My smart son and his response to his grandma! re: no more book study

by Texasgurl 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Texasgurl

    My son, who is 17, saw my mother while out in service on Saturday and was shocked at the way she acted. He said she smiled and jumped out of the car, gave him a big hug and looked at the others in the car and said how much she loved him. Needless to say, he was not fooled by her complete FAKE attitude and the show she put on for everyone. See, all she can do when she sees us is complain or act sad because we are not JW's anymore (I thinks she's jealous of us, lol) and NEVER hugs any of us. He was definitely weirded out!

    She proceded to tell him about the new NO bookstudy's been at their home for

    20+ years.

    I always thought it was a way for my dad to feel more important, having the BS at his house, but anyway, she told him that it was so they could have more family study time (yeah, like my parents study together, HAH!) and because the economy is SO bad right now, it makes it easier to not spend the gas money for another meeting. My son was NOT FOOLED! I am so proud of him!

    He came back at her with the examples he heard at the assemblies about brothers in Africa and other poor areas who walked 30 miles through dangerous terrain, through crocodile infested waters and in the heat........they put Jehovah first and went to their meetings no matter what. He told her that is a dumb reason to cancel a meeting, if anything, they should be adding another if things are that hard on everyone in the "last days"..........SMART KID!

    I am a proud momma today! :) :)

  • halcyon

    I seem to remember tough economic times in the 70s ... some in the 80s as well .... we still went to bookstudy!

  • lovelylil

    Good for your son! I wish I could have seen grandmas face, I bet it was priceless. Lilly

  • momzcrazy

    I would have loved to see her reaction!

    It drives my mom-in-law crazy that we know of changes before she does! My girls told her about the bookstudy change way before it was announced. She said that the Society would never do that!

  • Gayle

    It's wonderful when the youth can see the 'truth' of such things clearly!

  • Texasgurl
    I don't know how my mom really reacted to that. It probably increased her disdain for me as her "apostate" daughter who is putting ideas in his head. She is all about the mentality that if you question anything, or even bring up a point that negates something said (although true) then you are having "apostate thoughts". She is the queen of guilt, feeling it and bestowing it upon others, especially my 17yr old son, and I'm glad to see he's finally SICK of it and has it figured out!
  • StAnn

    I wish he'd loudly said, "Grandma, what a surprise! You're hugging me! You haven't hugged me or shown any other affection to me since we stopped going to meetings! If this is how you act when you're in service, you should pioneer!"

    Or something like that.

    Kudos on raising your kid right.


  • jwfacts
    He came back at her with the examples he heard at the assemblies about brothers in Africa

    Good on your son. My wife said the same thing to my mother when she was saying how reducing the meeting was to make it easier on the brothers. I was really impressed to hear her tell me that, since my wife has no interest in the JWs or exJWs. If my wife and your son can see through the Watchtower BS, I wonder how many JW's are thinking about it as well.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Who knew teenagers could be that smart?!?!? Good for him!

    I hope Grandma was wearing her Depends(tm).

  • Snoozy

    Excellent comeback!

    They could have/ should have walked.......


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