Interesting Local Needs Talk: Don't Invite Studies To "Our" Get Togethers

by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I heard that the most recent local needs talk was regarding the evils of having non Witnesses at "our" gatherings. Since there's nothing really for "us" to talk to "them" about, and since "their" conversation will not involve anything to do with "The Truth", we should guard against "worldly" association.

    It appears that the cult wants their members totally removed from anyone not a Witness. It's funny though, I knew a lot of unbelieving husbands that got invited to JW get togethers, studied, and became Witnesses.

    I guess the time is so short now that there's no use fooling around waiting for the worldy ones to come to the ark of salvation.

  • insearchoftruth

    Are local needs talks those given on a Sunday along with the WT study?

  • minimus

    No. Service Meeting on a Thursday.

  • prophecor

    ...and besides, you don't want to influence any outsiders with witnesses oft'times questionable behavior, don't ya' know?

  • minimus

    Maybe they don't want to stumble the worldy with their drinking??

  • prophecor

    ...not to mention the break dancing and rap music, oyvey!!!

  • eyeslice

    Why am I not surprised! They are totally paranoid, every one not a witness is a potential threat to them.

  • caliber
    On the other hand it does rather belie the anti-cult claim that JWs love bomb people to convert them. This is the opposite of love bombing strategy: treat 'em mean in order to attract them into formal association I suppose

    But the love-bombing only starts as you pass through the KH doorway threshold ! You don't reel in the fish til he's

    hooked and tugging on the line ! ....... LOL ~~Cal

  • lonelysheep

    I guess increasing enrollment is no longer a desire!

  • VM44

    Did the local needs talk actually say "studies" could not be invited to JW get-togethers?

    A "book study" person is showing an interest in learning the Truth, so why exclude them?

    Something isn't right here.

    What about "un-baptised publishers"? Would they also be excluded?

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