Has anyone done a cleansing fast?

by frozen one 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar

    I once had an employee who did the salt water fast--she ate nothing for 3 days and only sipped salt water. I don't know if she felt better but I do know she kept crapping her pants.

  • sacolton

    Yeah, the SWF (salt water fast) goes right through you. Better have a toilet closeby.

  • snowbird

    You sleep in the garage tonight, Sylvia. And no candles!

    Gregor, you hush your mouth!

    After reading about jenkem, I will definitely have to be careful.


  • The Missus
    The Missus

    Oh why oh why Frozen One did you have to suggest NOT looking at the pictures. Of course curiosity got the best of me and I had to google it . . . been dry heaving ever since *burp*

  • Robdar


    Yeah, the SWF (salt water fast) goes right through you. Better have a toilet closeby.

    It was gross. I cannot believe that after her first "accident" she invited me to do the fast with her. As if! The gal was flakey but very sweet. I eventually had to let her go.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I once had the E coli cleanse. Eat contaminated food and crap your pants for 48 hours

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    Thanks for all the replies. Reading through them was a bit like reading the various sites I visited - cleansing is great, cleansing is quackery, cleanse for a couple of days, cleanse for a couple of weeks, etc. Thanks for the heads up that the photos are not evidence of actual results. I was wondering how in the world that much "stuff" would accumulate in the gut. Speaking of photos -

    Oh why oh why Frozen One did you have to suggest NOT looking at the pictures. Of course curiosity got the best of me and I had to google it . . . been dry heaving ever since *burp* LOL! I wrote that just hoping that someone would post this reply. Thank you! You made my day. Someone sent me a PM (thanks for taking a personal interest) asking what my gal was experiencing and I'll answer to everyone still reading. She feels bloated all the time and has developed what appears to be a "baby bump." In fact I noticed the "baby bump" a couple of months ago and had a few sleepless nights because of it. I didn't want to just blurt out the obvious question because if she were preggers I would hope she'd tell me without me questioning and if she were not knock up...well women tend to not appreciate being asked if they are pregnant when they are not. Then my gal told me she had made a doctors appt because she needed to find out what was going on and also she was getting tired of being asked if she were expecting..."Which I'm not. People just come up with the craziest BS!" She also says her joints hurt but she attributes that to colder weather. I attribute it to her getting older (she is 42), but I will not be pointing that fact out. She did say she has gained a few pounds not that I noticed. Really. Other than noticing her boobs are a little bigger. She went to the doctor and the doctor(s) actually did a pregnancy test ("We need to rule out the possibilities."), a pelvic exam, an ultra-sound on some of her innards, and some other tests and everything has been normal. She's going back for more testing in a couple of weeks. In the meantime she is kicking around the cleansing fast idea.

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    I forgot a couple of details from the question I recieved. She is in really great shape, exercises regularly, and doesn't eat a lot of junk food. I did ask if her pooping had changed recently and she said that she had not noticed anything.

  • abbagail

    Thank you for that wonderful personal experience, abbagail.

    Now friends, stand, if you are able, and let us sing song number....

    Uh, sorry. :-)

    Ha, Octarine Prince, funny! and you're welcome!

  • abbagail

    How ironic "Open Mind" is not so open afterall! Such BORES!

    I've read enough of that Bennett quack over the years to know he's a jerk. Besides I don't need to go running to a guy like him to figure out what is good/healthy and what is not. I do my own research.

    And oh wow, so he finally agrees eating FRUITS & VEGGIES is a good thing! Well slap my knee! If he would read Genesis 1 he would have known it eons ago.

    So feel free to run to your human "experts" for your advice, and I'll take my "guidance" from the Highest Authority who knows our bodies inside out and that pure water fasting is the best way to clean out and heal anyone's body. Who cares about your "debating skills" if you don't believe in God? You guys always think that "proves" everything. I got news: It doesn't.

    Again, who is smarter IN MY BOOK? Definitely GOD over Bennett.

    And on top of all that, I lived it, have done it, have proven it works. I dare Bennett to do an extended water fast. Ha!


    Now on to a much more PLEASANT subject... Anybody need a job out there? I visited one of the best fasting and health facilitiies' website since I posted here earlier, and I see they have an Employment Opportunity if anybody is a "health nut" and experienced for this type of position. Check it out, it would be a fantastic job! These guys are great! : http://www.healthpromoting.com/Staff/Employment/employment.htm ("Bennett types" need not apply as they would never be able to obtain the OPEN MINDED MINDSET for this type of environment!)

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