You can effect a Tipping Point.....

by sweet pea 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Please prove to me I'm not posting in the graveyard shift......

    Besty and I were talking about Password Protected and family's exit this last few weeks. We are full of admiration for the way that they have left with dignity and obviously made many think.

    They have not faded, they had a good repuation until the very last moment - Mark was an elder - but they stopped and made the decision to be up front and face the elders in a meeting. They were honest, showed true integrity and were prepared to face the consequences of losing friends and family. They have a fantastic life of freedom ahead of them albeit bittersweet considering their loss.

    If so many were to follow their lead, so much damage could be done to this organisation and many more could be free. Why can't more of you be honest with yourselves and your families/friends? If you're pretending and have one foot in each camp, who are you really helping?

    Since we dared to leave, two friends of mine have been able to break free of the cult - I'm not sayng we had anything to do with that but part of me can't help but think maybe subconsciously we helped the green light go on to leave.

    Please, please make a stand and help show up this phoney religion for what it is. You will gain more friends and family that aren't conditional and may help others to be free and really happy and help those of us that have lost our loved ones, get them back.

    A few years ago, people took a lot longer to leave - they went to the museums to do their research, they waited for forbidden material to arrive from other countries and they had no network of support. The Net came along and changed everything - the information became widely available for people to make an informed decision and the support was there - the overwhelming advice was to fade.

    Maybe we are on the verge of a change and Password Protected is at the head of the curve - a new breed of people prepared to stand up and speak up and say the Emperor has no clothes.

    How about it people? When is enough, enough?

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    What I have observed since arriving here is that each person is an individual and needs to do things at their own pace. It took me many months to even speak to my husband about my apostasy. Some who came to this site after me appeared to be on a far faster track.

    I would love to leave as part of an en masse exit but realistically we couldn't organise a pi$$ up in a brewery. It's not a strong point of ex-JW's.

    I just wish newbies could still register and benefit from the support here. I hope the new site is up and running soon.

    Hmmm, that turned into a nit of a ramble....

  • slimboyfat

    Why should I? My aunt would not talk to me, it would upset some others, and it would cause problems with my wife's family.

    I have not "found Jesus" or anything, so really what's the point in me rocking the boat?

    Jehovah's Witnesses don't have the truth. I admit that came as a bit of a shock a few years ago when I found out. But over time I realise that is not so unusual. All religions believe weird stuff, Jehovah's Witnesses are not special in that respect. They have some bad points and some good. Most are friendly people.

    If I was going to effect a mass walkout by my leaving which would help others lead more fruitful lives outside the Witnesses then it might be worth considering, but it is simply not going to happen.

    If you have jumped and are happy then all well and good for you. It doesn't mean everyone should.

  • StAnn

    Mark and Gail have eachother. And they have a new church family in their baptist church. I imagine that makes it easier. It's much harder to go it alone.


  • llbh

    You are slightly missing the point of the internet here.

    As can be seen from the above,we are all individuals, with differing circumstances, we therefore will leave at differing rates.

    The imternet enables us to exchange ideas and thoughts. In the course of this some of us do get to meet each other for further encouragement, as when you and Paul so kindly arranged the Covent Garden Apostfest last year..

    Therefore as we change . from my observation , and personal sojourn, realise the truth about the wts, and then help others to leave, and show the others the same.

    The tipping point thus comes when we come to this realisation, and move on and help others to do the same.

    I know personally of one very well known, and former poster here who spent a long time waiting for his wife to join him in his life post wts; and happily he got his wish.

    So our differing rates of exit can be seen as advantageous to ourselves, and the diaspora that is the ex jw community.

    Regards David

  • besty

    I think we are all positioned somewhere on the continuum between equilibrium and radical change.

    Wherever you find yourself, or are positioned, on that line will be the standpoint you seek to justify.

    My 0.02: Nobody built a statue to the man who said "It can't be done" and not enough people stood up for the Jews in pre-war Germany. When you need someone to stand up for you, beware, there may be nobody left to do so.

    Or to put it another way, what would be the effect if everybody would follow my example?

    @SBF - that is one compelling aunty you have there - any pictures?

  • The Scotsman
    The Scotsman

    First - I have to "totally" agree with slimboyfat on this one.

    Sweetpea - you said that PasswordProtected and family left with dignity. Did they??? As I have told PasswordProtected personally; he will have been disgraced, gossiped about and possibly slandered by his exjw friends - no honourable way out of the org exists!

    When people DA or DF - what is the price they pay? The loss of family - surely a loss beyond measurement.

    We have faded and it has worked out just fine - no hassle from JWs, they no longer have "any" hold on us what so ever and on top of all that we still have contact with ALL of our families. Sure, for some, DA DF may be the only options; but to suggest it as a course of action to be pursued to somehow create a "tipping point" in the org is simply someones dreams!!!


    JWs look at people who leave the org as if they are idiots, to be shunned, faithless and dead at Armageddon. Surely we have a greater chance of getting someone out the org if we maintain some level of contact.

    As for Mr and Mrs Scotsman - I feel we have got out of the WTBTS with "a little" dignity - but only because we "did not" DA.

    If people want to DA, good on them and I wish them all the best. But we have managed to escape by not DAing - and I am proud of that.

    We have all got out of the org - lets just get on with our lives.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    You have more chance of 'tipping' people while you are still a JW in good standing.

    If you really want to inflict damage on a congregation, plan on being the LAST one to leave.



  • ninja


  • ninja

    hey besty and sweepy......if I do go further .....and d.a myself.....what then? and my mrs work together every day....(bit of a strain now...worse if I'm booted)

    the dubs are round her just now like flies round dog her(encouraging?!)phone calls all day.....

    we have 3 kids and a house and a small business together

    she has already said I'm satanic and she's never leaving the JW''s getting so bad I told her if she wanted me to leave home for good....I would leave the house,business and money coming from my mothers house to her and the kids to make sure the weans are okay.......leaving me with zilcho my questions to you are.....will you buy me a tent to stay in?? (preferably a gelert 4 man pop up tent....I'm a choosy barsteward)....can you recommend a good rubbish dump for provisions??....a good internet pigeon....(preferably wi/fly) to keep up with you all

    .........oh....and I can tell you the gossip/slander mill is in full swing with mark and mrs has recently compared gail to eve....(gail has never done anything wrong to my wife either)...(don't worry gail.....I stuck up for you...I said you weren't as bad as eve....more a jezebel)....he he kidding.......well it would be funny if it wasn't so serious....

    please make any cheques postal orders to ...satan...possilpark rubbish depot....glasgow....cheers.......beelze..dub

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