been a riot,

    So the WT's claim that it would have been read aloud is spurious.

    Perhaps one of the scholars on here can spread more light on this.


    love to all,


  • cameo-d
    btw...in 1950 the catholics made a big fuss about all the changes dubs made in their bible...and wt responded in the wt and newspapers in letter to the catholic monsignor who made such a fuss about it.....

    Does the pope have to approve all translations since they supposedly have the original scrolls? Who does one have to answer to in order to translate and publish a bible?

  • billie jean
    billie jean

    Could Jehovah be a fairy ??

  • Leolaia
    hi laialeo I found something lately is it true jesus's name is spelt two ways in the NT as both yeshua and ious the greek way by paul?

    No. It is spelled Iésous throughout.

    only one book was supposedly written in hebrew and the rest in greek....jerome supposedly made a copy of this book and duh...no YHWH found!!....

    Actually, it is quite clear that our gospel of Matthew was not written originally in Hebrew (e.g. it utilizes Greek texts like the LXX and Mark). There is an early tradition in Papias (first half of the second century AD) that claims that the apostle Matthew wrote the sayings of Jesus in Hebrew (Aramaic?), but this is not necessarily the same thing as our present gospel (as opposed to one of the sources for it). Later statements by church fathers about the Hebrew gospel show familiarity with the apocryphal Hebrew-language or Aramaic-language gospels that were based on Matthew but constituted new gospels in their own right (and thus were called by names like Gospel of the Hebrews, Gospel of the Ebionites, Gospel of the Nazoreans, etc.). A possible remnant of these gospels is preserved in Shem-Tob's Hebrew version of Matthew (dating to the 14th century AD), which is clearly a translation from the Greek. For instance, Shem-Tob's reading of Matthew 1:23 ("and you will call his name Emmanuel, that is, God with us") is redundant in Hebrew, whereas the explanation is necessary for the Greek in order to explain the meaning of the Hebrew name. And it is worth noting that Shem Tob does mark the divine name by way of an abbreviation, he with two marks.

    Someone in another thread made the great point (If my memory seves me well) that the habit of not uttering the divine name,out of respect, was established long before the birth of Christ,and so had he uttered it ,there would have been a riot,

    Well, for instance, the LXX translation of Leviticus 24:16 (published in the third century BC) explicitly forbids the pronouncing of the name:

    LXX: "But he that names (onomazón) the name of the Lord (kuriou), let him die the death".

    So in fact many did not pronounce the name because the OT itself forbade it. The LXX systematically substituted the name with kurios, as shown in earliest quotations from the LXX in Aristobulus and the Letter of Aristeas (from the second century BC), as well as in quotations of the LXX in the NT (cf. especially Romans 10:9-13 and 14:8-11 where it is obvious that Paul's version of the LXX had kurios instead of YHWH). Palestinian copies of the LXX (which was originally published in Egypt) however began to replace kurios with YHWH in paleo-Hebrew characters in the first century BC; the use of an entirely different script (unfamiliar to many) however suggests again that the name was not to be read as such. The intent seems to have been to keep the name itself in the text but not written in a way that it could be easily pronounced (as it would be if written in normal characters). The effect I suppose is similar to the use of Prince's symbol in print to refer to him, but which has no pronunciation of its own and would be read instead as "The Artist Formerly Known As Prince". Similarly, YHWH written in obscure letters (which in some copies became very distorted in form, indicating that copyists did not know what they were) would have been read as whatever surrogate of the name was then popular in the community.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The word Jehovah might be described as human ignorance in explanation of its use.

    Primitive man didn't have any other explanation on what caused calamitous events such as earthquakes,

    volcanic eruptions , floods etc. so it had to be caused by a God of some sorts.

    It plays well into the superstition and fear and of course human ignorance.

    The God of choice for some of those people in ancient times was Yahweh

  • Farkel

    :Jesus denied jehovah as his father?

    A non-mention is not a denial. Jesus obviously didn't think God's name was not important enough for humans to know, since he never mentioned it. Besides, if one uses the term The Creator, there can be no misunderstanding who is being identified.

    :Jesus's father remains a mystery?

    He's a mystery to everyone, even Jesus. Jesus asked Him on the Cross why his Father had forsaken him. He didn't know him any better than anyone else.

    :Jesus probably said Jehovah many times, but no one ever wrote it into the scrolls?

    That's ridiculous. Why would they not record the very name of God as uttered by the very only begotten son of God. Are you asserting that Jesus did use God's name in the one and only model prayer that Christians are to follow when praying to God, and that the writers of the Gospels redacted it? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    :What is your conclusion?

    It's all bullshit. As I already stated, only a petty little God would give a rat about a name.

    :Oh...who exactly had to authorize the NWT in order for it to be published?

    Fred Franz. He wrote the whole thing.


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